Honduras arrests Syrians with Greek passports

| November 19, 2015

Andy11M sends us a link to AFP which reports that Honduran authorities have arrested five Syrians traveling on phony Greek passports. They were on their way to the US after flying from Turkey.

The reasons for the Syrians’ trip were not immediately known, and Honduran police were considering the possibility that they were refugees fleeing the war in Syria.

“We are not saying they are terrorists,” Baca said. “They are being investigated for using false passports. It could be they are fleeing war. That is being investigated.”

Apparently, there is well-worn overland route from Argentina and Guyana that has become popular with Cuban refugees recently. There are about 1000 Cubans on the Costa Rica-Nicaraguan border who are being denied access to communist Nicaragua (in support of the Cuban government) so they can continue on to the US across our porous southern frontier. These Syrians, however had no problem crossing Nicaragua, though. I wonder why that is?

Category: Terror War

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And so it begins. (continues)
Start dropping land mines on the southern border, have dogs that shoot bees out of their mouths and have sharks with laser beans in the Rio Grande.
Oh and build a wall with security and size that would make China and East Germany jealous.


Oh and start wantonly killing anything that tries to get in the U.S. without proper authorization, Men, Women, Children, Babies, Bluebirds, Majestik Møøse, Specially Trained Ecuadorian Mountain Llamas, lambs, sloths, carp, anchovies, orangutans, breakfast cereals, fruit bats, Larksand their tongues, Wrens with livers, Chaffinch with brains, Jaguars and their earlobes, and wolves with nipples and the odd Dromedary. And don’t forget the hovercrafts full of eels.


The Rio Grande down on the southern end already has alligators (albeit without laser beams)


Hey, I remember those laser beans. Spiciest damn frijoles I ever tasted!

(Just pulling yer leg, Chip – figuratively speaking, of course.)


And regarding the Hondurans with passports:

“We are not saying they are terrorists. . . . . It could be they are fleeing war. That is being investigated.”

False 3rd-country passport. While it’s theoretically possible they may simply be “refugees” . . . I don’t think that’s the way the smart money would bet.

2/17 Air Cav

Were all five widows? Um, no, none were female so there were no widows.

Were they all orphan boys, then? Um, no, they were all adults.

Were they all old men? Um, no, they were all healthy looking males of military age.


2/17 Air Cav

It’s true. Other sources provide descriptions of the men and photos.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, and next we’ll see Larsie-parsie jiffy-poo coming here and bawling that these fleabags need to be welcomed into the USA while he drinks Kool-Aid and sings “Kum-ba-yah”! If they’re military-aged males they need to be sent back, especially if they’re muslim!


Damn the fuck straight.

2/17 Air Cav

Time to feed The Carp, so let me adjust that last line a tad, API. ‘Whatever their nationality, gender, age, or sexual preference, they need to be sent back if they’re Muslim.’


Time to feed The Carp, so let me adjust that last line a tad, API. ‘Whatever their nationality, gender, age, or sexual preference, they need to be sent back put on to boats and taken out to sea and then shot out of an industrial wood chipper overboard, if they’re Muslim.’

2/17 Air Cav

I accept your correction of my correction with tongue in cheek.

A Proud Infidel®™

WELL ALLLRIGHTY THEN ChipNASA, I SAY put them on said boat AFTER they’ve been secured to a tree or pole overnight in parts of the jungle known to have a large population of wild hogs. AFTER they’ve been screened by said wild hogs THEN you get to put them on said boat!!


Would corn work on the carp in the Missisippi River? I hear they jump out of the water into passing boats.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ex-PH2, some folks even harvest them via shotgun!


Oh, if you could just… never mind.



I love this country!!!!

Time to play Bubbas versus terrorists! Round up A dozen pickups loaded with shotgun-totin’ Good ‘ol Boys, a couple dozen cases of buckshot, and a couple dozen cases of beer, boom boxes and county music….

And IS is reduced to a series of amusing You-Tube videos, and a pile of messy memories.

Hey! All y’all watch this!

Now let the Army play by Bubba Rules of Engagement. But no beer for them until they make their bag limits.

probably Wagner and Thrash Metal on the boom boxes, though….


A Proud Infidel®™

MEH, play some Judas Priest, Ted Nugent, AC/DC and Sammy Hagar on the speakers closet to me, willya?
Three men were awaiting their flight one day at a regional airport in Montana, an American Indian, a muslim and a Cowboy. The American Indian looked out the window and said “Once we were many and powerful, now we are fewer” to which the muslim gloatingly replied “Once we were few, but now we are many!” to which the Cowboy raised the brim of his Stetson from over his eyes, looked over and calmly said “Back then, the game was Cowboys and Indians. Today it’s Cowboys versus muslims and the game ain’t started yet!”.
As for the bit with Vets, maybe a point system? One beer for every dead muzzie, and after twelve he or she starts earning points toward a bottle of liquor!! 😀


Military age is 6+ for these roaches…check out this recent piece from an Afghan journalist who got access to the daesh over there. Well worth the 30 minutes to watch.



Yes, but that isn’t something new. 18 months ago and a year ago, there were plenty of photos of 10-year-olds with guns and knives, some with 5-year-olds holding up severed heads. This is not new, it is just a reiteration.

And before anyone (Lars the Dumb) goes into hysterics over this, the average age of Khmer Rouge soldiers and guards after Pol Pot’s regime was firmly established was 14 years old.


So if we tell everyone that we aren’t letting in Syrian Muslims, do you think they will actually say they are Muslims? As I recall, you can lie, cheat, steal, and kill any non-believer infidel to further the cause.


Give them the dog test. Pet the doggy, come on in.

B Woodman

Another test, tear a page out the Quoran. Burn it.

A Proud Infidel®™

WHY just one page? I’ll soak the damn thing in bacon grease and light it with a blowtorch in front of them, ALLAH PIGSNOT!!

2/17 Air Cav

How many of the Muslim refugees are being installed in, oh, Newark, Watts, or Baltimore? I can guess. Those are very violent places. Shouldn’t we be resettling decent Americans from those places before the foreigners get the duplex in the suburbs? The problem is that oBaMa, he of the hairless scrotum, will not allow the states to learn where the presumed refugees are being resettled. He won’t tell them. Just flat out won’t let them know. The resettlements are handled though contracted-for intermediary organizations and where current and future “refugees” go is kept secret. I get that specific addresses may not be wise to publish, but we’re not talking addresses. We’re talking places.


Why are you obsessing about some other man’s crotch, AirCav? Do you need to discuss something with someone?

2/17 Air Cav

Obsessing? No, I simply find it an apt description of that POS in the White House. That’s all.


Good. I was getting concerned for a bit there.


Ah, if the Hondurans knew what I knew about the Syrians, as fully covered in open source media reports, they would be in a rabbit hole right now!

L. Taylor

I do not know what the Nicaragua reference was about. They did not travel through Nicaragua.

More than 4 million refugees. Half are going to camps in the Middle East. However at least 2 million are traveling outside the region, mostly Europe. But, there are going to be small numbers showing up all over the world.

Pulling anecdotes of them showing up seems like pointless fear mongering.

Though 5 males with stolen passports are almost certain to be detained. Red flag that they are militants.


“They had traveled by air from Syria to Lebanon, then to Turkey, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica and on to Honduras.” – from the article.

Here’s a link to a map of the countries of the western hemisphere. Nicaragua is between Costa Rica and Honduras.


From Costa Rica thru Nicaragua into Honduras. Not difficult to understand if you know how to read a map.

L. Taylor

They were on a plane. Do you know how planes work?

I am not debating with you anymore.


They’re big steel tubes full of recycled air, but that’s all I know about them.


Dammit, I forgot.

I am one with the universe, nothing matters… I am one with the universe…


Either suck and blow (jet) or bang and push (radial).

Did I pass the basic engineering question?


I heard that a plane works really well on both door edges and poser’s tattoos as long as the depth on the cutting iron is set just right.

Basic carpentry/phony busting 101.


Re the tattoo removal by plane.

It is most effective when a scrub plane is used first, followed by a jack plane.

Final use by a smoothing plane is not necessary. Leave the area where the tattoo was as roughed up as possible.

A Proud Infidel®™

HEY LARS, *DAAAAHHHHH!*, what’s a plane? Is it one of dose tings in da air dat goes *whoosh* when it fly by? Me no want to get “smart” like you, my head might blow up it might, *DAAAAAAHHHH!*…


Yes. I know how planes work. I can fly planes and gliders.

Can you read maps? How do you know they did not stop in Nicaragua? You don’t.

L. Taylor

Because I read the article linked.
“They had traveled by air from Syria to Lebanon, then to Turkey, Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica and on to Honduras.

From there they were to make their way to Honduras’ second city of San Pedro Sula with the aim of going overland through Guatemala, then Mexico and on to the United States, Baca told AFP.”


And of course, it’s absolutely impossible for flights between San Jose, Costa Rica and Tegucigalpa, Honduras to make intervening stops at Managua, Nicaragua – right?


Ri-i-i-ght! You are the definitive Hondo.


P.S. Fell off my chair, laughing, startled cat. Just got back from gas station, wind is blowing like a derecho and we may get snow tomorrow night. Or not.

L. Taylor

This is the kind of asinine shit dogmatic conservatives do. As long as it is theoretically possible for something they believe to be true they will just insist it is despite the evidence.

The article says where they went. Nicaragua was not one of the locations.

But because it is possible the Honduran officials are lying (for no reason) or that the article is wrong, you insist that you guys were probably correct that they went through Nicaragua.

I am just going to let your idiocy speak for itself.


Theoretically possible?

The confounded forecast for Friday is 6 to 10 inches of snow in my area! That’s the NWS forecast. How is that a theory? I am just gobsmacked at your utter blindness to reality, Lars the Dumb (your words, not mine).

Dave Hardin

I wasnt sure, so it was one of the Brown States.

A Proud Infidel®™

Larsie-pinky-jiffy-poo, I REALLY do laugh every time I see you come here and shit flaming squirrels whenever someone calls you out on your imbecilic bullshit o little poodle turd!

Yeah, KID!! 😀


Yo, dipstick: on any number of occasions, I’ve taken flights that originated in one city, stopped in a second, and continued on to my final destination without change of plane.

My summary itinerary didn’t mention the intermediate stop. I only found about it when I asked.

It’s entirely possible that the particular flight that these Syrian “refugees” were on did exactly the same in Managua. Without the precise flight numbers we don’t know. And here, “we” includes you.

It is thus impossible for you to categorically state that these “refugees” did not stop in Nicaragua. They well might have done exactly that. Or they might not.

Freaking idiot.


Theoretically possible? I guess the security reports I’ve read where just theories. They spoke about the number of Quran and prayer rugs found along the southern border. I guess they could have been dropped by those rare Mexican Muslims, but I doubt it.


You are SUCH a LIAR, Lars the Fathead!

2/17 Air Cav

Ex- I prefer The Carp to Fathead. Lars, being a brainiac and all, what with the UC Berkeley grad school thingy (Women’s Studies and Marxism, no doubt) probably thinks only of the fishy meaning of the word. It has another, as you know, and I thought it a perfect nickname for him.


Feeding the carp at Indiana Beach (YouTube) is a good example.
Could someone link it?

A Proud Infidel®™

Meh, THIS? All you’d need is a gig or a shocker!!


True that, but I got tired of typing in his description of himself (I am dumb.) and changed it briefly. Lars the Carp works, too, but it was your creation.

2/17 Air Cav

Fathead the Carp.


Given his very obvious political leanings, I’d say “Taylor the Jackass” might be a more descriptive nickname.

But that’s just me.

A Proud Infidel®™

Meh, a jackass is a useful Beast of Burden, a working animal while Larsie-parsie rudy-poo is merely fun to laugh at when he spouts off while he shits flaming squirrels! 😀


Hey! You said you weren’t going to debate me any more! You Lying Piece of Whale Lard!


Hey now, whale lard is expensive and rare. He’s more along the lines of rat shit in a waste treatment center.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yes indeed, Whale Blubber was a valuable raw material. I see “Pinky’ Lars being as valuable as roach crap!


I did have second thoughts, after I clicked the ‘post’ button, but by then – oh, well.

Dave Hardin

Hey, there was no mention of them being in a plane. The only jet mentioned was full of Ivans and made a hard landing.

These Islamic pricks have flying horses with human heads and tactical carpets. I been readin about all that shit.

If anyone sees a winged horse with a human head, I got dibs on that thing. I am going to shoot it, stuff it, and mount it next to my Kraken.

Planes, hah, they don’t need no stinkin planes. You people can split the carpets, had one once. My pet hog kept rolling it up and humping the flea infested thing.


Could have been by balloon, too. Or Passenger Pigeons. There are also jet suits, winged suits, microlights, butterflies, and flying squirrels. The possibilities are endless.


Dave Hardin

I am going to bag one of these, Muhammad and his flying horse shit on one of our planes.


And these are the ones dumb enough to get caught. The other 92 already made it across via tunnels, coyotes or LPCs.

2/17 Air Cav

Hey Carp. Sing along if you know the tune…
Boats and Hoes, Widows and Orphans.
Boats and Hoes, Widows and Orphans.
Boats and Hoes, Widows and Orphans.
Boats and Hoes, Widows and Orphans.
Boats and Hoes, Widows and Orphans.
Boats and Hoes, Widows and Orphans.


Love the lyrics, A/C. For a title, may I suggest “Ode to the Common Troll?”

2/17 Air Cav

Works for me!


Funny, in the few months in Honduras and the entire night I spent on the runway in Tegucigulpa when the plane left with all of our gear leaving us standing around a bonfire I don’t remember running into a single Syrian.


CBP picked up 5 Pakistanis and 1 Aghan Monday night outside of Patagonia AZ. Now in FBI custody.