ISIS threatens Spain

| January 23, 2016

According to UK’s Express, ISIS broadcast a threat to the country of Spain. I guess their intent is to recover the country and make it Islamic again, like in the good old days before Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand kicked the Muslims out in 1492.

The jihadist group’s latest chilling propaganda video features an ancient map of the Iberian Peninsula which slowly turns to red.

Then a militant can be heard saying “We will recover our land from the invaders”, thought to be a reference to the collapse of Islamic rule in Spain.

More than 12 million UK-based holidaymakers travel to Spain every year, with Majorca, Tenerife and Ibiza the most popular destinations last summer.

Spain, you might remember was attacked by al Qaeda right before their presidential election in 2004 and they voted to elect their own John Kerry, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who immediately withdrew Spanish troops from the war against terror in Iraq. Several weeks ago, Spanish authorities arrested three Moroccan terrorists who were planning some sort of attack. It just doesn’t work to concede to terrorist demands.

Category: Terror War

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I can’t find the link right now, but about two weeks ago one of the co-bloggers over at Ace of Spades HQ posted a link to a PowerPoint presentation prepared by some Marine element about ISIS. It went into all kinds of different aspects of their organization and ideology, but what caught my eye was their plans for expanding the Caliphate-Spain, southeast Europe and southern Russia. What worried me the most was Pakistan, because ISIS with nukes is the ultimate nightmare scenario. Unless the west finds the will to fight somehow, it’s hard to how they don’t eventually succeed.


Does that mean the Spanish Inquisitions start up again?


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Thank you!!!

CC Senor

Then there’s this for those that prefer the musical version:

MSG Eric

Musical version seems like so much more of a happy inquisition.


If they eliminate terrorists, we can sure HOPE SO!

The Other Whitey

“Drive the invaders from their lands,” eh? That’s funny, because the moslems were the invaders in Spain. It was called the Reconquista, emphasis on the “RE” part for a reason. But then again, muj are like liberals when it comes to history.


younbeat me to it. I was thinking the same thing.

NR Pax

According to the Muslims, once they conquer something, it’s theirs forever. So yeah, they see the residents as invaders.

The Other Whitey

My point exactly. Lebensraum, etc.

B Woodman

And they’re making equally silly tantrum demands in Germany to take away the alcohol and to have the women cover up and stay indoors, so it won’t inflame their infantile sensibilities to molestation and rape.

“And in more late breaking news, it has been discovered that water is wet. Details at 10.”

MSG Eric

Looks like we might have millions of Spanish refugees in 2016 to deal with too. They’ll leave Spain just because someone said something scary.


Dunno, Eric. Some of those Spaniards might start looking at the old history books in a different way in the next year or two. Maybe start remembering how their forefathers dealt with the interlopers.


There is a serious double standard with these people, and in that respect they are just like liberals. They pull up the parts of history that suit their cause. Such as taking their territory in Spain back. And that the Christian Crusades were an assault on Islam, when they were in fact an answer to muslim aggression.

(and before I get a lecture on historical events and how the Catholic church used the Crusades as a Christian land grab, I already know, but that was after the fact)


Maybe the Spanish will realize that bending over and grabbing their ankles only bought them a good grip on their ankles?