Malheur standoff ends slowly

| January 28, 2016

Sean Anderson

Oregon Live reports that since the arrest of eight leaders yesterday, the folks who were barricaded in the Malheur Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Oregon have been trickling out of the forest slowly but surely. But, yesterday morning, they were freaking the Hell out;

A black helicopter circled. Lookouts remained posted in the fire tower.

“They’re going to murder all of us,” screamed Sean Anderson in a live stream from the refuge on Wednesday morning, referring to the FBI and other police officers who were busy surrounding the perimeter.

“American people better wake up and get here and fight for your country right now, it is on,” Anderson said. “If they stop you from getting here, kill them.”

Yet the call for support didn’t appear to rally many troops.

Now, they’re down to four or five people. Another Oregon Live link says that four are cleared by the FBI leave, but one has an active warrant;

“We’re willing to leave,” Fry said. “Out of five people left here, four of us are allowed to leave and one of them, he’s charged with a felony.”

Fry said an FBI negotiator told them the fifth man has a warrant for his arrest for the federal charge of conspiracy to interfere with federal employees. Federal authorities have used that charge to arrest 11 occupiers in the past two days.

Fry identified the man as “Sean,” a possible reference to Sean L. Anderson, 47, a militiaman from Riggins, Idaho.

Yeah, the guy who was calling for war yesterday is the one that has a warrant – that’s Sean Anderson in the picture at the top of the page calling for reinforcements.

“We want to go home,” said Anderson, dressed in camouflage gear. “We don’t need checkpoints. We don’t need felony charges. We’re camping out here.”

His last words in the scene: “God help us.”

Fry said the charge stands in the way of a peaceful end to the occupation, now in its 27th day. The remaining occupiers are isolated now at the refuge. Police have established roadblocks and checkpoints at several locations around the refuge headquarters, allowing no one in. Anyone leaving the refuge is stopped, identified and searched.

The guy who was calling for reinforcements yesterday now just wants to go home. Poor little guy.

Sean shouldn’t be arrested, Fry said on the video.

“We’re asking them to just drop the charges,” Fry said. “And nobody dies.”

He said those remaining were willing to have their weapons checked by police as they leave to ensure they aren’t stolen.

“We’re being reasonable,” Fry said.

Without the charge being dropped, the remaining occupiers will stay at the refuge, Fry said.

“Are they really going to kill five people for refusing to drop a charge?” Fry asked.

Buncha little drama queens. They cost the American taxpayers thousands, if not millions, of dollars and now they want to just walk away from it all like it never happened.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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How does the saying go? Everyone wants to patriots until its time to do patriot shit?


Nobody ever taught these guys that it’s not all floppy hats and dildos.

Just An Old Dog

or bags of gummy bear dicks…

Pinto Nag

In with a roar, out with a whimper. Typical.


With apologies to T. S. Eliot:

This is the way Malheur ends
This is the way Malheur ends
This is the way Malheur ends
Not with a bang but a whimper



Oh, how ironic! The name of that poem is “The Hollow Men”.


might be redundant but, didn’t black lives matter get to take a walk?

2/17 Air Cav

“…the federal charge of conspiracy to interfere with federal employees.”


Pinto Nag

Yeah, that survivalist sh*t ain’t NEARLY as much fun in real life as it is in your daydreams over your favorite gear catalog. Heh.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure they wore out EVERY issue of Soldier of Fortune they took with them either drooling on the pages while daydreaming or whatever else.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder how much damage those tinfoil-heads did to that Wildlife Refuge during their attention-whoring hissyfit el grande? IMHO they just need to eat their last Bag of Dicks and go away taking their souvenir dildos and lube with them!

Dave Hardin

But, the Dildos, what about the Dildos? What are they going to do with all the Dildos?

I bet anything Shitzheimer rode off with the Dildos. That there is the makings of a great Gay Western Porno… meanwhile back at the Ranch our hero Shitzheimer, all hopped up on Gummy Dicks, plunges into the rear guard.

I have to cum up with the climax.

I wonder if he figured out that batteries where not included.


Can’t really decide on an ending, but for possible consideration of your movie, how about “Malheur Broke Dildo Mountain”?

A Proud Infidel®™

“Man-Love at Malheur”?


With only five left, that bag o’dicks might last a little longer.


So much for that cushy government job Sean Anderson was hoping for!


I suspect there’s a cushy government something in his future…


Looks like Sean Anderson wants the “American people” to show up and cook him supper. Bet his stomach rumbles constantly, what with his diet confined to eating dicks.


If I ever own a helicopter I’m totally painting it flat black. Just to troll these types.

El Bearsidente

Make sure you install loudspeakers and blast them with Wagner.

Semper Idem


Haywire Angel

Play “I’m a Barbie Girl” over and over.
That should do it!

Just An Old Dog

Looks like he reached for his piece, and got ventilated.

Is it time to recycle the Ferguson “Hands up, don’t shoot!” slogan?

El Bearsidente

I agree Casey.

They got stopped, which took an eternity, then decided to run. They barrel at the barricade with a big, heavy vehicle that has terrible momentum when it hits something.

They almost splatter a LEO, who tries to get out of the way, because clearly he expects that this massive truck is going to hit his barricade.

Then the guy comes out and looks like he’s trying to draw from a shoulder holster.

Some people are screaming “ambush”. Nope, that’s not an ambush.

Did the LEOs have a guy in the trees, as if they were expecting a shootout? Given the FBI’s history with heavily armed opponents (I only say 1980s Miami shootout), such a move would be absolutely feasible.


Yep. Very clear. 100% justified DRT.

I still love the camp follower’s interview where she says the dip shits didn’t have guns…except for their side arms!

I hope that one LEO didn’t get struck when the truck blew through the road block. That alone was justifiable to perforate the truck IMO.

Bill M

Foolishly reached for a gun; suffered obvious result. Almost the definition of “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” Good shoot.

El Bearsidente

The American people should beat them with a bag of dicks.


Damned chipmunks with their jaws stuffed with pieces of a dildo. And we were supposed to think it was acorns!

Climb to Glory

FBI footage of the entire shooting incident in Oregon.


Looks like he was reaching for a weapon just before he got ventilated. Of course the kooks are going to say something like “the footage was doctored” or some other craziness…


Greedo fired first!


A pack of effing morons can’t take the cold and the lack of facilities. Such dedication to The Cause (whatever that was). So they decide to leave, make a run for it, whatever, and try to drive through the snow around a roadblock. One gets stoopid and pays the penalty for stoopid. They sure were truly dedicated attention whores.

Whatever the forest service is up there near Burns, they’d better start removing those trees with pine bark beetle infestation. If they don’t, they’ll have a bigger problem than a bunch of ignorant fools trespassing their useless asses on a conservation area.

Granny Grunch

Interesting. These negative comments seem to be running,almost word for word,through many blog sites….can we say “organized”? Or it just may be thhat all those “patriotic citizens” who sit on their fat butt,24/7, with their calloused fingers on the key board have found something exciting about which to write. It also may be wise NOT to write ANYTHING about “our government”.

C B Senior

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO you can say that the majority of people can recognize a bunch of ASS CLOWNS and Phonies and that there are only so many synonyms to describe F-ing IDIOTS.
The US Congress if full of money grubbing, back stabbing snakes in the grass. See there you go.

Granny Grunch

Oh yes….and I’m sure there were a lot of citizens,back in 1776, thought the same as you do about the people who wanted independence from George the Third. If those people,whothink like you, had gotten their way, we would be drinking our tea every 4pm. They were called tories and things ndid not go well for them.

A Proud Infidel®™ says:

I have to disagree, IMHO this was a pack of overexcited wannabes seeing themselves as heroes that they AREN’T. The people whose prison sentences they’re “protesting” said themselves for that crowd to just pack up and go home, ditto with all the local folks in the area. Look at Ritzheimer, he tried to incite what he could with his “Draw Mohammed” contest across the street from a mosque with openly armed people all around, posted videos of himself mocking Law Enforcement and the FBI as well as his “goodbye” video as he went to join that clown crew and just turned himself in to LE in ARIZONA, that’s quite a few miles away from that clown show in OR, isn’t it? OH, and let’s not forget his video of him throwing “Donations” like a toddler having a turbocharged hissyfit as well, and a number of them have made statements in support of that mega-coward Tim McVeigh, that alone puts them lower than gutter slime in my book.

Old Trooper

“They cost the American taxpayers thousands, if not millions, of dollars and now they want to just walk away from it all like it never happened.”

It didn’t need to cost anything. From what I understand; the place wasn’t really being used at the time the doorknobs walked in and took over. Yes, they were trespassing, however, if no one paid them any attention, then they would have gotten bored and went home a couple days after arriving. As it was; the attention whores got what they wanted and law enforcement, along with the media, played into their attention whore plan.

Just An Old Dog

There is a Sean L Anderson of Riggins Idaho age 47 who have a Criminal history going back 18 years. Assault and Battery, Disorderly Conduct and resisting arrest.
He also made this brillant statement to the press:

“Think about the Bible and all the heroes came from the bottom. We were just four drunks, we don’t have any military experience, and now we’re the shining stars,”

One of the fecal 4 left is his wife, Sandy.