Sunday morning feel good stories
In Sanger, California, a homeowner finished up some yardwork and went to get a cool refreshing beverage, but he found that he was locked out of his house. Looking in his window, he saw 54-year-old Enrique Garza inside the home. The homeowner, being a CCW license holder, had his firearm with him and pointed it at Garza and held him at gun point until the police arrived.
Another homeowner in Springfield, Illinois, a Marine Corps veteran, heard someone breaking into his home while he was napping on the couch. He got his gun and confronted the intruder – the sight of the gun was enough to influence the intruder to take flight. Police who responded to the Marine’s call located the fellow near by and scooped him up for his new accommodations.
In Montpelier, Vermont, a father protected his wife and infant from an invader as he prevented the intruder from mounting the stairs where his family was hiding. The thief left the home but returned when the police arrived on the scene which led to a tense stand off. Jesse Fitzgerald is currently sitting in jail because he can’t afford the $5000 bail.
In Hampton, Virginia, two thieves were shot by someone inside the business. It is not known if the shooter was an employee of the business or a customer, but what is known is that one thief was DRT (dead right there) and another was found down the street.
Category: Feel Good Stories
Good “day at the plate” for armed law-abiding citizens: 5 for 5 with one HR and a second extra-base hit.
Sweet. Good citizens protecting what is theirs from those who have no claim to it.
Update on the Hampton, VA, incident: the linked story has apparently been updated to say that the armed law-abiding citizen who drilled the two robbers was a store employee. The store employee is not facing charges.
Under Obummer and his crew, I am surprised he (the victim) is not facing charges.
More rights to the perpetrator; not the victim.
In all fairness, I really do not care who is elected. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, is better than Obummer.
Between a lair, a blowhard and an old, aging hippie, Canada is looking good.
I wonder if they care if I ask to emigrate?
Just don’t take any gun with you.
NO, not anyone, the hilldabeast studied under the same moron as obozo! and bernie the nerd is also a freaking communist! NO, no anyone…my dog however would be better!
In Irving Texas, a citizen was unarmed and taken hostage. This could have ended very badly for the citizen, but thanks to a sharpshooting cop, getting a head shot on the bad guy the citizen has another chance to arm himself. I watched the footage, but didn’t see any sign of a block of cheese laying beside the dead bad guy. Either it was someone else, or he was out for some cheese when he caused the situation.
I remember growing up in VT when an intruder breaking into an occupied house was not held at gunpoint while the police were called. The police were called to take the homeowners statement of why he shot the intruder, took a look at the broken glass and that was the end of the story. Anyone breaking into a home where my wife and kids or myself were in residence just ended their criminal career.
If it doesn’t belong to you stay out of it!!! Not a difficult concept to understand unless you’re a complete retard.
Good stuff.
A home invasion of an occupied dwelling, the perp flees, then returns and commits another home invasion and the best they can do is set a $5000 bond? I’ve seen shoplifters get that much for a bond.