Tuesday morning feel good stories

| March 15, 2016

This morning we read about an armed fellow who tired to rob a bar in Richmond, Indiana. He was shot by an armed customer in the leg and chased from the bar. Damned good guys with guns are every-damn-where these days.

In Fresno, California, an unknwn number of intruders forced their way into a home where medical marijuana is legally grown. The homeowner shot two of the intruders, one was DRT (dead right there) and the other was taken to the hospital. The 59-year-old owner was slightly injured in the gun battle.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Good guys with guns.
The solution for evil violence is righteous violence by good people.


I thought there was a law that said you had to empty the Mag if you fired a shot.

Oh, well, score more points for the good guys


So I’d call it three for three today, with a home run, a double, and a base hit.

Not bad. Not bad at all.

A Proud Infidel®™

Gee whiz, with all the armed Gun Nutz out there one might think it ain’t as safe to go on a crime spree as it used to be!

B Woodman

Don’t want to get shot? Then get an education and get a job other than breaking into other people’s houses. Sheesh! Do I have to do all the heavy thinking around here?


B Woodman…Thank you that simple yet truthful statement. Living on Uncle Sam’s or rather, we taxpayer’s largess, is no way to go through life. Get a job, work on an education for a better job and stop stealing what ain’t yours.


Driving for Uber I get to explain the Texas gun laws to all kinds of tourists.
A lot of them are from Britain and have no clue what a gun even really looks like and nothing about how they work.
So I encourage them to go to a gun range and try it out under the watchful eye of a trained professional.
I don’t know if any of them ever did, but I sure hope so.
The Texas laws allow people to keep a handgun concealed in their cars without any kind of a permit so at any given time at least 10% of the cars on the roads have a gun in them and someone that isn’t afraid to use it.
I also tell them that Houston is becoming more and more of a safer city to live in because there are so many bad guys getting their shit blown out of them by someone with a gun.
When you stop and think about that many guns on the Houston freeways and that there is never a shootout after an accident you have a perfect argument for allowing people to carry guns with them wherever and whenever they decide to go out of their houses.
The Uber driver that went nuts and killed 7 people could have been stopped if the last couple that he was transporting had ignored the gun free zone rule in the Uber car and stopped that idiot with a gun to the back of the head.
All in all it was a perfect argument FOR concealed carry.
Seven people would probably be alive if they had done that…