Rowan Elijah Feldhaus hits legal snag

| June 12, 2016

Rowan Feldhaus

TSO sends us a link to the story about how Columbia County Superior Court Judge J. David Roper told this chick, an Army reservist, formerly known as Rebeccah Elizabeth Feldhaus that she couldn’t change her name to Rowan Elijah Feldhaus because Feldhaus, who decided that she’s a man now, didn’t pick a feminine name according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution;

“I don’t know anybody named Elijah who’s female,” Roper said, according to a transcript of the hearing. “I’m not going to do that. I’ve never heard of that. And I know who Elijah was, one of the greatest men that ever lived.”

Feldhaus, a sergeant in the Army Reserve and a student at Augusta University, said in statement that he felt insulted and objectified to be told he can’t use the name that family, friends and co-workers already use.

“It can be a scary situation when I show up for work or the first day of class and my legal name does not match my public presentation and my gender identity,” Feldhaus said. “I just want to change my name so that it reflects who I am.”

In my opinion, the judge is clearly firing outside his lane. The court was provided with statements from Feldhaus’ doctor claiming that Feldhaus needed to change her name for part of her treatment for gender dysphoria. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but its not up to the judge to decide what we can call ourselves. I’m thinking that he’s going to get thrust into the twenty-first century in a very abrupt manner.

Category: Reserve Issues

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sgt. vaarkman 27-48th TFW

I don’t care what you say
it’s a crazy mixed up world
crazy mixed up world

brief lyrical moment by Little Walter and the Mid-nite Cats

Hack Stone

Well, I never met anyone, male or female, named Blanket, but that did not stop Michael Jackson from burdening his “child” with that name. I was in the Marine Corps with a guy who had a sister named Patrick. It’s a good thing that this judge is not sitting on the bench in The Philippines, you can come across some interesting names. Manny Pacquiao’s wife is named Jinkee. They also had a senator named Joker Arroyo.


Incidentally, “Blanket” was only a nickname. Not that it’s any better, but he was born Prince Michael Jackson II, and now goes by the nickname “Bigi” after apparently being bullied over the initial nickname.

MSG Eric

I can’t imagine why anyone would bully a kid named Blanket, or Prince…..


Would cocksucker be a compliment now?


I kinda like Cocksucker Baby Gravy.


That’s how I’ve been using it.

2/17 Air Cav

‘“It really shows that the judge is making it up as he goes along and not following the rules of the law,”’ [Lambda attorney] Littrell said.” What is the rule of law in this matter? If the judge has discretion to grant the request, then he has the discretion to deny the request. The judge cited other bases for the denial, but the only one getting attention is the one spotlighted here and elsewhere. As for the “rules of law,” what happened to the rules of nature?

Club Manager

Actually Air Cav, the Rule of Law as it applies in this case is if you want to call yourself a Bitch, then cut your cock off. The judge will probably be reversed but good for him.



2/17 Air Cav

Years ago, I dated a doll whose middle name was “Douglas.” And she was a honey.

Bill M

A lady in our square dance club is named Jeffrey.

Weekend Warrior in Texas

Turd Ferguson


Good one Jonn, the Friends clip got me spitting coffee first thing this morning!


My head is spinning in circles now.

Trying to understand this: didn’t pick a feminine name?

SHE is turning HERSELF into a HIMSELF, and S/HE has to pick a feminine name?

My head is REALLY spinning in circles. Generally speaking, GUYS don’t have girlie names like ‘SUE’ unless their parents knew they weren’t going to be around very much.


As long as the he/she doesn’t pick my name.


TINS. Once had a Marine private working for me named “Diamond.” Asked him how he got his name, and he said something about his mom said he was like a precious stone to her.

He was a scrawny little guy, he made it through boot camp in 1974 because…well…it was 1974.

He wasn’t “all there.” I walked into the office one morning and found him punching the air like he was having some sort of epileptic fit. He said he was getting into martial arts; curiosity got the better of me, and I asked him what that particular move was. He said it was a “power punch”. I asked him to describe it to me, and he said it was where you hit your opponent as hard as you could.

I asked him if that meant that he wouldn’t hit an opponent with any less power with a regular punch. That kinda befuddled him, he didn’t have an answer.

After I PCS’d, I heard a rumor that he got caught in the barracks with a bag of a couple hundred reds and ended up doing brig time. I can only imagine the shit he caught from the guards and fellow inmates with a name like that.

Hack Stone

Maybe he pooped diamonds when he was an infant.


and he had a kid sister named “Onyx” – cuz Mommy said she was “Onyxpected”


Okay, I’m thinking of changing my name, too.

Something elegant, easy to pronounce, but not too Little Lord Fauntleroyish. Since Phoebe Buffet already took Princess Consuelo Bananahammock, I can’t use that one, so hmm… this will require some thought.

How about this: Phillaciah Barnesworth Gigglesnarken.

Hack Stone

Elaine Ricci is being currently used.


That first name is a mouthfull….

MSG Eric

Well, it depends on if there’s shrinkage or not.

A Proud Infidel®™

He/she/it could have picked a name like Melvin, Eugene, or Snidely and I’m sure the Judge would have approved.


I think Rebeccah Elizabeth Feldhaus fits perfect, since she is a female and all.

Silentium Est Aureum

I will not comment on the names some folks give their children, as it might be construed as insensitive and callius, and everyone knows bored vets in the field/at sea never find shit to needle others about….


I once knew a lady who named her son and daughter “Lampy” and “Shady”. No shit.

Perry Gaskill

One of the problems with the AJC story is that it distorts perspective by ignoring the dimensions of the issue.

Not long ago the Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta, released a study on the actual gay and lesbian population in the U.S. What it found is that males who consider themselves gay number about one percent; with lesbians it was two percent. Curiously, other non-CDC studies done among the population at large have shown the general public perception of the number of gays and lesbians to range as high as 20 percent. The higher perceived number is, fairly obviously, the result of a media artifice.

No definitive studies exist for the transgender population. Part of the reason is because gender dysphoria, considered a form of mental illness, is apparently counted only when the person goes to the doctor to specifically report anxiety or whatever. Best guesses on the transgender population is about 0.05 percent for females wanting to be male, and 0.10 percent for males wanting to be female. An interesting reversal from the gay and lesbian numbers.

“It can be a scary situation when I show up for work or the first day of class and my legal name does not match my public presentation and my gender identity,” Feldhaus said.

I’ll be the first to admit it’s unfair to say, despite some examples otherwise, that the Army today amounts to a bi-gender bunch of woobie-sharing cub scouts led by politically correct den mothers. On the other hand, you have to ask yourself if people like Sgt. Feldhaus, who get scared at class registration and suffer from a form of mental illness, are the kind of people you want standing next to you in a gunfight.

SGT Kane

One minor sticking point: Gender dysphoria, which used to be called “gender identity disorder”, is no longer considered a mental illness. The attendant disorders, such as depression, anxiety, etc are still considered disorders, but the gender dysphoria isn’t.


Um, you might want to consult the new DSM-5 (if it’s even yet effective) on that. A quote:

The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition.

I’m reasonably sure that having “clinically significant distress” is the breakpoint between unusual idiosyncratic behavior and a mental condition. Not a psychiatrist, so I could be wrong.

SGT Kane

I have read DSM-V, as a matter of fact I’m studying it right now as part of my psychology degree (we just finished a happy horsehit section on positive psychology).

The DSM no linger classifies gender dismorphia as a mental illness but notes that many of those who are gender dismorphic suffer from a host of mental illnesses brought on by their state. Among these are depression, anxiety, paranoia, etc.

These are the mental illnesses that should be addressed and treated, not the gender dismorphia. The recommended manner for treating these issues to get the patient to state whee they are accepting of themselves. This can be HRT leading to SRS (although complete SRS may not be required) or medications to treat the attendant illnesses.

It is strongly encouraged by the psychology profession to allow individuals to explore their options at their own pace and encourage support and cognitive balance in the individual. In some cases this means breaking with their existing social structures who don’t support the individuals belief and replacing it with one that does. They also call for the therapist to be an advocate for the patient with family and friends, if that is viable.


If someone claims gender dysphoria but does not present with any underlying mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, paranoia, etc. does gender dysphoria then become a choice not a condition?

If the person claims gender dysphoria and does suffer from depression, anxiety, paranoia, etc. and those mental illnesses are kept in check with medication and therapy will the gender dysphoria still exist as a side effect of the underlying mental illnesses?

“In some cases this means breaking with their existing social structures who don’t support the individuals belief and replacing it with one that does.”

Wouldn’t that theory disrupt the majority-minority relationships in social structure as it relates to social norms? That is, if the majority is (normal) and the minority is (abnormal)? I believe isolation would produce the opposite effect.

I am legitimately interested in your thoughts.

Slick Goodlin

When I was stationed at Camp Humphreys,Korea in 1979 I used to pass by the Headquarters sign of the airfield’s CH-47 Chinook unit. The Battalion senior NCO:

Sergeant Major Wimpy Pibus

A Proud Infidel®™

A Marine I work with told me of a Sailor aboard a Ship he was once on, a Seaman Stanes.


Anyone want to take some bets that SGT Feldhaus turns back into a female on APFT/weigh-in day?

MSG Eric

At the rate they are taking this stuff in the military, I might very well identify as female for PT tests too, just to prove a point about the stupidity of it. Not because I’d max out the PT test barely breaking a sweat.


I have a friend who legally changed his name from the one his parents gave him (both given and surname) to Logan Shepard. Logan based on his interest in the X-Men character Wolverine and Shepard based on his addiction to the video game series Mass Effect. Thank God he didn’t go before this judge who probably would have stopped his name-change because they were fictional characters.


“I just want to change my name so that it reflects who I am.”

I would suggest Dimwit Dumbass then.