Belgian law enforcement failures

| March 25, 2016

The Belgians admit that they have failed their citizenry prior to the bombing the other day that killed more than thirty people and injured hundreds of others. One of the bombers, Brahim El Bakraoui, had been arrested by the Turks when he tried to get into Syria last summer. The Turks sent him back to Belgium at his own request. The Belgian government released him because they had no evidence that he had jihadist connections. His brother, 26-year-old Khalid, was found to have violated his parole last Spring by maintaining contact with his jihadi pals, but officials released him anyway. From Reuters;

Two sources familiar with the matter said the Bakraoui brothers had been on U.S. government counterterrorism watch lists before the attacks. But it was not clear how long they had been known to the authorities.

Belgian Interior Mininster Jan Jambon and Justice Minister Koen Geens offered to resign their posts, but Prime Minister Charles Michel asked them to stay, I guess because any trained monkey will do AFTER a successful terrorist attack. From Fox News;

Turkey said it had warned Belgium that it had flagged El Bakraoui as a “foreign terrorist fighter.” El Bakraoui had a criminal record in Belgium at the time he went to Turkey, but Belgian authorities also could find no links to terrorism.

Geens appeared on a Belgian TV news show and was asked who was to blame for the failure to follow up on the Turkish warning.

“It is clear it is not one single person, but it is true that we could have expected from Ankara or Istanbul a more diligent communication, we think, that perhaps could have avoided certain things.”

Now, wait, Turkey deported El Bakraoui for tying to sneak into Syria and that wasn’t a “diligent communication”? You can’t convince me that they let the brothers loose for reasons other than political correctness. They didn’t want to anger the jihadis more than they were already angry.

And, oh, yeah, the third guy, the one in the light-colored jacket?

Security sources told Belgian media the other suicide bomber at the airport was Najim Laachraoui, a veteran Belgian Islamist fighter in Syria suspected of making explosive belts for November’s Paris attacks.

If they knew that after the bombing, they knew it before the bombing.

Category: Terror War

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As effective as DHS, ICE & the FBI. Did the Belgian authorities find any iPhones?


If they have info that the a.h. has a criminal record…..THAT’S ENOUGH, throw him out! next step from a criminal record is join the ISIS so he can continue his criminality unmolested..why in hell would you want criminal types in your country? This for you too IDIOT PREZ OF THE US!!

Old Trooper

Too much navel gazing and making sure that non-muslims are being tolerant and not saying anything negative about muslims.

When you haven’t figured out that they aren’t interested in assimilating and demand that you bend to their culture; you have already lost. Europe has been lost and America doesn’t want to be left out, so we’re doing every thing we can to catch up.


OT, you nailed it. As long as authorities are more concerned with the ‘rights’ of these buttwipes and trying desperately not to offend them, this crap will continue. At some point the adults will have to be in power and take the action necessary to stop this or at least greatly curtail it. Some will still get through. Some will be unjustly charged. Well, harsh as it sounds, I can live with that. I value the safety of my fellow citizens and the innocents in other countries who do no wrong over an occasional false alarm. There, I said it. Yes, I know how that sounds. I don’t know how else we will stop people who believe dying and getting their virgins is the best that can happen to them. To paraphrase some liberals, ‘we have to balance the rights of all as we take steps to not deny any their rights.’ Well, that’s so much pablum and is nothing but, to me, a sound byte to make others feel warm and fuzzy.


Isn’t that thinking a big part of why the 9/11 attacks were successful? We had a lot of the pieces beforehand, but too many folks were afraid of the backlash for “profiling” and such.


Trial runs: London. Madrid. London again. Pan Am Airlines. NYC. NYC again. Boston. San Bernardino. Paris. Brussels.


The vigilante groups are already rising because people are thoroughly pissed off. That’s why a small incident turned London into a bonfire a few years ago. Remember when London was burning?

It will happen again.

The EU needs to snap the hell out of its ‘feelzgood’ haze. These migrants are 10% people seeking a safer place to live, and 90% a bunch of thugs looking for an opportunity to break things and kill people.

Pinto Nag

Pain is a great motivator. So is death. One of two things will happen: people will stop drinking the Kool-Aid and fight for their survival…or there will be a lot of prime real estate for the Muslims to enjoy. It’s going to be one or the other; they aren’t leaving anyone a third option, as far as I can see.



Old Trooper

You forget when Paris was burning, also, Ex-PH2. That happened a couple of years before the bombs and guns started going off. It should have been a wake up call back then, but political correctness blinds everyone.


You’re right, Old Trooper. I did forget about that. My bad.

There was a photograph in the newspaper of a piece of bomb shrapnel that had been removed from one victim. It was NOT a small fragment, but more like the size of a playing card.

When are the braindead slackers going to snap out of it and finally understand that those people want to kill them, kill as many of them as possible at one go, and as painfully as possible?

Yes, the Boston Massacre was a small example. It’ll happen again, unless people stop assuming that if they are ‘nice’, the bad guys will be ‘nice’, too.

Fuck them, let the wild hogs loose on them.

A Proud infidel

Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t the Boston bombers classified as “Refugees”?

FUCK. Political. Correctness. It’s social, cultural and spiritual suicide.


The EU needs to snap the hell out of its ‘feelzgood’ haze. These migrants are 10% people seeking a safer place to live, and 90% a bunch of thugs looking for an opportunity to break things and kill people.

Are you going for hyperbole, or do you really believe it’s roughly a 90/10 split like that?

The first step to tackling the problems we face are being realistic about them – the idea that there are zero recruitable/current terrorists in the mix of immigrants is obviously false, but 90% is as well. Flip it around and it’s more accurate, though in my opinion 10% is still far too high.

Mind you, even at 1%, we’re still talking over a hundred thousand potential terrorists. And at that rate, I’d think we’d be seeing far more attacks than we are. So, again, 90%? Pretty damn unlikely.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Well clearly the strategy so far has been one where they’ve been hoping it all works out…it’s kind of like wishing in one hand and shitting in the other…we all know which hand will fill up first and it won’t be pretty.

At some point we have to stop worrying about whether or not muslims might be offended if we point out a simple fact that we don’t have a lot of buddhists or christians detonating themselves in crowded public places.

Sure there’s a lot of non-muslims committing crimes every day, none of us are fucking stupid we understand that. But criminals and jihadists are motivated by an entirely different set of rule. Criminals aren’t typically suicidal their deaths come at the hands of LEOs when things go wrong for them, jihadists choose to die in a specific location at a specific time and so far they’ve been muslims every fucking time….so excuse muslims but fuck you if you’re offended by the concept that we need to profile you motherfuckers, you have a large percentage of bad karma right now thanks to you fuckers cheering when the towers fell and you fuckers just sitting on your hands instead of telling us where the turds are hiding and plotting.

Are all muslims terrorists? Of course not, but it’s a religion based on following the advice of a guy who fucked kids as wives. Sorry if you don’t like that muslims, but fuck you and your pedophile prophet. Based on that simple fact your religion ought to be against the law and join NAMBLA as an organization for those degenerate members of society who need to be watched and monitored daily.

I don’t like most religions, but islam is especially repulsive.

The mormons have a fucking idiot origin story as well, but at least their story was designed to let them score more than one wife not blow up the folks who didn’t look them….


The powers that be apparently expect us to believe that ignoring the obvious, not just allowing but inviting jihadists into this country, and all the other Euro-appeasement tactics will have a different outcome here than we have watched repeatedly play out in Europe? No, we really are not that stupid. We do, however, deserve whatever we get if we allow the insanity to continue.

We are a sovereign country. We have the right to expect our government to secure our borders. They are obligated to do so. We also should expect them to be diligent about keeping misfits, radicals, and others who do not have the best interests of our country out.


Zero accountability across the board. Seems like Western civilization has moved beyond results, just as long as there is “solidarity” and mass delusion we’ll be ok.

I read one of these jokers was jailed for armed robbery and attempted murder of police with an illegal AK47. His sentence was 9 years and was apparently out in 4. Amazing, Libtards. Simply fucking amazing.


Thank those Euroweenie “rehabilitation-first” prison systems.


“Seems like Western civilization has moved beyond results, just as long as there is “solidarity” and mass delusion we’ll be ok”.

Amen to that.

European cities will continue to be targets and more blood will be shed because of the “religion of peace”. Until the leaders of those countries realize that, their complicity will only create an environment where these savages can freely operate. It’s as if they ignore the fact their own policies are the reason these attacks happen. They’d rather subscribe to tolerance and embrace “multiculturalism” (or whatever it is they call it) instead of preventing the killing of the people they’re supposed to protect.

Simply f*cking amazing, indeed.


I guess this is a good place to add some poetry.

No man survives when freedom fails,
The best men rot in filthy jails,
And those who cry ‘appease, appease’
Are hanged by those they tried to please.

— Hiram Mann


You can blame the European Governments but it all starts with the people who put them in office. They stay in office because the Europeans are just plain F-ing stupid.

Western Europeans are more interested in their benefits than remaining alive and in one piece. They have become so PC that they don’t think Muslims should assimilate into their society. Police are not allowed to enter certain neighborhoods or in the case of Belgium, not allowed to carry out a raid from 9:00 PM to 5:00 AM.

Meanwhile Muslims will make babies and some of them will build bombs to kill the Infidel. When the Muslim population grows large enough the Western Europeans can kiss their benefits goodbye.

Pinto Nag

What I’m about to say is about as cold-blooded as it gets, but I’m responding to you final paragraph, about Muslims making babies. It takes nine months to make a baby, and about 18 years to get one to adulthood. The bottom line is this: we can kill them a lot faster than they can make them. If Africa is any indicator, it only takes months to eradicate an ethnic group, if that is what you are set on doing.

Now the monsters we would become doing something like that is an issue in and of itself, for consideration at a later date. Just remember: hindsight is 20/20.


Do you really think they will wait until they are 18? Take a ten year old boy and strap a bomb on him. This is a slow process which may take two or more generations but they will get there if the Europeans don’t wake up.

“Now the monsters we would become doing something like that is an issue in and of itself, for consideration at a later date. Just remember: hindsight is 20/20.”

Who said we would become like them?

Pinto Nag

The reason the Western nations haven’t attempted any kind of retribution or even retaliation for the killings over the last fifteen years, is because they are determined NOT to become like them.

You know, far better than I, what it would take to completely eradicate the dangers of jihad; however, there was a reason historically, that raiders and invading armies would take the women and girls for chattel, and kill the men and boys, all the way down to infants (sometimes even them). The males of any group are the ones to drive any fighting; treated anywhere near humanely, the females will settle into their new circumstances, eventually. If we ever decided on an eradication process, are you prepared to round up any male of a targeted age, and kill them, simply because they belong to a particular demographic? It works — it’s been demonstrated again and again throughout the centuries that it works — but nobody goes through a process like that and keeps their humanity.

My point was that, if we did do something like that, then yes — we WOULD become monsters.


No we will not become like them.

When we bombed the shit out of Nazi Germany and the war was over we went back to the freedom loving Christian nation we are.

When we nuked Japan to end the war we went back as a loving Christian nation and rebuilt the country.

What I am saying Pinto as a Christian nation we are for peace and understanding, love thy neighbor, forgive and forget.

But when you fuck with us we will bring the hammer of God down on you. Expect no mercy as Radical Islam has not shown mercy to anyone in their path.


But, America is not a Christian nation anymore, is it?

I don’t know. I am not Christian myself, so my opinion doesn’t count, but the Christians i see around are definitely not the ones that won all the 20th century wars.


“They stay in office because the Europeans are just plain F-ing stupid.”

Only one response to that: 2012


You are correct and this is why we have Trump as popular as he is. The same folks who are bitching are the same ones who will vote for the same US Rep/Senator while voting for Trump.

HMCS(FMF) ret.

I had seen something last night about how the Belgian police cannot conduct raids between the hours of 9:00 PM and 5:00 AM, unless there is an actual crime in progress or if there is some sort of emergency (fire, EMT’s at a home, etc.). It’s believed that’s how the Muzzie who masterminded the Paris attack was able to evade the police for so long.

And a little something from Legal Insurrection about the situation in Brussels came about as a result of a Socialist mayor running the show:


As the remarks on the Belgium police’s restrictions mentioned above and as referenced at Ace of Spades HQ via Mark Steyn’s Steyn Online–how Belgium got to be in such a mess, Washington Post article:

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO it’s WTF you get when you let those filthy little third world goat-molesting fleabags into your country without asking questions and as *B-B-A-A-A-A-AH!*. Right now we have B. Hussein 0bama & Company doing all they can to aid, abet and embolden them as well as letting as many in as they can as fast as they can.


Tom Kratman’s “Caliphate” is looking more and more like prophecy.

Silentium Est Aureum

And yet the left welcomes these clowns with open arms, and anyone who wants to practice due diligence is a xenophibe, racist, or worse.


In reading something else on the Daily Mail, about a woman in PA faking being a lawyer for years, I came across this article about the reaction by the populace to the bombings in Belgium.

I will not be surprised to see more and more of this as time goes by.


The Belgians had a tacit agreement with the terrorists, “we will leave you alone and you will leave us alone”. And it worked right up until it stopped working. Over the centuries Europeans have seen destruction on a massive scale – more destructive than the US Civil War. Wellington defeated Napolean about ten miles west of the Brussels airport. The Battle of the Bulge was fought in eastern Belgium. Flanders Field is not very far southwest of Brussels. My best friends wife is Belgian and I have spent months there – Brussels, Bruge, Namur, Bastogne, and others. I am prepared to understand why they would be tolerant. It will be interesting to see what the Belgians do.