Sunday morning feel good stories

| December 27, 2015

From our favorite county in the nation, Harris County, Texas, comes today’s first story about a woman who shot a fellow several times while he tried to climb through her window. he abandoned that idea and went to the hospital instead, where police found him getting treatment for his new holes.

In Las Vegas, Nevada, Richard Rizal McGee was warned by armed residents of a home to stop breaking into their house. He didn’t pay attention to them, so now he’s DRT (dead right there). he was from Long Beach, California. The teen who we talked about last week that was killed by another homeowner in Las Vegas was from Arizona. I guess Las Vegas residents need to protect themselves from tourists.

We’re a little short of traditional “feel good stories”, so here’s a Christmas story about firefighters in Norfolk, Virginia who helped out a family down on their luck – the patriarch was wounded at his security guard job, and a few months later was injured protecting his family during a home invasion and arson attack.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee "In the clear"

Hell Yeah! Self defense works best when one is armed. Blow em out the window or leave em dead on the floor.
I hosted some shooting at the range here where I dwell, (at an undisclosed location a little ways from my legal address), and as we shot, there was also a class going on with the aid of my laptop, showing friends the members of the Dutch Rudder Club, profiling each, showing their ignorance, their inability to perform the most basic of tasks successfully, i.e. self representation in a court room, checking and planning a flight with minimal fuel, and even something so basic as when and when not to use capital letters in one’s screen name, i.e. QuEeFeR. One visitor was from the South Florida County of Lee, and knows well the address of some of the county residents, as well as being good friends with one of the local news reporters. Lots of brass was dropped on the ground, and much information and humor was exchanged. May the DRC slip, slide, and ooze into oblivion.


Ba dup bup baa baaaa…I’m lovin it!


Originally posted by Jonn Lilyea:
From our favorite county in the nation, Harris County, Texas, comes today’s first story about a woman who shot a fellow several times while he tried to climb through her window. he abandoned that idea and went to the hospital instead, where police found him getting treatment for his new holes.

This story was posted, and updated, on Christmas Day, so all is not lost with this clown. At least he became “holy” on Christmas Day. 🙄 He attempted to get some gifts of his own, for selling elsewhere for extra income. He ended up with a bigger debt liability instead. :mrgreen:


In response to the Facebook post above… Josh Richards: You stupid fucks. The only stupid fucks that I see here are the ones that are featured in the “feel good” stories, and those that support them. Josh Richards: I don’t know how any of these qualify as “feel good stories,” and especially in the case of Ric McGee, They qualify as feel-good stories on the account of people, trying to force their way into homes they don’t belong to, or people trying to victimize others, suffering the consequences of their piss poor judgments. They are feel-good, as the bad guys are shot and killed or injured instead of them successfully victimizing people. Richard Rizal McGee is no different. Josh Richards: he was simply at the wrong door, and probably a bit drunk. But, not too drunk so as to continue to try to force his way into a home after people inside the home warned him against doing so: Richard Rizal McGee, 31, of Huntington Beach, Calif., died of gunshot wounds to the neck and torso after police say he was attempting to forcefully gain entry through a front door of an apartment on the 2200 block of South Fort Apache Road, north of West Sahara Avenue. Investigators say two residents of the apartment were awoken by McGee’s attempt to get into the place. Despite several warnings, police say McGee continued to try to enter the residence, and he was shot. Pay attention to what I had bolded, then read them in context of what I have quoted here. Even if he were “a bit drunk”, and at the wrong door, it would not make sense for him to try to force his way into his own residence against repeated warnings not to do so. After repeated warnings to stop, no amount of drunkenness on his part should have confused him that he was at the wrong residence. If this were a case where he was trying to apply the key to the doorknob, that would be one thing. However, that is not what is being indicated in the… Read more »


Your friend was told to back off by the owners of the house…did I ever do something stupid when young? Well, I don’t drink. Even sober I’m not going to try getting into another persons house. ? OR NOT..A person yells get away from my house…I’d be beating ? .


If Jonn Lilyea is gonna burn in hell, buddy boy, the list is very long…JONNs on the other list, much shorter and reserved for Military, First Responders and the rest of us just patiently wait in line. Telling Jonn to FUCK OFF is like saying it to the million plus readers of this website.

Your friend screwed up by getting DRUNK…on his way to a career in law? Must if missed class on ATTORNEY ETHICS, RULES and HOW to conduct himself in court and protect his personal reputation as a Attorney…


He wasn’t a KID! McGEE was a 31 YEAR OLD MAN…not a stupid teenager. Grief is a hard thing to handle, but reality will hit and you say to yourself “Rich, why did you do something so stupid”?

Josh Richards

You’re questioning what I know about this because I wasn’t there? Were YOU there? You don’t know how much time passed between the time the homeowner yelled out a warning and fired his weapon. I DID know Ric, and I know that he wasn’t trying to break into a stranger’s home. He was staying with a friend in the same apartment complex, but had only been there once before.
I can say this much about the owner: he shot to kill. Why wouldn’t he just shoot a warning shot first? Why would he aim for Ric’s face instead of his legs or something? This is all just fucked up, and I think that all of you responding on here are awful. Ric wasn’t trying to break into this house, he was just at the wrong goddamned door. It was a misunderstanding that became an awful tragedy.
I know you’ll just push back harder on this, too, and refuse to admit that this was simply a terrible accident. You want so badly for there to be good guys and bad guys, and you’re fucking blind to what real justice is.
And I’m no fucking kid. I’m nearly 40 years old and I live in Brooklyn, so don’t you patronize me and speak to me like I’m not in touch with the real world.
Feel good stories, my ass. What in the fucking hell is wrong with all of you?


Here is a “feel good” story for you where nobody gets shot. One of the Quad’s (paralyzed veteran) I work with, for the first time thanked me for helping him as I was feeding him his supper. I mentioned this to one of our SCIC nurses are she was surprised as well.

Many patients, due to their physical or mental issues, don’t realize that people are trying to help them. As a result, many times our VA nurses get cursed at. As a VA Volunteer, it’s happened to me a few times.

Become a VA Volunteer. It will change you forever.


Good job!

Josh Richards can suck my swinging one. tool


whoops, I meant this for the commentary above your post.

Thanks for your volunteer efforts as The VA. The world needs more like you

Green Thumb

To the “FOH Manager at Avant Garden” and your comment above.

You are nothing more than a ballworking, spineless dude.



and a (likely/future) Tickle Monster.
and certainly a Turd.

Josh Richards

You don’t know shit, and you don’t know a goddamned thing about true bravery. Getting off on stories like these are the epitome of someone terrified of the world around them.

Old Trooper

I know I’m a day late in responding, and thebesig made excellent points, but I just wanted to add one thing that Josh Richards aka FOH Manager hasn’t really thought of, or if he has, then is being deliberately dishonest; did the homeowners know your little dead buddy? No they didn’t. They had no idea that your little buddy was semi-intoxicated. They had no idea he wasn’t there to steal their stuff. They did know that that gave ample warning to your dead little buddy that he had the wrong house. Now, if you think about it; what would you do in that situation, curl up in a ball and suck your thumb?

Fuck me? No, no, no; fuck you, you stupid bastard.