White resentment is fueling opposition to gun control, researchers say
According to an article in the Washington Post, “White resentment is fueling opposition to gun control, researchers say“, in other words, gun ownership is just more of your white privilege. According to the article these two pointy-headed brainiacs, Alexandra Filindra and Noah J. Kaplan, determined that 1000 white people are more likely to oppose gun control after they looked at pictures of black people. Yeah, you read that correctly.
[These] findings “demonstrate that racial prejudice influences white opinion regarding gun regulation in the contemporary United States,” Filindra and Kaplan conclude. But why would that be the case?
To explain this, Filindra and Kaplan draw on a rich body of sociological literature about the language of racial resentment, especially among whites. Racial resentment, as Filindra and Kaplan define it, is a prejudice based in the belief that blacks don’t value independence and hard work and instead push for special rights conferred by the government. It upholds whites as morally superior while ignoring the structural advantages of whiteness.
Using the language of freedom and individualism in this way “creates this duality between a generic deserving group – could be homeowners, students, law-abiding citizens – versus the ‘special rights’ that government is giving to a ‘less deserving’ group,” Filindra explained in an interview.
I don’t know what the Hell that means. I’m thinking that all law abiding citizens of this country have the very same rights regardless of the melanin content of their skin. The pair of pointy-headed brainiacs claim that we use the language, that calling for rights for ‘law-abiding citizens’ and not for ‘criminals’ differentiates whites from blacks. It sounds to me like Filindra and Kaplan are the ones with racist problems. All of the people that I want to protect my family from are white – do I need to name names? I own more guns now than I’ve ever owned in my life, and according to Wiki, the town I live in now is 0.30% Black, so obviously I’m buying guns to protect myself from a bunch of white people.
[F]or a certain subset of white gun-rights supporters, particularly those who are inclined to hold certain prejudicial beliefs, messages about individualism and liberty and rights are understood in a very specific way.
In the mind of this type of gun owner, “I am showing my white nationalist pride in a sort of generic way through gun ownership,” Filindra posits. “This is my way of expressing my ‘more-equal-than-others’ status in a society where egalitarianism is the norm. I can’t say that some people are better and some are worse in terms of racial groups. But I can show it symbolically. I can show I’m a better citizen.”
Balderdash. I own guns because of the inherent equality of law abiding citizens in this country, not some perverted sense of “more equal”. I guess this is more of the media’s attempt to make us feel guilty about gun ownership – like a year or so ago when they were calling us cowards for owning guns. Now we’re racist for owning guns.
Category: Guns
“Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.”
How does this explain all the black people in Chicago buying guns, and vocals telling this administration to stuff it?
I’m white. I live in a very mixed neighborhood. I don’t have a gun. I don’t see no ‘white privilege’ crap going on here.
Frankly, that research is as flawed as the political atmosphere that spawns it. You can, as we all know, pick and choose your data to suit the needs of your proposed thesis. If you want to promote racism, you focus on racism and find side effects to support your theme.
As Valerie says, explain how so many black people in Chicago have guns, but white people do not. Ah! But that would skew the results, wouldn’t it?
The proper liberal answer is “SHUTUP!! RACIST!!”
“White Nationalist Pride?” Is her sample group made up of Klan members? Or is she merely projecting that onto them because of their skin color.
Wait…what is it called again when you make blanket statements about people based on their skin color? Starts with an “R” I think?
How about the projection of their bullshit ‘more equal than others’ nonsense.
egalitarianism, the dog whistle to fill the Trojan horse with the enlightened, red book clutching proletariat.
Hell ya I’m more likely to oppose gun control if you show me pictures of black people……if they’re rioting, looting, and otherwise breaking the law! Same goes for pictures of whites, Asians, Latinos, or any other group if they’re breaking the law!
I guess the fact that – as a group – whites tend to be more conservative than minorities can’t possibly be a factor.
Sheesh. Just another example of seeing the world through race-colored glasses. Do that, and you’ll find racism – whether or not it really exists in the case under consideration.
What an utter load of libtarded bio-waste. White people want to buy guns because they looked at pictures of black people?
Jackie Chan couldn’t make that leap.
But a Gallup poll seems to show that gun ownership is almost equal between whites (37%), non-whites (32%) and blacks (33%).
How can this be??
Correlation is not causation. There may be correlating evidence that this may be true, but the causation is the 2nd Amendment; you know where EVERYONE is allowed to buy/own guns. The only color that matters when owning/buying a gun is green. And that is used to purchase the guns.
Edit: Causation to why white folks buy guns….
Dammit, I got too excited.
Premature exclamation?
It always happens. 🙁
That’s what SHE said.
‘I guess this is more of the media’s attempt to make us feel guilty about gun ownership.’
That should read as follows: I guess this is more of the media’s attempt to make us feel guilty about being white people.
That’s what these people are trying to do to us.
Filindra, you bimbo, stuff it up your flabby ass, willya? Keep on stirring the racist stew, bitch. It’ll come back to haunt you.
“. . .determined that 1000 white people are more likely to oppose gun control after they looked at pictures of black people.
Aaannnnd. . .just WHAT were the black people doing in those pictures that whitey was being shown? I’ll bet dollars to bullets it wasn’t sitting in the library quietly reading, or strolling in the park hand-in-hand with their children, or farming, or any other peaceful pursuit.
Yep. I want to see the pics, too Here’s why. If I show you a pic of 10 middle-aged, nicely attired, well groomed Black citizens you are unlikely to have any physiological reaction, least of all a negative one. If I then show you a pic of 10 white skin heads with swastika tattoos and wearing tee shirts bearing “Aryan Brotherhood” or the like, you will most certainly react negatively. Similarly, if I showed you a pic of two, white prep schoolers in Oxford shirts and ties and then a pic of two Black or Hispanic inner-city types sporting colors and flashing gang signs, your reaction to the two pics will be different. So, what have I proved? Bias. We make certain assumptions borne of experience, in this instance that the threats to our personal safety are aroused by the pics of the skinheads and the gang members. No shit. Now, if I suggested to you that you would meet the people shown in each of the pics one evening and told you that you could be armed only to meet the folks in two of the pics, which would you choose? And if instead of that meeting, I asked you about opposition to gun control, I would guess that the defensive reaction would be the same. But I didn’t see the pics and I don’t know how or by whom the pics were presented to those surveyed. I’m guessing that regardless of whether you are Black, White, or Brown, your reaction and response would be the same. The problem, in part, here is that only whitey was shown the pics, according to the article.
My gun cares not one whit about the color or ethnic makeup of the person that would require me to use it in self defense. Criminality knows no boundaries with regard to race, religion, creed, or whatever pigeonhole you choose to place the aforementioned douchebag into. I’m an equal opportunity gun owner. Force me to use my weapon to defend myself, I’m not gonna ask about your pedigree.
As the funeral director said in”The Magnificent Seven” – “I treat every man the same, as just one more future customer”
It is worth noting that a headline today sas 141 medical groups are petitioning to get Congress to allow them to do research into the medical issue of guns. I think that translates as “141 groups of liberal doctors want to manipulate data to prove that guns are racist and inherently evil, and want to milk the government for lots of money in the process:”
Not unlike polly sci researchers dependent on grants–so much so that grants rec’d in the past appear in CVs as calling cards for advancement in academia. “Show me the money, honey, and I’ll show you what you want to see!”
Filindra and assorted other SJW’s have split about $240,000 in grants in the last 2½ years, for just a few “papers”. Nice supplement to an “associate professor’s” salary.
Word ^^^^
So then. If I’m white, plus I own a gun it equals, I am a racist. That about sums it up in their minds.
Well I say fuck ’em. If you threaten me or mine, I only looking to see that your blood is red when I am on target and hit center mass. Period.
It’s not your fault, Sparks. Remember, it’s part of your DNA to be racist. “The legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination in almost every institution of our lives, you know, that casts a long shadow, and that’s still part of our DNA that’s passed on.” B. Hussein oBaMa
Evidentially – white = racist, now days.
Funny thing, all of my black friends and Mexican friends own guns too.
Show me pictures of nubile, lovely young black women with no clothing and let’s see if it hardens my attitude towards birth control…
I prefer semi-nudes, myself. I find partial nudity or a see-though nightie to be quite, um, stimulating. But unless I miss my guess, that’s probably more info than you needed to learn about me.
For the record, Filindra is a white woman with a PhD from Rutgers. She has a WHOLE lot of grants and awards for research papers.
I’m quite sure that there is a distinct bias in her research because it includes ‘The Emergence of the Temporary Mexican’, a study on the 1920s admission of Mexicans to the US, people whom she specifies as illiterates without actually having verifiable knowledge of their education levels. Since there were plenty of literate Mexicans/Latinos coming to this country back then, that’s a rather broad assumption on her part.
She’s entitled to her biased opinions, just as you are entitled to yours. But it is valid to ask why she only interviewed white people to do her research on her most recent release.
I think she’s sorta Brown and very much into Hispanic/Latino/Whatever issues. Also, she appears to have bad teeth.
White me, black guns. Racial harmony. Unless you’re a liberal, I guess.
Why does the song “Ebony and Ivory” suddenly come to mind???
For Crying out loud WTF is the issue with the Libtards. come to Arizona and for that matter Nevada and I’ll throw in New Mexico and I’m hard pressed to find whites being to only ones with guns or who values gun ownership. the morons on the east coast and the left coast are really out of touch with the rest of America and may need to take a trip and discover what’s going on here in the hinder lands
Will these two grant-sucking PhD (Piled High & Deep)dimwits now conduct a grant-funded study to determine how people of color feel about gun ownership after being shown pictures of white people? Yeah, I’m thinking the same thing. Because, you know, THAT would be racist.
All cats are gray at night.
First of all, it’s the WaPo – that’s the first Big “RED” flag. The WaPo writes positively about the research – that’s the second “RED” flag. And the third “RED” flag is just because.
RED = Communist Nanny State Fascist Gubberment approval
Word ^^^^^^
[Posted this at another site on another topic, but it seems appropriate here also.]
There is no Science in social “science” and never has been. There is a feeble attempt to take on the trappings of scientific inquiry, but results are then “adjusted” to fit the perceptions of the field and kowtow to the latest fade and meme of the high potentates. If you want to be respected in the field, you have to produce the “correct” results. Garbage in; garbage out describes the vast majority of the work in the field.
And I say that as one who has a Master’s Degree in social “science.”
Not sure that I agree that it has always been that way. Back in the day, when I was studying both concurrently, there was a great deal of true science in labs in both buildings – like in the chemistry and the psychology labs. Of course, we had a lot of WWII profs still teaching then and even had science teachers with doctorates in their fields of science in public schools. (Also had teachers in HS with doctorates in English, Math and a few other subjects. Now it seems that the only doctorates are in “Education,” but that’s all part of the deterioration and reorientation of the education industry.)
From this perspective, about the time that “social science” was gaining credibility as truly a science, that credibility was thrown away. Instead of contributing something positive, the social sciences are now as you describe – pretty much just another indoctrination tool of the left.
Oh, noes. He who must not be named will soon show up and take us to task because the Social “Sciences” are realz, just like Astrology and Navel Gazing.
This relates to a specific subtype of psychological experiment that is very popular with the progressives these days. I ran into it extensively while I was finishing up my degree.
Most of these experiments involve looking at pictures and having to click on other pictures based on what you associate with the given group. I’m fairly sure I was asked to do this specific test in fact; it shows black or white faces and you’re told to click a gun image based on one or the other of the races, then switches it up. If you click on the gun image most often when black faces turn up (whether or not you’re ‘supposed’ to then based on the instructions), you’re racist against black people because you associate black people with guns and crime and so on.
There’s a whole series of these for everything from racism and heterosexism and all the rest. I’m pretty skeptical of the underlying ‘science’ and unconvinced of their so-called accuracy, since the results you can get are often strange and they are trying to claim it reveals unconscious racism.
Some versions of that type of test apparently also measure timing (e.g., how long it takes you to select the image), then factors that into the “unconscious racism” it purports to “uncover”.
The whole concept of such testing is speculative at best, illegitimate at worst, and is absolutely subject to manipulation to achieve whatever result is desired.
“Timing” only matters in engines, firearms, sports and sex. In almost any other context it is overrated, unless you happen to refer to your boss as a clueless fucknozzle in his/her hearing, at which point it assumes greater importance – temporarily.
Yes, absolutely agreed. They want you to take the tests ‘as fast as you can’, in the (specious) theory that doing so will bypass conscious choice in favor of unconscious bias.
That these were highly recommended to me by education professionals was disturbing. That Harvard (if I’m recalling correctly) is sullying its name by endorsing these is doubly so.
Doesn’t surprise me one whit. Harvard has been a bastion of leftist theory and indoctrination for decades.
For the left, the cause is all that matters. It shall be supported by all means available – legitimate or otherwise.
So, if 1000 Blacks were shown the same pics as the 1000 Whites were and the results were the same or similar, well, that would be a bit of a sticky wicket, would it not? In fact, it would blow the whole subliminal racism business to kingdom come. Sorry, but I do not have an MA or a PhD in a social science so feel free to correct me on this.
The wheels would fall off the lefty bus. For that reason, you will never see such a comparison. But if someone did do this and the results were as you describe, the responses would be interpreted differently to support the same conclusion. As I said, there is no Science in social “science”.
It therefore seems to me that racism, subtle, overt, conscious, or subliminal cannot be properly assigned to the all-white respondents unless the question/photo association was also put to an all-black group of respondents and those results were significantly different.
According to the studies, they do actually get very similar results, and the claim they derive from this is that modern society is SO BAD at racial issues that non-white folks are prejudiced against themselves, seeing whites as the model to aspire to.
Since the underlying science is pretty junky, well … draw your own conclusions, I guess. ;P
Ah. Self hatred as the product of incessant disparaging images and perpetual derision internalized by the target race. (See? Anyone can write this stuff.)
I’d love to see them try and sell that “non-whites hate themselves” line of BS to the NBPP in Philly. (smile)
Kill whitey!
Now I’m just dating myself.
Dating yourself?? Well, I do hope you bought yourself a nice dinner! (Pun intended.)
The hilarity being if you check out the FBI’s UCR, it not so subtly suggest people do this.
There we go again with those racist facts though.
You know, if you look hard enough for what you want, you’ll find it.
But you have to be careful what you wish for. You might not like it.
And this is why I have said that sociology is one of the more useless fields next to any Major that ends in the word “Studies.”
I’m white, and I own lots of guns. My brother-in-law is black, and he owns a few himself. We both enjoy recreational shooting. Apparently I’m somehow a racist when I go to the range with my brother-in-law, huh? Somebody will have to explain to me how that works.
I’m very close to my biological family and the one I married into. My brother-in-law’s grandmother is twice as black as the current president (as in “full-blooded”). She’s quite possibly the sweetest lady on Earth, I am very close to her, call her Grandma, love her every bit as much as my own Grandma, and she even calls me her grandson. But since I’m white, she’s black, and I have guns, that somehow makes me racist? I’m unable to wrap my head around that one.
So how do they explain me helping my brother-in-law teach his racially-mixed (black/Asian) son, my nephew, to shoot? Am I “extra-racist” for doing that? How about with my own kids, who are also racially mixed?
Seriously, what fucking mental dysfunction cooks up this horseshit? You’d think somebody dumb enough to come up with this crap would be too illiterate to write it down.