1400-year-old Mosul Monastery destroyed by ISIS

| January 20, 2016

SSG E sends us a link to the news that ISIS has destroyed a 1400-year-old Christian monastery in Mosul, Iraq. SSG E says that he attended services in the historic building at one point during his tour of Iraq;

AP has confirmed that the 1,400-year-old St. Elijah’s Monastery of Mosul has been completely destroyed by the group.

U.S. personnel who had served in Mosul and attempted to preserve the historic site are deeply saddened by the destruction.

An army reservist who was deployed there during the Iraq War, Col. Mary Prophit, says she “would imagine that many people are feeling like, ‘What were the last 10 years for if these guys can go in and destroy everything?'”

But, you know, this isn’t a war about religion, we’re told.

US troops visit the monastery;

St. Elijah's Monastery of Mosul

ISIS troops visit the monastery;

St. Elijah's Monastery of Mosul a

Category: Terror War

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Bad karma. Wrong choice.

They can blow up all the old buildings they want to. It won’t change real history or the fact that they’re just stoopid.


They don’t limit it to just Christian buildings. In 2014 they leveled Jonah’s tomb mosque. If it wasn’t of historical value I wouldn’t care since I’ve received machine gun fire from that mosque.


this can’t be true.

This supposedly a Christian war on Islam(the religion of peace). There is no way that THEY would do this.

They probably need some jobs.

/sarc (as if you all needed this)

Lurker Curt

And hugs. They need lots of hugs.

I suggest delivering the hugs with Hellfire missiles…


I think they need to lay something other than little boys, goats, and rape victims.


Or a hearty handshake and a warm cup of ham bone soup?

A Proud Infidel®™

NAPALM. They need napalm and lots of it.

A Proud Infidel®™

And yet liberals say “we need to coexist with them”, since when have those goat-and-camel-raping third world fleabag piece of roach shit ghouls ever tried to coexist with anyone including themselves?

Kill them all and let Satan eat their souls,

Pinto Nag

There’s something important missing in this story. Monasteries usually have monks in them. Was the monastery occupied, and if so, what happened to the monks?


I believe this was more of a religious archeology site. The roof was mostly gone and it is not occupied by any sect per se.

I could be wrong though.


The Monks were all slaughtered, I believe in 1743, because they refused to convert to Islam….I’m sure they were slaughtered peacefully though.

Pinto Nag

The fact that this site was abandoned after being sacked makes it very clear that the Church knew that nothing Christian would grow there. ISIS just put a period at the end of that sentence.


according to wiki that’s pretty accurate, Atkron.



Well it’s Hope and Change at work here…


If it is the one that was just off MSR Tampa then it was a shame – saw it many times. 1400 years down the drain.

The Other Whitey

Fucking barbarians don’t respect a Goddamn thing.

I wonder how much VX is still in DoD’s inventory. Doesn’t that stuff have a “use by” date?


I can see this being blamed on Bush.


As always it’s there favorite punching bag. My guess is in 20 years it will also be Bushes fault also

The Other Whitey

Ain’t it funny how nobody ever blames Truman for Vietnam?

Big John
