Friday morning feel good stories

| March 4, 2016

An armed homeowner confronted burglars in Marion County, Florida when his wife called to tell him that she saw someone climbing in through a window of their home. the man grabbed his AK-47 and a friend with a shotgun and went to the home to confront them. He saw a strange vehicle and fired a warning shot. The driver then tried to run over him as the homeowner fired at the driver. No one was injured, apparently and the driver escaped. When the homeowner saw someone leave his house, he ordered the thief to stop, but he merely climbed an 8 foot fence and disappeared into the woods. So he got away with about $6,000 worth of jewelry. Even the police’s K9s couldn’t locate the burglar.

In Mount Pleasant, Texas, police responded to a burglary call at a residence and found the homeowner holding the thief at gun point for them.

In Savannah, Georgia, a homeowner shot himself in a struggle with a burglar. I wonder if he told the burglar “You’re next.”

Australian Shepherd, Sydney, in Birmingham, Alabama is trained to chase away burglars on command and that’s what she did when her human sent her after a criminal who had busted down the front door. the police haven’t made an arrest in the case, but Sydney got a day at the doggie spa.

You have to watch this video of a clerk who decided that she didn’t want to be robbed;

CBS46 News

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Fired a warning shot? Fired a warning shot…Um more range time with emphasis on not wasting ammo on warning shots. doh.


The best warning is a sucking chest wound.


Like I said recently, “warning shot” is another way of saying “I missed.”

Goobers go and buy bad-ass guns to look cool, but can’t even shoot them.


The Georgia store clerk video was on the news the other night. I’ll bet her children are VERY well-behaved.

And Sydney is my kind of dog. Two double-sized dog biscuits for her, too.


Too bad she didn’t get him with the hammer !!! That would have been really cool !!!


Bravo lady, next time, get the hammer first!