“Deal” reached in Virginia’s CCW row
Mick sends us a link to Virginian-Pilot which reports that Virginia’s carpetbagger governor from Syracuse has reached a deal with Republicans in regards to Virginia’s withdrawal from concealed weapon reciprocity agreements with other states. Of course, it’s not a real deal. The Democrats give up nothing and the Republicans give up that which they wouldn’t budge on before;
As part of the compromise, Democrats will reverse course and not revoke reciprocity agreements with 25 states for concealed handgun permits.
In exchange, Republicans will include a measure that will prohibit the subjects of permanent protective orders from having firearms. GOP lawmakers have called similar measures in past years a non-starter.
Republicans will also agree to require state police to be present at gun shows, where they can provide voluntary background checks on gun purchasers.
Republicans were conned. McAuliffe traded away something that he really didn’t have in the first place – it’s like telling your neighbor that you won’t run over his mailbox if he shovels the snow from your driveway. You get something and he really gets nothing. Republicans could have legislated away the Virginia CCW ban, but I guess it’s easier to just collapse.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Worthless. Absolutely worthless.
And this is why I’ve long since given up on the Virginia GOP. This state is my home, and the first of my ancestors arrived in VA in the 1630s. I was always proud to be a Virginian, but this isn’t the state I grew up in anymore. It’s become nothing more than the southernmost extension of the NYC-DC axis, and it sickens me.
None of the states any of us grew up in exist anymore. Believe it.
Ack! Accidentally hit report instead of reply.
Anyway, I believe it, but dammit I’m still in my 30s – I thought you had to be old before feeling this way.
I moved back to Washington State after being away for a long time.
The effing stank ass hippies have taken over this once great state.
I hate it here now. Where you could at one time gaze upon Mt Baker and Mt Rainier…or even the ‘Foothills’ with no problem; now you have to wait for a windy day to blow the effin’ smog out of the way.
Where you could at one time you could make a living Logging, Fishing, or Farming as my family did…with all the environmental restrictions it is easier to sell your land to a developer than try to work it like your Ancestors.
My Presidential or Gubernatorial votes are wasted…because the Hippies and their overly sensitive spawn would vote for a Salamander as long as it had a (D) behind its name on the ballot.
Yeah, this isn’t the state I grew up in, and it makes me angry and sad that my kids are growing up in the no-fun zone.
Atkron, I was at Ft. Lewis back in 1971, June I think. On my way to S.Korea. It was about the most beautiful place in the world – brilliant blue sky and the air was so clear. Sorry to hear that’s changed.
My mother’s side dates back to 1623 and my father’s to 1673, both from the Eastern Shore of VA. Since joining the Army and living in further reaches of the South, though, I won’t be moving back. I used to consider Northern Virginia a different entity than the area south of the Rappahannock, but now I guess Richmond has fallen for the second time. State politicians definitely don’t represent many Virginians, especially those from more rural areas.
In my case it’s just my paternal grandmother’s family, where we began when a young man came from Castor, England to Isle of Wight as an indentured servant in 1638. Me, I’m a Richmond native and have seen up close how the area has changed. We’re sadly not much different than the likes of Fairfax county and their ilk anymore.
The next thing you will be telling us is George Washington DIDN’T throw a silver dollar across that river…..
GOP obviously stands for “Give-Out Party” these days. Like Sam Clemens (Mark Twain) once said, “Politicians and diapers both need to be changed often and for the same reason.”, his words still ring true today.
And what assurance does the GOP have to keep McAwful from going back on his word the day after the signs this new legislation? The answer is none.
If the GOP attempts to back out there part of the agreement, McAwful will just veto it, and they don’t have the votes to override.
” they can provide voluntary background checks ”
They won’t be “voluntary” for long……
What the fuck is a “permanent protective order” exactly? Something TEA Partiers get for annoying a Democrat bureaucrat?