Hawaii to put gun owners’ names in a national database
Fox News reports that Hawaii is working on a law that would submit the island’s gun owners names to the FBI to be entered in the agency’s database so that if a resident is arrested any where in the country, local law enforcement will be notified;
Even though other states don’t enter gun owners in the database, Honolulu Police Department Maj. Richard Robinson said it will still benefit Hawaii police. Right now, Hawaii gun owners undergo a background check only when they register a gun, so police have no way of knowing if they’re disqualified from owning a gun in the future unless they try to register a new firearm.
“We were only discovering things by accident,” said Robinson, who helped draft the bill. “They happen to come register another firearm, we run another background check, and then we find out they’re a prohibited person.”
It’s like treating all gun owners as potential criminals. I wonder how many criminals from Hawaii actually commit crimes on the mainland. Maybe there should be a database of people who go to church or speak freely, or some other constitutional right. Journalists’ names should be in a database so that when they get arrested, we’ll all know and they don’t get the protections of the freedom of the press. I agree that convicted criminals should not have the right to own a gun – they’ve demonstrated that they can’t follow the rules. But, I’m pretty sure that they won’t follow the rules to purchase a firearm anyway – so they probably won’t pop hot on a firearms owner database, anyway.
I’ve heard stories of some states that accessed other states’ firearm owners databases and used it as an excuse to stop and search out-of-staters’ automobiles (looking at you Maryland). I can only imagine how this technology has a potential to be abused.
Thanks to Hondo for the link.
Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists
Doesn’t this violate the Gun Control Act of 1968? I seem to remember that there is a provision in that law that prohibits this. I remember during the Clinton Era that they tried to do this and it got shot down.
Since when does the law matter to liberals?
Ph-ck Hawaii!! They are so busy kissing obozo’s ass they can’t even focus their eyes straight anymore..if they ever could!!!
I’m so sick of STUPID!!!!!
What ever happened to commonsense
I am struggling to understand the purported rationale for this law. According to the article, the only benefit accruing to Hawaii’s police should this proposal become a bill and then law is to permit the police to determine whether a person who previously registered a firearm has incurred a disqualification since the person’s first registration. If that’s true, then the police are saying that only a second or, for that matter, 50th purchase (depending upon when the grounds for the DQ occurred) could result in that benefit. Is that it or am I missing something here?
I’m following you… and no, you’re not missing anything.
This is pure fucktardery at its best.
Now we’ll just have to see if their plan stands up to judicial scrutiny.
Sounds like HPD’s leadership needs to stop touching themselves while watching “Hawaii Five-0″…
Okay, nobody (even females) can be blamed for touching themselves at the sight of Grace Park. But they seriously need to remove their hands from their dicks when she’s not actually on screen.
Yep. I’d hit that.
Me too, if I were a single man. She’s the second-hottest Asian chick in history! (Mrs. Whitey is the hottest)
I used to think that, too, but then I discovered Annie Yu of DC’s Fox5.
Hmmmm…Stiff competition indeed! But Mrs. Whitey is still #1′
I spent almost three years at Schofield Barracks during the mid-90s. I was more than ready to leave at the end of the tour. Hawaii is superficially pretty, but when you peel back the onion, it is basically a big ghetto out in the middle of the ocean. And politically as well as geographically, it is somewhere to the far left of California. I haven’t been back since my tour there ended, and I have no particular interest in ever going back, even on vacation.
I was there from 97 to 00 at Pearl Harbor.. I agree.. There was serious issues on that island and the other islands I traveled to.
Same observations here after visiting during a few RIMPACs. That place is pretty fucked up.
And like all other fucked up laces, it’s been lorded over by dildocats for decades.
Self righteous dildocats….
The struggle against tyranny will continue through our generation and the following generations as well.
These stupid fucks will never quit trying to take away our God Given Rights, so we can never stop fighting them…
This is a horseshit proposition…
Maybe the rat commie bastards working hard on making their socialist utopia come to fruition.
“..Hawaii is working on a law that would submit the island’s gun owners names to the FBI to be entered in the agency’s database so that if a resident is arrested any where in the country, local law enforcement will be notified;”
That makes no fucking sense at all.
More breaking news….
Lars is protesting at Berkeley after he was informed to register his pink panties and be entered into the National Pink Panty Database.
Yeah and the only reason why I would visit Hawaii anyway is to pay respects at Pearl Harbor!
The joke is there are SO many firearms “Underground” in Hawaii. And there will be many many more. Stupid waste of time feel good liberal spit, law. After WW2 and Vietnam, guess where a lot of the small arms ended up? The Hawaiian Island’s Boy’z and Girls.