ISIS militia behead rival ISIS fighters in Afghanistan
The Associated Press reports that some ISIS fighters have beheaded other ISIS rivals in the Achin district of Afghanistan and placed the disembodied noggins along the road through the area.
According to Ghalib Mujahid, the governor of the Achin district in Nangarhar, each group beheaded at least four fighters from the rival group who were captured during battles on Saturday.
The killings reflect rampant lawlessness in this remote part of Afghanistan. It is not unusual for powerful Afghan figures and politicians to control personal militias, though the central government and international organizations such as the United Nations have expressed concern about a proliferation of armed groups that are not part of the government’s security force.
The ISIS-on-ISIS action threatens popcorn stocks worldwide – you should buy yours now to beat the rush.
Category: Terror War
This sounds like something we should promote…perhaps there’s a passage in the koran that can be used to purge more of these clowns until the only ones that remain can be taken out with a final drone strike.
Put on a dark suit. Wear your ray-bans. Rent a four door black sedan. Pick a random house in a Muslim immigrant neighborhood. Deliver food and gifts to the lucky “winners” while loudly proclaiming the thanks and gratitude of the USA for the past several years.
Buy popcorn on the way home.
Don’t forget the Christmas tree. Nothing says “I’m a follower of Islam, I’m not a Christian”, like a Christmas tree.
ISIS infighting? Beheading each other?
Shouldn’t this by in the ‘Sunday morning feel-good stories’ section?
Lions and tigers and bears, oh, my!!!
Sounds to me like the problem taking care of itself.
That’s pretty bad. When I was there Achin district was a craphole of bad. It was right next to my AO and I’m glad I never had to go in there.
I’m not really surprised by this. All men who have power, crave more power.
It’s like watching the start of a feeding frenzy, isn’t it?
Consolidate power…root out rats, rivals, etc.
Aaaah, popcorn…
Daesh on Daesh violence, I love a happy ending!
…and the audience starts the slow clap, then they begin to stand up one by one, and finally erupting in full on applaud and whistles…
Maybe they self-beheaded themselves.
Mohammad is really getting ahead in his new organization.
“. . . .getting a head. . .”
There. Fixed it for ya.
And the down side of this would be….
I know that this isn’t really a good thing, that this represents a lack of GIRoA control in the area…but red-on-reds always make me smile.
Almost as much as IED ‘own goals’. 😀
Funny thing, the province of Nangarhar (Where Jalalabad is) was “transitioned” to GIRoA control in June 2012. So, 3.5 years later and there are still troublespots even in a decent province like Nangarhar.
Though, Achin was one of the crap holes that was left neglected because it was far away and not important.
Some weeks back, in November, I think, there was an article with pictures about how Turkey/Erdogan is buying crude oil from ISIS. The satellite photos showed oil tankers lined up at the Syrian-Turkish border. That was just ahead of the Russian fighter jet being shot down and the argument that erupted over that. I think this means that Putin had what he thought was a solid market for Russian 7-blend crude in Turkey, and Daesh took it away from him, because they could undercut his prices and Libyan light sweet crude is more desirable, being cheaper to crack.
In addition that, there are reports now that people who did not leave when ISIS/Daesh overran their cities are now being barred from leaving at all, under threats of death.
Things start to make sense now, don’t they?
We can only hope that this internal strife will expand and feed on itself, and even bring the Taliban into it, because they hate Daesh, too.
I asked a associate who owns a place I shop at who immigrated from Iraq, did he consider me a Infidel? Laughing, he went into his office and brought out a worn Bible. Reb we’re both infidels in the eyes of Arabs. We came to America in 1984 because we’re Christians and not safe in Iraq.
He opened the bible and the name of his church was the one we attended before we stated studying Buddhism. Z said even though we’re American citizens, people still give us dirty looks.
We talked about ISIS and Zs nephew said “their worse than the other nuts. Eventually, they’ll be blown away or kill each other off.
Z asked if I was afraid of him…I wouldn’t be giving you my business… I got two kisses on each cheek by both. Do I really trust them? Yup, it was the eyes that showed the truth…..
You have to consider how we have modernized them with all the Western Culture demons and non-Arabic ideas. They no doubt believe in movies now that they have them for the first time. Here’s my take on what they are expecting along with the beheadings.
This reminds me of the Nick DiPaolo one-liner: “So the rappers are shooting each other…finally.”