Oh, those climate science guys!

This from the pen of our own Ex-PH2;
You may or may not have heard that last year, AG Loretta Lynch was considering persecuting some climate scientists who disagreed with the popular opinion about climate change, held by a wide number of science people and non-science people: that climate change going on now is caused by manmade pollution.
I used the word ‘persecuted’ instead of ‘prosecuted’ for a good reason: the jackass who started this buzzroll in the first place was dead set on persecuting anyone who disagreed with him. That could have been Michael Mann, who is currently (still) pontificating at Penn State. But it was not Mann. There is another jackass pulling this stunt, as you will see.
I’m sure pollution and CO loads were much worse before the tobacco industry was taken to task over its genetic engineering of tobacco to make it more and more addictive, something that was leaked by a whistleblower who worked for RJReynolds. Genetic engineering is NOT the same thing as hybridizing. Since I’m sensitive to particulate matter like smoke of any kind in the air, it was kind of a relief to me when people were told they couldn’t smoke on the buses or trains any more.
For the record, lung cancer rates have not really dropped a whole lot since tobacco became more expensive and people gave up smoking, a habit about as nasty as picking your nose and eating it. In fact, this statistical chart going back to 1975, shows a slight increase in the 1990s then a tapering off through 2012.
And this is with a drop in the number of people who smoke. A good deal of cancer-related illness and mortality is related to genetic susceptibility and an immune system that doesn’t work as well as it should. There is, in fact, research going on which shows that antibiotics seem to have an effect on cancers if they’re caught soon enough.
So how does that relate to climate change and dissenting opinions? I’m glad you asked. When I watched the C-Span video of Low-retta’s appearance before a Senate committee responding to this request for a RICO investigation of a small group of people with dissenting opinions, I wondered why any reasoning person would even consider something like that. Science doesn’t advance without dissent and differing opinions. Scientists frequently have serious ego issues, as we have seen with Michael Mann and his Climategate e-mail boondoggle, and his personal attempts to squelch or disparage anyone who disagrees with him. Brian Sussman takes Mann to task over a lot of things, but also castigates The Gore, who became awash in money earned from climate panic-mongering with his film ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. The link to Sussman is here:
That was back in the early mid-2000s, when I still lived in Chicago and was monitoring the extremes of temperature between summer and winter. There was a summer (1995) when over 700 people died of heat-related causes in Chicago. In 2003, France suffered a similar heat wave with almost 15,000 people dying of heat-related causes. In Europe, not many people use air conditioners, and some of those older buildings are poorly ventilated. These incidents were part of the wave of global warming hysterics that were underway, but you do have to view this with a skeptical eye. My mother lived in Chicago in the 1930s. She told me that one summer was so hot, everyone slept outdoors in the parks and on the beaches to escape the heat. And the opposite side of that coin is the worst winters Chicago ever had, at this link.
My point is that weather varies from one seasonal form to the next seasonal form. We had a pretty mild winter here in my kingdom (2015-2016), but the winter before (2014-2015) my pipes froze and a plumbing connector broke and had to be replaced. February 2011, my front door was blocked with 4 ½ feet of snow. It’s weather, people. It is NOT climate.
In regard to the proposed Congressional investigation, I found it amazing that anyone would even suggest questioning the dissenting opinions of seven people with more than valid credentials, using the ridiculous idea that they should be investigated under the RICO Act, a 1970 legislation that was aimed at breaking up the Mob. As I said, science does not advance without dissent and differences of opinion. Remember that at one time, heavier-than-air flight was a notion ridiculed by people who ‘just know better’.
When I dug into this business, my intention was nothing more than understanding what was happening. What was really behind discrediting people in the first place? As it happens, the individual who started the buzzroll about a RICO Act investigation is himself a climate scientist by the name of Jagadish Shukla. He wrote a letter at the link in this article, to the White House demanding such an investigation. He teaches at George Mason University. He conned nineteen (count ‘em) other scientists into signing that letter with him.
Why do I say ‘conned’? Because while he gets a more than adequate salary for teaching, and his wife’s and daughter’s salaries bump up the family income considerably, he also gets taxpayer-funded grants for climate research for his Institute for Global Environment and Society (IGES) to the tune of $3.8+ million per year. Some of those grants come from agencies such as NASA. That’s a lot of money to lose if he’s wrong about AGW. Dissenters are a clear threat to his pocketbook, you see, so he had to do something. Right?
This article by Paul Driessen outlines Shukla’s vested interest in turning innocent people into criminals:
Yes, Shukla is now being investigated himself. No, don’t do stupid things like call the university or post crap on his Facebook page. I’m sure that he and his four associates may find their tenure ending without any of your help.
If you want to know why some people do the things they do, follow the money. It’s almost always about money.
Category: Global Warming
Money, not love makes the world go round.
Bill Nye?!?!?
/no he’s legit.
Bill Nye is an idiot. He may have a lot of book smarts and a lot of degrees, but he’s a fool to buy into the climate-change nonsense.
Who? The anti science guy?
Bill Nye, the guy who graduated from Cornell? With a degree in Mechanical Engineering. That renowned “Science Guy”?
But, it’s rumored that he once took a class on Astronomy, from Carl Sagan.
Yep! Any climatologist without an agenda ($$$) can tell you that 1. Temperatures fluctuate in cycles, and the limits of that fluctuation haven’t changed significantly since they started keeping records, and 2. Temperature-measuring equipment wasn’t as precise 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago, as it is now, so these fraction-of-a-degree changes over time are bogus.
I was quite interested to see if he had made any donations to a political party, then I found that he was not an American citizen and realized that his donations would not be listed anywhere.
I wonder who his wife and daughter may have donated money to in the past.
Their very existence depends not on science, but the money that goes with it. The federal government needs to tighten its definition of “Research”. Most of today’s Climate Research is little more than propaganda to prop up the researcher’s preconceived, hare brained sentiments and padding their checkbooks.
The very idea that Anthropomorphic global warming is a real, or even possible phenomenon is so far from reality it could only be embraced by a deluded liberal mind. My proof is that the people who chant “Science, Science, Science” are the first ones to bend the data to their theory. That is not science, it is rent seeking and poltroonery.
I have observed that genuine scientists who do real research will re-word their grant applications and papers to include whatever buzz words happen to be in vogue. They do this on the advice of grant judges.
Further, research papers will often be written with a throw-away sentence or two, in an effort to tie into a current trend, again to satisfy the grant judges.
This may well be how an article, on a different subject, included a couple of lines about a dead polar bear they found floating in the water. Then, the rank speculation about the polar bear made the national news, because nobody read enough of the article to recognized the throw-away line.
As with all things there are liars and charlatans on either side of this issue.
The oceans continue to absorb increasing amounts of energy, what this means for us long term is anyone’s guess but increasing joule content of the oceans is indicative of stored heat.
The problem coming in is regarding AGW vs GW…some people on both sides use the two interchangeably when they are not actually interchangeable. There is a definite GW as indicated by the large amounts of joules absorbed into the oceans. Whether that GW is caused by A or can be corrected by A is the actual question.
One thing has always and will always remain true, shitting where you eat over a long enough period of time means you will eventually start eating your own shit…where that point lies on a timeline isn’t always easy to identify…but it does lie out there somewhere…
What’s entertaining is watching the two sides engage in their propaganda, the anti-GW folks are using the tobacco playbook…hire some folks to constantly find an outlier and apply that to the whole…while the pro-AGW folks are doing the same thing while promoting their own sales of solutions for the A component…snake oil salesmen on both sides interfering with the science..which is too bad because something’s happening. The data is there, but what and how it affects us remains to be sorted out properly without obfuscation by competing for dollars.
It is entirely possible that mankind is impacting the climate. However, very obviously mankind was not responsible for this:
If the temperature of the earth is rising, it appears reasonably likely to me that perhaps the world is merely moving more towards the long-term average over the last 550 million years. The last 50 million years or so appears to have been rather cool by geological standards. And the earth’s climate, on a geological scale, has exhibited oscillation with a cycle measured in tens-of-millions of years.
Nor was mankind responsible for the ‘warm blob’ up near Greenland during the last glacial maximum, between 20,000 and 70,000 yeas ago.
There is still a quite strong argument to be made that the Earth is still warming up as a part of recovering from the last Ice Age.
In other words, it’s a natural warming and cooling cycle that takes place over hundreds of thousands of years.
The Earth, for example, was MUCH warmer than our current temperatures during the age(s) of the dinosaurs. It was, quite literally, a massive rain forest.
As to rising carbon levels in the atmosphere, every volcanic eruption put tens of thousands of tons of carbon, sulphers, and other gasses into the atmosphere, along with fine particulates of ash that mix with moisture and form heavier particulates. These eruptions do more (and much greater)harm than anything mankind has done and we’ve had many such eruptions in the past 16 years alone.
Climate change is real, but IMHO,mankind has nothing to do with it. The one thing, though,which I do wish these warmalists would grasp, is that “consensus” is NOT science.
Open records indicate that the letter in question sent to Lynch was actually co-ordinated by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D R.I.).
Reps. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) and Mark DeSaulnier (D., Calif.) also called for an investigation into those who deny AGW.
“Whitehouse, joined by Sens. Edward Markey (D., Mass.) and Barbara Boxer (D., Calif.), sent letters to a hundred organizations—from private companies to policy institutes—demanding that they turn over information about funding and research relating to climate issues.”
Whether you hold to AGW or not, it is clear that government representatives are seeking to suppress legal speech making the process the penalty.
The principle of the First Amendment, the Supreme Court recognized in Dennis v. United States (1951), is that “speech can rebut speech, propaganda will answer propaganda, free debate of ideas will result in the wisest governmental policies.” For that principle to prevail—in something less than the 350 years it took for the Catholic Church to acknowledge its mistake in persecuting Galileo—the inquisition of those breaking from the climate “consensus” must be stopped.
(Italicized portions from https://justourfreedom.wordpress.com/2016/03/24/punishing-climate-change-skeptics/ who announce in the above post the creation og the “Free Speech in Science Project” which will help defend people from this governmental overreach and punishment.
I could have gone into a lot more detail, yes, but the space is limited. I summarized it as much as possible, to keep it brief.
What I found interesting was that when public backlash began, the White House quickly distanced itself from the matter, and removed the WH link to the original letter.
I wasn’t trying to say your piece was lacking anything. If I came across that way, I apologize. The letter was written by the person you said and he is under investigation.
My point was that the letter was coordinated by Sen Whitehouse who has an agenda and is using scientists to squelch to bolster his and others attack on free speech. If you read the link, you’ll see that some of the scientists weren’t even aware of the ramifications of the letter they signed.
The letter was deceitful from the beginning.
The White House removing the letter is typical of this administration and many state and local administrations that run simply on what some people want, rather than a bedrock of core principles such as the Constitution.
“Let’s run it up the flag pole and see if it flies!”
When it doesn’t fly, claim ignorance (“plausible deniability” as it is called.)
You’re more than welcome for the link.
Once again, if it sounded as if I was trying to say you hadn’t told the whole story, I apologized. To me, your post focused on one vital part and I focused on another part.
Take care.
I know, and there’s far more to the story than I included.
I wanted to be brief. The real story goes much deeper than I did. I merely touched the surface of it.
Lynch’s approach was what got the public’s attention, but Whitehouse’s manipulations were the behind that entire extortionate attempt.
So no, I didn’t take what you said that way.
Sorry, I forgot to thank you for that link!
I wonder what everybody’s favorite over-educated ninnyhamme will have to spout off about this, will he come up with some bloviation of his own, or will he regurgitate some of his Perfessers’ liberal propaganda?
Well, if he does and I found out about it….
I was actually looking for backup on climate variables when I ran across this subject and then watched Low-retta on the C-Span video. She seems kind of arrogant about it to me, but that’s just me.
I bet $10 that it will be something bloviating, ignorant and pompous all at the same time!
I’ll give you my mustang gt when you pry it from my cold, dead hands…
Now they’re saying the ocean level will rise 6 feet by the end of the century… I’m wondering if they’ve forgotten or misplaced a decimal
Oh, and to top this shit-show of climate/resource saving/kumbaya nonsense one of the largest cartage companies, waste management, is saying that recycling hasn’t been profitable in 3 years.
Let’s keep this up to appease the Prius-driving, soy eating, holier-than-thou folks, I’m sure their clean conscience is worth pissing money away.
I purposely parked my idling Powerstroke next to a Prius one time, just to see the reaction I’d get. Dude hopped out, yelled
a lot and made him read the decal on my windshield. You’d of sworn someone stuffed a big sock in his mouth. Heh.
The decal?
Now that you mention it, the local municipal recycling project is gone, as of 4/1/16. The cash recyclers won’t take paper, period. Just bag it and put it in the trash, along with plastic. They will take aluminum (soda/beer cans, cat food cans) or copper, but not steel. And no one wants electronics any more, period.
Here in CT it’s a law that you have to recycle some 70% of waste which is just brilliant forward planning. I know most of the waste is incinerated due to the NIMBYing over landfills and I don’t blame that mentality. I wonder if there is any crayon sharpening into long term considerations up in the gilt dome or are they too busy worrying about screwing over prison guards. HashtagCTisafailedstate
Remember when Slick Willie BARFd the military and closed bases? Well, he sold NAS Glenview to real estate developers. People lined up like Appleaddicts to get a lot on that space.
And what gets slopped on the ground a lot at airbases?
And guess what NAS Glenview had at the end of the runways? One of the biggest trash dumps in the entire state. It is so big and so old that it’s being mined for methane. But what leaks into the groundwater from trash dumps like that?
Saving the planet, my fat Aunt Harriet!
Oh, yeah – Mexico City has been inundated in a smog since mid-March. It’s so bad that the government has asked people to avoid using cars at least one day a week. Mexico City sits in a bowl surrounded by mountains, a perfect spot for the positioning of an inversion layer that allows smog to gather and gestate.
Glenview was closed due to BRAC, which you can chalk up to Congress.
All sorts of bases have been closed, and although local communities rarely like it, BRAC saved a lot of infrastructure dollars over the years.
That said, whenever there has been a long established military presence, you are going to find all sorts of environmental issues, to include improperly dumped fuel and other hazardous materials as well as UXO and other unpleasant surprises.
Oh, I know it was BRAC. I just prefer BARF.
One of the more thoughtful looks at climate change, as strange as it might seem, is a novel by the late Michael Crichton called State of Fear in which he chalks up a lot of the global warming discussion to an attempt to induce hysteria. Normally, reading fiction to understand science is about as useful as reading Spider Man to understand law enforcement, but in this case Crichton had some respectable credentials and data to bring to the table.
So, if Crichton is right, and a lot of this is about induced hysteria, the next question should rightly be the cui bono one of who stands to benefit. And while there is a lot grant money being spent to support a visible group studying the issue, there are less-visible factions who stand to gain in the event of altered environmental policy. At least one of those factions, as just one example, is the current urbanista push for “smart growth” land use in cities, which has the potential to change the broader political fabric.
Such changes may also have less to do with hugging baby seals, and more to with the lucrative prospect of infrastructure changes if you’re in the business of, say, building light-rail systems.
Doc Crichton is right…As for the who benefits, look to the “carbon traders” of which Obama had a stake in until his glorious rise from ghetto slut to national organizer er
It’s been said that Al Gore Jr. has made multiple millions of dollars from that racket.
Before his death, Crichton was viciously attacked by others for “State of Fear.”
Like more of Crichton’s books, the end notes were available for all to see and meticulously researched.
In essence, Crichton was attacked for telling the truth backed by actual science.
Like I said, follow the money.
Yeah, when this first broke I heard about Shukla and his con game. I was astounded that he had the audacity to try it but he was probably emboldened by others in the climate shill game that did a great deal of stuff, like the aforementioned Mann, without anything happening to them so thought he’d give it a shot and get rich in the process. When it became known that he was using taxpayer grants to payroll his wife and daughter on his get rich scheme it became apparent to anybody with a brain cell what was going on.
I’m glad you posted this and are keeping this in the limelight. The more this incestuous relationship between the climate fear mongers and big money that keeps them funded to continue to fear monger the worse it looks.
I think there is a dark underside to this that most of us are unaware of. I don’t have the dystopian view of the future that you see in the Divergent series of movies, or the ‘Hunger Games’ books, but somewhere along the way, the propaganda machine has to be taken apart at the seams, or we are simply sliding back into the Middle Ages when science and open thought were akin to witchcraft.
It has to stop.
Today was a record high for April 1st here. I’m in now! Global climate change research will now be getting my donations!
big ass //SARC// there
Also, I emit more methane and CO2 in a day, than the entirety of human activity since the industrial revolution began.
So yea, there folks, it’s ALL on me (or was in me, however you want to look at it and if anyone wants to look at “it”, Jonn can give you my contact info for tickets while they last, since I’ve never actually “seen” myself do it.)
So I will now do the right thing and turn myself in to the proper authorities. Although, since every state and federal agency now has a stake in climate change, including the military, I’ll need some insightful direction from the more scholarly among you on which one to best proceed to.
Hell, Skippy – just face WSW and “emit methane” in their (DC’s) general direction. That way no agency gets left out.
But let them find you. Never volunteer. (smile)
Memo to FB commenter:
Ric Bucklew. Pretty much tells us what we need to know.
Poof, motherfucker. Begone.
Back OT, ask a climate change believer why the head snake oil salesman Al Gore bought a $9M mansion on the beach in Montecito, and be prepared for a spittle laced tirade, a gaping mouth stare that would make Bernath look smart, or both.
Yeah, this comment of his:
‘Youdontbhqve a fucking clue what you are talking about. So it FIGURES you audience is the hill billies from this ain’t hell instead of the national Academy of Sciences.’
For a moment, I did think is was the Poodle, but even his spelling isn’t that bad. It’s a pathetic statement that buckle can’t understand plain English, because my topic was not climate.
I was discussing the corruption of the government grant process by someone with pockets and a bank account to protect, as well as suppression of free speech.
Bucklew, you’re a moron.
Excellent website:
The blog owner spanks the climate change crowd mercilessly.
Here’s a nice video of the USS Hartford (SSN768) surfacing this year through Arctic ice near Camp Nautilus. There were two surfacings this year. The first ever was USS Skate in 1959.
Just missed going up there myself back in the day.
Would have been interesting, that’s for sure.