Wil Weaton blames NRA for latest shooting

| July 12, 2016

Yesterday, in St. Joseph, Michigan, a criminal in the Berrien County Courthouse got his grubby paws on a deputy’s sidearm and killed 2 bailiffs, Joseph Zangaro, 61, and Ron Kienzle, 60, and injured James Atterbury, 41, before he was gunned down by officers. Actor, Wil Wheaton immediately sent a Tweet out to his fans; “Welcome to America. It has been 0 days since our last mass shooting. #F**ktheNRA,” according to the Washington Times.

He backed off his initial post briefly;

Apparently, Wheaton thinks that the NRA supports criminals disarming their law enforcement escorts.

This demonstrates exactly what I’ve been saying for years – too many people have an emotional reaction to shootings and the internet gives them the opportunity to express their uninformed, barely literate opinions to millions instantly. That has turned the discussion on legal guns into an emotional issue rather than an intellectual discussion of facts.

I’d boycott Wheaton, except I’ve never seen anything he was in, except as a guest on The Kaley Cuoco Show.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Apparently Wil never returned from space.

The Al

There’s a reason I’m blocked by him- apparently he didn’t like me tweeting “Shut up, Wesley” after his last round of “fuck the NRA”


Can’t resist it. Why does he think he’s even relevant?





Another reason we need a like button.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

A- fucking- MEN!


I think the a.h. just jumped on a perceived opportunity to get his name in writing again…anything for notoriety..even if it does make him look like a freaking first class embecile!!!


Dumbasses gonna be dumbasses. Keep on keepin’ on, Wil!


He has fans? How many? Two?


Actually a whole legion on them, but he’s dumb as fuck, and has been his entire career. So I don’t expect much from him or his acting/comedy.


Him and all his fans have a meeting in the phone booth in front of Taco Bell!!


As soon as I saw his pasty little as sitting in the navigator’s seat I knew that the Next Generation was seriously flawed (who brings a kid on a warship?).

Why wasn’t it him instead of Tasha Yar (rowr!) that was killed on that away mission?


…pasty little ass

Green Thumb

Because he was off set blowing the producer to get better roles in the show.




His “wesley” character went all hippy-dippy and dropped out.

His real persona is even less impressive….

Shut up Wesley. You lack decent script writers, thus have nothing to contribute to this scene, or any others for that matter.

George Takei did a -much- better job of acting.

The Al

From what I’ve heard, his actions on Big Bang Theory is actually a toned down version of his real life personality

The Other Whitey

George Takei is both a good actor and funny as hell, even if he is into dudes. He’s fucking weird, but he knows it and makes the most of it.

Unlike Willy, who’s a whiny bitch on- and off-camera.


Stupid “report comment” button. Disregard my fumble fingers!

Anyway, technically, the TOS USS Enterprise (Constitution class), and the TNG USS Enterprise (sovereign class) were research vessels armed for adequate defense, with some offensive capabilities.

The Excelsior class became the first Federation battle wagons, with 7 other battle class designations to follow. The Battle Of Wolf was a major loss of Federation ships, which accelerated the combat class designs. Most battle class ships came on line just before the Borg first appeared in Klingon territory.

Oh yeah….don’t fucking ask how I know all this shit. I hate myself sometimes 🙂


uhhh… you do know this is a ‘let’s pretend’, right? JK!


Shut up Wesley.


Oh, Wil Wheaton? A dude who played some nobody in an old TV show watched by nerds, and then appeared in about a dozen episodes of a newer show about nerds who loved the old show?

Yeah, he’s significant.

CC Senor

Who is Wil Wheaton and why should I care?

2/17 Air Cav

According to a local TV stations (link below), Gordon, 44, has five children (by how many women is not stated) and eleven grandchildren (whether he fathered any of the 11 is not stated either.) Gordon was in custody this time for two counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, kidnapping, assault with a dangerous weapon, and domestic violence. His ex-wife says, “He was an amazing man that got mixed up with the wrong people.” So, yeah, I guess it was the NRA’s fault.http://woodtv.com/2016/07/11/ex-wife-ids-berrien-county-courthouse-shooter/

2/17 Air Cav

I don’t know and I don’t. Whoever he is, he has bigger issues to concern himself with, like what happened to the second L in his first name.

A Proud Infidel®™

He’s almost as brainless as the Dutch Rudder Gang.


He’s at least an unimportant as they are.

Silentium Est Aureum

Maybe they should get together and go bowling.


What a non-serving, privileged Hollywood douchgnard


He’s a professional celebrity twitter troll who prides himself on taking shots(pun) at people/Conservatives/NRA and hiding behind his twitter block rules he ensorses like the a true innernet tuff-boi. Yet I bet he has no trouble sleeping after cashing royalty checks he earned holding weapons on screen.



I actually like him as an actor and what he has done on The Big Bang Theory.

As a fan, military retiree and NRA Benefactor I’d be glad to talk to him about truthful things regarding crimes involving guns….but I doubt he would want such a thing. He doesn’t appear to be a seeker of truth.

NR Pax

Try bringing facts to the table instead of emotion Wil. Oh wait; that would kill your progressive street cred.


To quote Wil Wheaton from one of the Big Bang theory episodes:



Bazinga, Bitch!

Green Thumb

They just need to beam him away.

Or flush hm down the toilet.

My best guess is that he winds up on Law and Order soon.

The Other Whitey

As much as I hate to agree with Sheldon, fuck Wil Wheaton. He can live long and suck it. And does anybody know why “Star Wars” beats “Star Trek?” Because Han shot first, and the Fett family are badasses, that’s why.


Revisionist history. Han didn’t shoot first, that sends the wrong message.

The Other Whitey

Han shot first. The legendary badass bounty hunter Lak Sivrak (the wolfman-looking alien dude) saw the whole thing. That’s why he was digitally replaced in the re-release, to kill his credibility!

God, I’m a fucking nerd…


Hey, I thought it was Greedo and Han Solo outdrew him.

But what do I know? I only saw int 26 times.



Even Chewie is Blue Falconing and saying Han shot first. Maybe he’s holding out hope that finally the Millennium Falcon will be HIS!

Perry Gaskill

A wookie who will fly with Han Solo is capable of almost anything…


Technically since Han is now dead, Isnt the MF Chewies?


I’m not sure why entertainers choose to limit their appeal by advertising their politics. Everybody is a potential customer when it comes to that kind of product. I thought he was okay in Star Trek, and I like his youtube board game show a good bit, but now I’ll just remember this whenever I watch him.

It’s kind of like bumper stickers. No matter what they say, it never makes the car behind think any higher of you, but it sure can have the opposite effect.


was a fella sold bumper stickers at gun shows – had a “Don’t Blame Me, I Voted For Clinton” one. WTF? Asked him, and he explained it as the best petty revenge going – apparently he got sideways with the Trinidad sheriff, slapped one on the sheriff’s car, and five OTHER people vandalized the sheriff’s car without any other prompting.

2/17 Air Cav

My best line when I spot an O bumper sticker in slow traffic or at a light. Beep! “Hey, you, you in the blue Subaru/Prius. Some idiot put an Obama sticker on your car!”


Never heard of the guy but I’ll send the NRA another hundred bucks for him.


Dude’s still coasting along from a TV that went off the air twenty years ago. Then again, Takei is still coasting on the tails of a show that ended during the Johnson Administration, so Wheaton is a piker in comparison.


Nixon Administration, actually. Last episode of the original series aired in early June 1969. Nixon was POTUS then.


Another has-been actor who people actually care about what he has to say.

Guess what mr. has-been- nobody cares. …

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe next he’ll try to go into politics, just look at the has-been mediocre SNL Comedian that stole the MN Senate election with a platoon or two of Lawyers doing crooked recounts!


Nah, not washed up yet. His career seems to be going pretty decent. Like Wil’s work in Eureka, The Guild, and Big Bang Theory. Yeah, maybe actors should just act.

2/17 Air Cav

Never heard of the first two. Is the third an HBO porn series?


No, you’re thinking of Bang Me Big Time, the one where Wheaton spends weekends giving head to Matt Damon.

2/17 Air Cav

I had to look him up. I truly had no idea he played a Star Trek character. I can’t reclal him but the only Star Trek I watched pretty faithfully starred Wm. Shatner. Anyhow, this guy Wil(?) is a nut who at one time or another wanted to kill himself. I wonder how he intended to do it.


Phaser, set to “twinkle”.

Doc Savage

Was he the kid that was always followed around by a robot screaming “Danger Wil Robinson”?


No, that was Billy Mummy.


Oops, my bad. Billy Mumy.

Only one “m” in his surname, much like only one “l” in Wheaton’s Christian name.

B Woodman

Took me a moment to get the joke. “Wil” Robinson. Indeed. hehehehehe
I enjoyed Billy Mumy in his several roles in the original Twilight Zone, and later as Lennier in B5. LIS, ok, but not so much.

Doc Savage

So….Wil was not the guy,but he starred as Wes, but Bill was Wil….and they were BOTH in nerd movies.

I smell a conspiracy by the NRA…


Sigh … I am sooooooooooooooo weary of Hollywood air-heads pontificating on issues they clearly know zip about.

Ah, well. Free speech and all that …


Was kinda hoping that reading the comments here would produce a reason why I should care about either who this clown is or why his opinion about anything should interest me. Evidently he is an actor, and there is no reason to care about him or his opinion of anything in the real world.


Let’s see if this works…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZGBdSQ1xyw&w=420&h=315%5D


I clearly don’t know how to embed Youtube videos.

B Woodman

(sigh). . .. Wil, Wil, Wil. . .
I enjoyed you in “Stand By Me”. I enjoyed you in STNG in the later episodes, when you connected with The Traveler.
So, now, like any good actor, learn this:
Hit your mark, speak your scripted lines, emote for the camera, then walk off stage and STFU.
Why do these actors who are SO damned lucky to be paid the Big Bucks by HollyWierd, feel the need to continue running their mouth, especially when there’s no script in front of them, and show off their Stoopidity?


Seems there are actually some pretty smart actors…. not many, but some. Most of ’em you don’t hear much of their opinions, probably because they are smart enough to keep their mouth shut when they have nothing intelligent to say. You hear a lot from the rest, though.

B Woodman

(two thumbs up)


Why do they do it? They’re so sheltered from reality and so constantly flattered by Hollywood “suck-ups” that they actually believe they’re smart and competent in general – when in truth they’re virtually always at most a rank amateur in anything other than acting.


Remember what the cops in LA did during the Rodney King riots? They wouldn’t go into certain areas.

Well, maybe it’s time the cops in cities with really bad areas – gangbangers and everything else that’s bad – just went on strike. Firefighters, ditto. See how long it is before the anti-law/anti-first responder rhetoric lasts.

Just an idea.


He’s getting some blowback on his FB page.



You know, Wheaton is a complete idiot. He had a chance to work with Patrick Stewart, one of the better actors on the planet, and learn something from him. Stewart was giving workshops for actors back then, among other things. But did this dickless wonder take advantage of that?

No, he didn’t.

Green Thumb

He will be a regular at one some of those conventions were people dress up and are into dragons and shit.

Working balls in hall to pick up some coin for a bus ticket to go see Paul.

What a clown.

To bad they did not have an episode were he was caught in a compromising position and he was sentenced to the brig.

A Proud infidel®™

He’s already enough of a has-been that I’m sure he blows winos in bus stations for spare change.

Green Thumb

I am seeing the SYFY channel in his future.

Once you wind up there, its over.


When he expires I’ll be making jokes about it on Twitter in his honor.


Is this not the same POS who in Stand by me, as a juvenile pointed a loaded 45 at Kiefer Sutherland and said “just you Ace, just you”. Guess guns are ok if your getting a paycheck.


[…] In Nice Attack The Political Hat: Today The Church, Tomorrow Your Conscience This Ain’t Hell: Has-Been Child Actor Blames NRA For Latest Shooting Weasel Zippers: Obama Uses Press Conference On Jihadi Attack In Nice To Defend Muslims From GOP […]


Has anybody officially blamed the AAA for the latest terrorist attack in France?

And why do they keep calling this guy the “nice” terrorist? Frankly, I don’t think anything he did was very nice….


Wrong thread, Sweetie. But it isn’t pronounced like the adjective ‘nice’.

The name of the town is Nice, France, and it’s pronounced ‘neece’.


Wrong thread? Is there a sewing post? Or is this a multi-threaded application?

Either way, I’d say the whole fabric of society is messed up! And this kid and the really NOT nice terrorist in France are great examples of everything unraveling.


And frankly speaking, I don’t think France is all that “neece.” The way they pronounce things always seemed kind of provincial.