Daniel Dusek; trades Navy secrets for hookers

Several folks have sent us links to stories about this former US Navy Captain, Daniel Dusek, who was sentenced to 46 months in prison for trading Navy secrets for hookers and luxury hotels rooms. From Military.com;
Also Friday, U.S. District Judge Janis L. Sammartino ordered Dusek to pay a $70,000 fine for giving ship and submarine schedules to help Leonard Glenn Francis carry out a scheme in which his company, Glenn Defense Marine Asia Ltd., or GDMA, overbilled the maritime branch by more than $34 million.
Dusek told the court he will never forgive himself for his actions.
Yeah, he really shouldn’t. I’m sure, at his rate of pay, hookers in Malayasia are probably relatively cheap – considerably cheaper than the millions he gave up in retirement compensation.
From BBC;
Judge Janis Sammartino said: “It is truly unimaginable to the court that someone in your position with the United States Navy would sell out based on what was provided to you – hotel rooms, entertainment and the services of prostitutes.”
From CNN;
He admitted to using his influence to benefit Glenn Defense Marine Asia (GDMA). For decades, the contractor provided port services to U.S. Navy ships and Dusek would steer them GDMA’s way.
According to his plea agreement, he hand-delivered Navy ship schedules to the GDMA office in Japan or emailed them directly.
I’ll admit that I ignored much of this story because it just seemed inconceivable to me that any American military officer would involve themselves in something like this.
Category: Navy
What he’ll never forgive himself for is being caught. Hanging is too good for him – they should chum shark infested waters with him.
Did he loose all (100%) of his retirement?
Just bend those dog tags and out the door.
Yep, a dismissal means shit out of luck on retirement benefits.
Yep, and DITTO with any and all VA benefits, Dismissal for Officers is the same as a DD for Enlisted.
He hasn’t yet – this was a conviction in US District Court, not a court-matial which could adjudicate a dismissal. But yes, I’m sure the Navy will eventually give him the boot.
“I think the Navy will take steps at this point to administratively separate him from the Navy,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Mark Pletcher.
Far too good for him. I sure do hope those hookers made him happy long time.
I hope he caught a yet-to-be-discovered exotic strain of VD from them.
Well they do all say “me love you long time”.
One thing you can say about the swabbies is that when it comes to corruption schemes, they apparently don’t fool around with pathetic half measures.
Dusek: Hello?
Fat Leonard: Dan, it’s Lennie.
Dusek: S’up, Lennie?
Fat Leonard: Gotta small favor to ask, skipper. You know that aircraft carrier that’s supposed to go to Hawaii? I need you to send it to Singapore instead.
Dusek: Whatever floats your boat, big fella.
Fat Leonard: Thanks. By the way, if you’re free later I can send over a new pair of depraved midget twins. These girls really know how to get the old bilge pumped, if you catch my drift. Sound good?
Word. $1 me love you long time.
There will likely be more cases like this one coming out of the Navy in the not-too-distant future. The Navy is aggressively swinging its UCMJ career-ending scythe in response to this whole Fat Leonard problem, and it’s cutting a wide and bloody swath indeed.
The Fat Leonard scandal (and the associated adverse repercussions for many senior Navy officers) is much more widespread than most people realize.
He is lucky to only get 46 months in prison. It was a plea deal so my guess he would have gotten much more it went to trial. Yes, dismissal is the officer version of a dishonorable discharge. He gets nothing, no retirement no VA benefits.
That’s right; he gets nothing.
He does, however, now get to claim the title of “convicted felon”.
That’ll be quite a change from his previous moniker of Captain USN.
Its too bad that there aren’t any more “Red Line” brigs with Marines running them. They really enjoyed it when officers showed up for incarceration, and this guy looks like he would have really done well there.
My dad ran prisoners from Treasure Island to various brigs and prisons in the US. The Marines didn’t care if the Navy prisoners were officer or enlisted they were ready to give them the business.
One particular enlisted decided to mouth off to some of the guards and refused to stop. One of the Marines put a bucket over his head and started hitting it with his baton. Needless to say the prisoner stopped mouthing off.
In the old Marine Corps “Red Line” brigs, prisoners were restricted to walking on a red line painted on the deck whenever they were required to move about the brig, i.e. to go to chow, to attend the Sunday morning “Magic Show”, etc.
If a prisoner stepped off of the red line at any time, it was considered to be an “escape attempt”.
Marine guards would then immediately intervene and enthusiastically apply an appropriate amount of physical force in order to stop said “escape attempt”.
Oh yes; the “Red Line” brigs were good to go. No sitting. No talking. All chow eaten while standing at parade rest. Extra-special tough guys who didn’t want to cooperate received restricted rations of dry cereal and water (or bread and water if at sea) until they wised up. The only reading materials allowed were the Bible and the Guidebook for Marines. The only time that prisoners touched their racks was from Taps until Reveille. The workday consisted of relentless hard manual labor, such as moving large piles of gravel with an e-tool.
It goes without saying that there was a VERY low recidivism rate.
Perhaps a return to those methods would be beneficial.
Mick, while I don’t agree with some of that stuff, you are right about deterring repeat offenders. That also identifies the problem with society today. The first corrective step would be to nuke the ACLU followed by all of the f’in liberal hand wringing lawyers. We all know that is not going to happen in our lifetime.
Soldiers from Ft. Huachuca convicted of offenses that required confinement of 180 days or less can be sent to the brig at MCAS Yuma. Talk about tossing red meat to a pack of dogs! Always enjoyed listening to the “reception” they’d receive!
The yellow line brig at Camp Hanson, Okinawa was pretty impressive (did a command visit to a prisoner confined there). That and the Brig at NAVSTA San Diego told me that the brig was one place you really didn’t want to stay at.
Sounds like “The Good Old Days”! I heard that the Army Detention Facility in Mannheim always treated their inmates like SHIT and that was heartwarming news to me and my compadres in A-stan after a dirtbag in our Company was sent there after a CM conviction with a Big Chicken Dinner.
John Hinckley was locked up in the Marine Corps brig in Quantico, VA for a while after he shot President Reagan.
I’ll bet that Mr. Hinckley really enjoyed his stay there.
So now, who is going after Glenn Defense Marine Asia Ltd. for the $34 million it over billed? Isn’t it pretty clear in government contracts that money gained from corrupt endeavors such as with this Captain is cause for suspension if not termination of the contract plus legal action? No wait, I forgot the follow the money rule. Let’s see who Glenn Defense Marine Asia Ltd. gives campaign donations to or has.
I’d be surprised if they haven’t already lavishly donated to Das Hildebeast Cankles. I think it’s a safe bet that they donated to B. Bussein 0bama & Company as well.
Hookers, drugs and whatever else for contracts?
Lack of ethics, honesty morals and values?
Think All-Points Logistics.
I’m sure Big Navy, in it’s infinite wisdom, is currently working on some all hands mandatory training to address this very issue of accepting sexual favors for classified information.
It’ll be a 127 page PowerPoint presentation presented by some nasal voiced GS something or another… bore everyone to death.
And it will be an annual training requirement, but never updated.
‘Dusek told the court he will never forgive himself for his actions.’
Yes, and neither will I or any person with morals and love of country. He’s lower than whale feces. Here’s hoping he will be very popular in the slammer.
Just another man thinking with his dick.
Hope the orgasms were worth it. Ever hear of the expression ‘loose lips sink ships’?
I rather do not believe that this was -just- about corrupt billing. Ship movements, etc, are valuable intelligence information. How much easier is it to get an idiot to betray his country for mere money or “perks”, when he can believe that the only thing to come of it is some crooked billing?
There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that someone along the chain of illicit information was in all probability working for one or more foreign intelligence agencies.
Nice work, idiot. Hope you have a long, long time to contemplate just how badly you effed your nation, and how very much worse it might have been.
Booze and hookers. Yeah, baby. I’m all in no matter the cost. Hooyah!
What a chump! For a piddly two dollars I could have sold him a Kate Smith hand puppet and a jar of K Y jelly.
While I’m glad he got nailed, sadly, this kind of shit is nothing new.
In the middle of my first deployment, we pulled into Subic for a few hours for a quick stores/parts load.
The Philipino knew for a week we were coming in (the crew didn’t know until 3 days prior), and they knew every port, including dates, we were hitting the rest of deployment, including stuff we didn’t know yet. And damned if they weren’t right. So if THEY knew, EVERYONE knew, all the way out to the bar girls in Subic City.
To top it off, all movements on deployment were supposedly classified SECRET. This is back in the day where any mail (including personal) with name and boat addresses was considered classified and needed shredded and burned.
Security issues? Yeah.
I like pussy as much or more than the next fellow (perhaps only ID SARC would hit more than I, but not by much)…but to give away all that you worked to achieve for some pussy is just really fucking stupid on every level….
Perhaps he has a great deal lined up GDMA for his post-service career…they can pay him in handjobs and hotel rooms apparently.
Why isn’t this handled thru the UCMJ?
Why did it go to a regular Federal Court?
Why is this guy going to a regular Prison and not Leavenworth?
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lol in the old Navy the hookers always knew the ship’s schedule better than the crew. The more things change……