Dallas murderer was a “good son” until the Army

| July 12, 2016

According to the Wall Street Journal, that murderer fellow in Dallas who shot a dozen police officers didn’t go bad until he put a uniform in the Army Reserve;

Friends described the shooter as once an affable man who told jokes. The gunman’s mother, Delphene Johnson, told the Blaze that her son became a “hermit” after he returned from the military. She said that he didn’t recall any specific event during his time at the military, which included a deployment in Afghanistan, but she said he was disappointed by the experience.

“He was a good son,” she said…XXX was discharged from the military after facing a sexual-harassment allegation.

“The military was not what XXX thought it would be, he was very disappointed, very disappointed,” Delphene Johnson said. “But it may be that the ideal that he thought of our government—of what he thought the military represented—it just didn’t live up to his expectation.”

I wonder what he thought being a carpenter in the Army Reserves was supposed to be? Of course, this was a guy who had panties mailed to a love interest in a war zone and stole her panties when he had the opportunity. I also wonder how many Army Reservist carpenters didn’t shoot any cops this week.

Category: Crime

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Green Thumb

I am surprised Otchy did not use this defense.


HE WAS A CARPENTER, NOT A COMBAT SOLDIER. Carpentry and Masonry Specialists are Combat Service Support personnel. They support the Combat Support. He likely spent all of his time behind the wire, building B-Huts, office buildings, and other structures; not going on patrols, conducting KLEs or MedCaps, or clearing buildings… I was wondering how long it would take for the “He was just a misunderstood, PTSD addled Combat Vet/The Army made him a Baby-Killer” circus to start… Ugh.


CNN has a story today that clearly states “Military trained sniper” when they are detailing how the robot took him out. They clearly are doing all they can to make this guy look like Rambo/John Matrix/et al….I threw up after reading it….then kicked my computer because I threw up on it.


CNN says he was John Matrix and Rambo’s love child….see the diagram labeled “The fight against military trained sniper” in the middle of the webpage per the link http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/12/us/dallas-police-robot-c4-explosives/index.html


I forget where I read it, but his deployment was to Bagram Airfield. He was sent home early for allegedly stealing panties from a female corporal.

Just found this: after hearing that Johnson was discharged for sexual harassment, Ken Moore of the Collective Black People’s Movement labeled him “unfit for recruitment.”


It’s easy to condemn a dead man who can not rebuke negative comments. SOMEBODY has to be able to say something good about the deceased, so here goes……At least it wasn’t Manning’s panties he had stolen!


jarhead, where’s your spew warning?!?! Geez!


That shit’s funny right there.


Ewwww! LOL.


He was disappointed the Army wouldn’t support his predilection to prey on the weak? What a surprise. Weak mutha fukka.

The Other Whitey

Every shitbag’s momma cries to the heavens about what a good boy the murderer/rapist/otherwise shitbag was. He was certainly an asshole before he joined the Army. Just momma’s way of ducking responsibility, and the shitbag obviously learned from the example. I wonder if his racism had a similar genesis?

Guess what, lady? Your boy is burning in Hell right now. Fuck him and fuck you.


I thought the same thing too. Blame someone else instead of placing the blame where it should be, the guy that murdered police officers.

He “couldn’t remember his time in the military” because he left it in disgrace. He left in disgrace because he made a series of piss poor judgements. This didn’t start in the Army, but there’s a good chance that his Army leadership tried to get him towards exercising proper judgement.

He started these piss poor judgements before he joined. Either his family, friends, and community failed him as he grew up, or he failed to learn from any of their attempts to set him on a straight path.

The justification he had, with things not turning out the way he expected, is baloney. He signed the contract, the Army had expectations of him fulfilling his contractual and other obligations that comes with military service. He failed on his end. His opinions of how the Army Reserve actually turned out for him doesn’t justify anything that he did.

Attempting to shift blame runs parallel to justifying what essentially is someone saying, “I want to have things my way, and it’s everybody and his brother’s fault that I’m in this predicament, not me!”

The only person, that his family and friends should blame, for his actions is him.


The army should have put him in a cell with Berghdal. Then he would have a reason to hate white people.


From what I’ve read about what his sister said about him murdering people because of their skin color and what they did for a living, I call bullshit on what mom is saying. He was a shitbag and his sister is a shitbag. Fuck them, with frozen pineapples, dipped in asbestos.


how about a dildo dipped in iron filings?


That would work, too.


I’m saddened he was disappointed with the Army. I don’t suppose mommy thought his actions were the result of his being a scumbag loser and skivvy sniffer. Nah, probably not. It was the Army.

I checked with my Army vet buddies recently. Most all were ‘disappointed’ with the Army in some capacity. Surprisingly, all are alive. None were blown to pieces by a robot last week.


I was regularly disappointed by the Navy, I have no idea why I signed up twice. I must have had a brain cramp when I that.

But here I am, alive and well, and still cranking out silly stuff.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

So was I. I was hoping the Corps would change and bend to the way I wanted it to. I gave up hope after 22 1/2 years. Slow learner I guess. 🙂

Hack Stone

I used to sleep ‘Til afternoon. I woke up to an easy tune. Then I enlisted. My, my, how things have changed. How things have changed.


I got paid by the Navy and am grateful for my NEC (MOS) because my heart, mind, body, and soul are Marine Corps Green.

Only reason I stayed for 24 years.

(No disrespect intended to anyone)


I loved soldiering and being a soldier. I loved soldiers. Period. They were my family. Hated the shit out of the Army sometimes though.

2/17 Air Cav

Where did this story come from? Did Mommy call the WSJ and say, “I want to talk to a reporter about my baby’s military service to create the suggestion and the fiction that it made him into a cold-blooded killer.” Maybe she wanted to have the world believe the murderer’s desire to kill whitey was instilled in him during BCT or carpebtry school. Or maybe a sick fuck at the Wall Street Journal named Alejandro Lazo decided this angle was a winner and reached out to Murderer’s mommy to pursue it.

MSG Eric

I saw the interview on the news a couple nights ago. The interview was done on video and it looks like the family came up with this winner:

He was fine and he told jokes before he went into the army. He said they lied to him, everyone was lying to him.

Basically, “He was a good boy, he never hurt nobody. Its the Army’s fault he did this.”

The Other Whitey

So he’s a “martyr” because he was an outspoken racist who murdered police officers with zero connection to any of these incidents in a city hundreds (or thousands) of miles and several states away from any of these incidents? Really? So how about if cops in Seattle or Boise or Albany shoot some random Black dude in payback? Because that would be the same exact Goddamn thing.

Fucking twat.


Seriously? A martyr??! Miss Alabama, you ignorant slut. You need to STFU.


His name was Marty?

2/17 Air Cav

The thing about reporters is that the questions they ask often are designed to elicit the answers they would like. So, in this case, if a rather sympathetic reporter calls and say he would like to do a story on sonny boy regarding how the military may have changed him for the worse, it’s no surprise that mommy jumped at the opportunity to shift her son’s evil away from him, away from the New Black Panther Party, and toward the military. I get it. I don’t blame murderer’s mommy. I blame Alejandro Loser Lazo who, by the way, looks like a fag and proudly points out that he used to work for the WaPo (2 years) and has been published in the NY Times. Anyone who thinks the WSJ is a conservative financial newspaper hasn’t been paying attention.

2/17 Air Cav

“However, James, now a TV host for Miami station WPBT2…” She’s a TV host now on admin leave as her employer does damage control And the Miss America people pointed out that this ditz does not represent the pageant. Oh yes she does. She also represents WPBT2.

2/17 Air Cav

Ugh. That was a reply to IDC SARC’s link and point.


My middle son was affable and funny and a joker too before he joined the Army. Then after a tour in Iraq, he went to Korea, came home on mid-tour leave, met a girl, got all twitterpated, purposely missed his flight so he could spend more time with her while simultaneously ignoring my warnings that he was going to be in a shit load of trouble because a combat patch doesn’t protect you from article 15’s. Got to Korea, arty 15 was waiting, he refused to own up to his mistake, ended up becoming a anti-government conspiracy nut. Went AWOL got caught, and somehow ended up with a GCD. Came home an angry young man, and it was all HIS fault. Still refuses to own it. This Dallas shooter is no different He was a fuck up who couldn’t own up to his dumbfuckery, and blamed whitey, or some damned thing. Fuck.Him.


Dang CW. I thought I was the only one who had an idiot son. Glad to see I’m not alone.

Mine is still the same way, everybody else but not his fault, and turns 40 in a few weeks.


Crap. I meant to hit reply and hit report instead. PLEASE disregard that report option. My middle son went full retard with every conspiracy you can think of. Decided he was above military and civil law, tried to desert, failed at “going off the grid”, turned himself in…got brought before his battalion commander, told the BBC he didn’t recognize his authority, told him to fuck off, automatic field grade article 15, they put him I the booby hatch for a couple months and discharged him. So fucking humiliating.

Pinto Nag

Your son desperately needs mental help. He’s not just being a turd. Something in his head has gone sideways. If you have any influence with him at all try to get him to a doctor or counselor.

USMCMSgt (Ret)

^^^^ What she said. That’s excellent advice.


He resisted all attempts at mental health help. He was so unbalanced after he got discharged, that after a month of dealing with his shennanigans, I sent him packing. He mooched off of his mom for awhile, then he left for Australia where he now lives with his biological father. He has cut off all contact with me.

Pinto Nag

At least you tried. That’s all you can do. It’s terrible to watch that happen to someone; something similar happened to a friend of mine. He also got involved with conspiracy theorists and websites. It sent him straight over the edge.


I swear the internet can be a tool of the the devil. I love my boy, but this shit has made him unreachable, he completely immersed himself in a make believe world, all because he could not accept punishment for his own stupidity. Breaks my heart.

A Proud Infidel®™

EVERY family seems to have one or two. I have a nuthatch sister who is like that as well as a tool of a First Cousin.

MSG Eric

Yep, older half-sister here. Don’t talk to her anymore about anything. Even put in my will “she gets shit and can’t contest”.


That made me chuckle.


Godammit! I did it AGAIN! Disregard the report option…AGAIN. My mom was a lefty loon. Kept a copy of Soviet Life on the coffee table the whole time I was a kid.


At least there was one remarkable aspect of your son’s case. He had a father that was apparently part of his life. Damned more important issue than those who’s momma has to do all the blaming.


True dat.


I’m certain that Mrs. Manson would say her son was a good boy right up until that whole mass-murder thingy.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

I am not too sure about that. I read she traded him for a pitcher of beer when he was eight years old. She knew a bargain when she saw it. She might have emeliorated him in order to get a better deal.

A Proud Infidel®™

Here we go again with Momma playing the Poor Me® Victim Card while crying crocodile tears. Didn’t T. Martin’s parents do the same? WTF about his comments about joining ISIS, the NBPP and all that other shit? Hell I had an attitude about the U.S. Army more than once during my AD days as well as on deployments, ditto with those I’ve served with and NONE of us have gone on murdering rampages. I say DITTO to those espousing the idea that he was a shitbag before he came in.


Same here, I got my tude when the Army stuck me in coach, and not first class, when they flew me to Germany. Then they made me wear green the whole time there. Well, except for when we were off-duty and went out on the town.
Then, to compound their hate, they flew me home in coach, after everything I’d done.
XXX(won’t type his name, fuck him) and his sister are shitbags. Sound like the rotten apples didn’t fall far from the tree.


I bet Ann Dunham would say the same thing.


Hahaha, I see what you did there. Kudos


Yep, she would likely lena that way


“The military was not what XXX thought it would be, he was very disappointed, very disappointed”

Uh, I will probably get put on some list if I mention it but I, too, was a bit disappointed by the military. It wasn’t all that I thought it would be, either.

To be fair, though, there were a few other childish fantasies I had that were also destroyed by contact with reality. *sigh* Growing up ain’t for sissies.



and some people just don’t grow up and become responsible adults.

MSG Eric

Oh come on, you gonna tell me your recruiter lied to you too? As if that EVER happens….

J.R. Johnson

So everyone that joined the Army didn’t get to be an Ass Kicking Ranger, that did missions in the dead of the night, flying to exotic lands, and came home to play golf with their buddies?
Man, my recruiter told me exactly what it was going to be like… after I had to walk out of the MEPS station and find him because all they wanted me to do was be a Satellite Repair specialist (yeah they are in the astronaut program… wink, wink), or Foreign Language Intercept Specialist! They had Airborne Ranger Cook on the list too, but since it didn’t include Military Freefall School and Combat Diver School as part of the contract I passed.
Seriously though. I had certain expectation coming in, and mostly they came true. It was just all the waiting patiently in between (and occasionally polishing a floor or two) that was the real eye opener. They only show the Sexy stuff in the movies… not the “I only want to sleep dude, we will play golf tomorrow if I am awake!” that is reality after being up all night to execute that mission half way around the world.


A few things:
I don’t recall anyone getting smoked by the police in Alabama lately so what’s her name needs to STFU.
Your son was a worthless piece of amphibian shit. The Army didn’t fuck him up, you did. Know what that makes you? That’s right a bigger piece of amphibian shit so you need to STFU.
As a former ARNG guy and someone who deployed a couple of times I’m about sick of all of this. It’s like a rabbit having sex with a skunk, I haven’t had all I want but I’ve had all I can take.


Ahhh the rabbit and the skunk…..classic. Fuck him, 6 yrs and a PFC??? Yes he was a worthless piece of mole forskin. He should’ve suck started a shotgun and left the rest of the world unaware of his miserable existence


Hell even I zoomed up to E-4 in the ARNG in 3 years. Never went any further until I got out 3 years after that. You have to be a special kind of assbag to only make E-3 in a USAR unit.

Semper Idem

Wow; another dindu nuffins blaming God, the government, and Great Caesar’s Ghost for something that their ‘good chile’ did.

I like what Bill Cosby said to these babymamas who whine about how their ‘good chile’ doesn’t deserve to be in prison. He said something like ‘yes, he does deserve to be in prison – and so do you’. Excellent call, Dr Cosby.


Just a little irony there, when Cosby says someone belongs in prison.


Especially considering precisely what the subject of the article here (the Dallas shooter) did to get tossed from the Army.

Wrench Monkey

As soon as I saw shit stick was in the Army reserves and had been to Afghanistan I knew that was going to be the narrative. Just skip the part about being a part time soldier and getting sent home early for sexual harassment (rear detachment failed there). Let’s hammer Army vet,Army vet, Army vet!!! Has anyone heard what he was doing when he wasn’t playing soldier?

Old 1SG, US Army (retired)

Yep, he was a good Joe… caught the PTSD while hitting on fellow soldiers in Afghanistan…


It’s well known in medical circles that it’s possible to catch the PTSD by sniffing skivvies. Probably what happened to this mouth breather.


PTSD: Panty Transmitted Stank Dementia

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yep another wonderful human until he wasn’t….

This shit is so sadly predictable it’s ridiculous, same stupid shit about the Keith Childress shooting…parents talking about their wonderful boy, who was on the run in Vegas from sentencing in Arizona for home invasion, armed robbery, etc…

All these shitbags are wonderful people, except they’re not and that’s the reality. Their parents want to pretend some shitbag is a great kid when he’s just another shitbag waiting to perpetrate crimes against society. Some of these parents need to do the rest of us a favor and sterilize themselves and then terminate their hellspawn before said spawn commit these acts.

None of this happens in a vacuum, it’s usually family refusing to act or refusing to admit their kid/sibling/whatever has a problem that won’t be resolved peacefully.


“…sterilize themselves and then terminate their hellspawn…”



OK, Mommy – let’s table the question of whether it was the Army that caused him to quit being such a good little boy. What exactly did YOU do to discourage his participation in the NBPP, a group that even the SPLC labels as racist and anti-Semitic? Anything at all??


B Woodman

That’s one problem with any court proceedings filed when the perp is a minor. Usually those records are sealed, and we have no way to tell what (especially) this asshat did as a minor, before he entered the Big Bad Mean Military. (/sarc)

It would be interesting to be able to take a peek behind the curtain and see what he did (and what his momma did and allowed) that led up to this.


Have a younger brother who joined the Navy to avoid jail. That was actually a thing in the 60s and at least the early 70s. He spent about a year in and other than boot camp I don’t believe he ‘worked’ two consecutive days on AD. Between the brig, restriction, San Diego jail and Mexican jail, he didn’t have time to contribute anything. I don’t know how he pulled it off, but he got a General. I think the Navy simply wanted him gone as quickly as possible. I’ve seen his 214. It’s legit. He’s too stupid to gundeck a 214.


I am remembering the video a while back, of a mother who spotted her son wearing a ski mask at some sort of a protest or other “noisy” gathering.

The woman was whaling on that kid, pointing out the error of his ways and slapping the snot out of him.

Go girl! That kid might actually live past 25.

C. Long

If any good can come from this perhaps it’s a dialogue about the need for more thorough mental screening\care both before and after military service. No net would be perfect but more time spent on making sure they are stable people before we train them to kill would prevent violent crimes in the future as well as more follow up after we set them loose. Especially in cases like this were the person in question showed warning signs before discharge.

It would be money and time well spent.


Oh shut the fuck up. He didn’t kill anyone with a hammer or a masonry trowel. That’s what he was trained for. Basic rifle marksmanship does not equal trained killer. Plain and simple, this turd was a degenerate panty sniffer. He made poor decisions, he was dealt with. After he got the boot he let himself be poisoned with a bullshit narrative, made more poor decisions and again, was dealt with.

Just because he did something monumentally stupid after the Army doesn’t make it the Army’s fault. By your logic, I can blame the Army for my ex wife. Where’s my check?

C. Long

He was taught to shoot like all soldiers are. Tell the family of the cop he shot in the back that he wasn’t an effective killer. I’m not saying that his training in the military was his sole source of skill with his weapon but rather questioning his being allowed in the military in the first place. Furthermore I question the wisdom of his being shown the door, after showing signs of being a deviant, without any oversight afterwards.

I fail to see how anyone can make the case against having more stringent mental health requirements\screening before and after military service. Unless of course it means you wouldn’t have been allowed to join in the first place.

And something tells me your ex-wife is all on you. Perhaps self preservation?


I seriously LOL when people call for more stringent mental examinations of military members, gun applicants etc. (Like there’s a magic screening form.)

Out of the thousands of Mental Measurements in the Mental Measurements yearbook, which one has efficacy in predicting with any demonstrated reliability that an individual will at some point pick up a gun and shoot innocent people? The answer is none of them. The vast majority of people actually diagnosed with psychotic disorders never kill a single person, let alone commit mass or serial murders.

The standard forms, i.e. SF88, SF93,Contain sections involved in psychiatric examination. Everyone fills out the self report sections and the clinical sections are evaluated and finally signed by a medical professional each and every time a physical is conducted including release from active duty. Recruiters/MEPS even has two additional forms DD 2807-1 and 2807-2 which must be filled out prior to the entrance physical. (if you look at them they are very similar to the 88/93)

The first step in psychiatric upgrade if anything is done would be to make reporting by the states mandatory for psychotic disorders. Right now reporting to NICS by the states is voluntary. This would still not be likely to decrease murders rates at all since as previously stated, most diagnosed psychotics never attempt to kill anyone.

A Proud Infidel®™

Wow, you really ARE one insecure little fuckfaced candyassed booger-eating self-important pus=nuts, Clong-head. You think you’re all high-and-mighty with your superfluous little coffee shop lingo which we see right through. The more of your shit I see the more convinced I am that you’re either a Momma’s boy in college working toward a degree in say, Gender Studies or something equally worthless or you’re a Government bureaucrat, likely a publik shcool administrator.


Oh, wow. How did I miss this arrogant ass’s presumptuous mini-essay of snotnosed superiority?

Clongdong, you’re an idiot. You have no understanding of anything. Your solutions are as asinine and ignorant as driving a car into a brick wall.

For your edification, there are plenty of people, including you, whose mental faculties are questionable. There are also plenty of people who are just plain nuts and they don’t kill anyone. They don’t even hurt anyone.

And there is no indication ANYWHERE that this douchesnot murderer was found to be even a borderline nutjob UNTIL his coworkers, particularly women he harrassed, reported him for his creepazoid behavior. Got that part, you moron?

You are SO full of utter shit, you pompous ass.

A Proud Infidel®™

Clong’s parents really hit the JERKpot, didn’t they? He’s so dense that light bends around him.


Clong, your hand wringing statement is nothing more than a pussy passive/aggressive way to blame the military for something it is not responsible for.

As for more stringent mental evals in the military, I advise you reread ID SARC’s comment. I’d go dollars to doughnuts you’re not on his level concerning this issue.

Now, your comment concerning my ex. I know you thought you were being oh so clever. You were not. She is no longer a professional, lives in a trailer and works a dead end menial job. All of her own volition. I don’t have that problem. Therefore, you sir (loosely, of course), may go suck a fat baby’s dick.

C. Long

All things I’m sure were preferable to being married to you.


So hard to see why a woman of any account wouldn’t want to be with a man of such obvious intellect and charm.

A Proud Infidel®™

So says the glitter-sniffing lollipop-up-his-butt candyassed dingleberry of a Sparkle Pony. Tell me o twinkle-toed fart-sniffing Swamp Donkey, do you have ANY real world experience? IMHO you’re either a college student, professor, or Government bureaucrat with no real life experience and I wish my ex-wife on you.


Can I blame the Army for BOTH of my ex-wives? That would SO awesome!

2/17 Air Cav

“If any good can come from this perhaps it’s” that Clong will stage a meaningful protest and self immolate. There, Clong, all fixed.


This will HOPEFULLY not end up the origin of yet another well-known killer from the New York area; If I name CLONG…………

Son of Lars

Sam’s not here!


He caught a bad case of black supremacy eating at the chow hall. Damn you, white systemic institutional racism. You’ve won again. Another victim of the system.


Musta been the salt-peter in the food….


This is absolutely cringeworthy.


So is this deja vu and 1968 in Chicago all over again? I’m trying to figure that out, because most of the protesters outside the DNC convention hall were disgruntled stank ass WHITE hippies and da Maire (John) Daley gave the famous order ‘Shoot to kill’.

2/17 Air Cav

Have you ever visited the BlackLivesMatter website? I did, just this morning, for the first time. You should see it, too. I was unprepared for what’s there. There’s a series of small placards bearing different terms. When you put your cursor on one, it turns, revealing a statement of belief or policy. One placard reads, “Transgender Affirming.” Another reads, “Queer Affirming.” Then there’s “Black Villages” whose flip side begins, “We are committed to disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family….” Of course, there’s a placard for “Globalism.” If I didn’t know better, I’d swear that I was looking at a commie website. Here’s the link if you would like to check it out.



Were you surprised? If so, why?


yes, been there…it’s a must read if you want to know what these types of organizations are spinning.

The New Black Panther Party is also and interesting read.


Nation of Islam


National Action Network (Al Sharpton)


Just a few…and the pages linked by those pages are often where things really get stupid.


Something I find interesting is the fact that everyone is quick to agree with this asshole’s statement that he did this because of the shootings in Baton Rouge and Minnesota.

Judging by the amount of weapons, ammo and other items that were found in this guy’s home and the fact that he had undertaken a bunch of “John Wayne” training, this wasn’t a spur of the moment thing. This dead turd had been planning something for quite a long time and using the police shootings as a reason was just a convenient excuse…


I wish to take issue with those of you who continue to denigrate the practice of panty sniffing. I’ll have you know that Ol’ Poe was a panty sniffer of some renown in his time.

And most of the ladies wearing them were quite receptive to his talents…


Now I remember you Poe. You were the perv who was arrested for sniffing womens’ panties and their bicycle seats at the same time! Your grifter con was telling the women you could make the seats more comfortable for riding if only they offered you a peek. And you had the nerve to replace the seats with new ones which had a picture of your face, of course facing upward.

I’ll never forget you pulling that on my ex, but it blew up in your face. She had married her pimp shortly after our divorce and was on the way home from four hours on the corner near the bars when you stopped for a whiff, and you got a taste of at least two garbage truck men, five sailors. one lepper, and at least nine exchange students from Afghanistan…..all who had violated their first American goat just hours earlier. My ex told me days later your tongue swelled up like an inflatable helium balloon.


So THAT’S who that was…