Five Shi’ite “infidels” murdered by Sunni gun man

| October 17, 2015

According to France24, a Sunni gun man murdered five people and wounded nine more while they were attending a religious sermon at a Shi’ite meeting hall in the Qatif area of Saudi Arabia before he was finally gunned down by Saudi police. A group called Islamic State-Bahrain State took credit for the shooting;

A group calling itself Islamic State-Bahrain State said in a communique that one of its “soldiers”, Shughaa al-Dosari, “attacked a Shiite infidel temple with an automatic weapon” in Saihat.

It warned that “infidels will not be safe in the island of Mohammed”.

So, I guess everyone is an infidel these days, if even some Muslims are considered infidels by other Muslims.

Category: Terror War

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“So, I guess everyone is an infidel these days, if even some Muslims are considered infidels by other Muslims.”

As we all well know, it is not a new thing. In Baghdad in 2006 it seemed like I couldn’t walk 100 meters without finding 5 bodies because of secretarian violence. They show plenty of brutality to their fellow Muslims of a different sect.

Green Thumb



that was the left crying at every damn thing that bush did to piss people off. it’s odd how they are now NOT doing it. just wait until a republican gets elected again to the White House


Nast as Hell to


Maybe some Muslims are more Muslim than other Muslims?

Just trying to understand here.


Policy dispute over the successor to Mo, when he checked out in 632AD. Haven’t got along since.


And we thought the Hatfields and McCoys had it down when it came to feuds. Pikers, compared to the followers of the pedophile.


The Sunni and Shia issue is the key to understanding why the middle east is so messed up. Once you understand it everything else makes a lot of sense. Keep in mind that religion and politics go hand in hand, and grudges are held for hundreds of years, unlike the West where we keep our sectarian violence down to an acceptable level and will only hold grudges for a few decades. Sunni and Shia are the two major branches of Islam. In many ways it is like the split between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. They came about because of a dispute over the leadership or Caliphate following the death of Mohommed. The Sunnis believed that the most devout and strict follower of his teachings should be the leader, while the Shia felt that it should be a strict line of familial succession. This split led to wars that are really still going on. Any place you see violence in the Middle East it is almost always due to this sectarian rift. Iraq is in perpetual war because it is a majority Shia country that was governed by Sunnis for decades. Syria is a majority Sunni Country that is governed by a Shia. ISIS is a fundamental Sunni group (as is Al Qaeda and the Taliban), and it fuels itself off the rift between the sects. ISIS is like the snake handling fundamentalists of Islam. Most of the people they kill are Shia muslims because they think Shia are Takfiri for having saints, religious ranks, This is why the Iraqi Army (mostly Shia) won’t fight to save Sunni areas from ISIS- they don’t care. The Sunnis in these areas welcome ISIS because the idea of a Sunni Caliphate sounds good until ISIS starts hanging dudes in the street for trimming their beards. The Iraqi army will, however, fight to protect Shia areas, which is why we don’t have to worry about Baghdad falling. Similarly, ISIS does well in Syria because most of the people like them. Russia’s support of the Assad regime (Assad is a Shia) means that the Russans and… Read more »


I have read that it was Sunni elements that took over the grand mosque in 1979.


The leader of the group that took over the Grand Mosque, Juhayman al-Otaybi, was from Najd – Central Saudi Arabia. He was a former member of the SA National Guard and a former student of Abdel Aziz al-Baaz, later Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia. He was a Wahabbi Fundamentalist who was against Westernization, not a Shia.

Assad is Alawite. It’s debatable whether Alawites are Shia or a sect unto themselves.


Population wise, Islam runs about 80-20 Sunni to Shia.

The Other Whitey

Hey, it’s just the Religion of Peace, being peaceably peaceful about their peaceful differences. Again.

Roger in Republic

I don”t care who kills them as long as somebody does. They are a plague on the civilized world.

MSG Eric

So what you’re telling me is that there’s actually a group in the world calling themselves IS BS?

At least they admit it.


Been like this for well over a thousand years

A Proud Infidel®™

I say let ’em off each other, “Religion of Peace”, MY ASS!! When was the last time anyone saw Christians killing each other en masse over beliefs, and ditto with Jews, Hindus, or Buddhists?


Be careful, someone might bring up the Crusades. You know, when Christianity got pissed enough by the Muslims taking all of Spain and decided to fight back.

2/17 Air Cav

I love it when people bring up the Crusades, feebly and stupidly attempting to liken a series of military actions that occurred 800-1000 years ago to what the zany Muslims are doing today.


I think that’s one reason (among many) why Spain was so successful conquering all of Central and Southern America. They had spent the previous 200 years in the reconquista. Poor bastiches didn’t know what hit them.

John S.

It’s a religion of peace to the Sunnis; everyone else, no so much.


Don’t have to bring up the Crusades. 🙂

How about the French persecution of the Huguenots? Or the British back & forth during the Tudor era when they went from Catholic to Protestant (Henry’s divorces), back to Catholic (Mary), then back to Protestant when Elizabeth took the throne. Ironically the biggest (Civil) war was between different groups of Protestants.

That’s not to mention the once-regular mutual slaughters in Ireland.

I won’t go too deeply into Central & Eastern Europe, but I will mention the Thirty Years War. Pretty much wiped out parts of Europe.

Don’t get me started over the Christian persecution of Jews in Europe.

So, yes, we’ve had a lot of blood on our hands. We’ve also grown up a bit since then, excepting Nazi Germany. Antisemitism is on the rise in Europe, and I don’t think we can blame it all on the new immigrants. :-/

It’s kinda like slavery. We shouldn’t beat ourselves up over it (even if Progressives do), but it’s still useful to remember all of history, including the warts and embarrassing parts.


When you determine a person’s placement based on ideological and theological grounds, none will ever meet the standards of purity. Those standards are based on a theological perfection that is determined by those who do not even meet it. In the end, all will be found wanting and impure under the system.


Then again, this is nothing new for Islam. They attacked their own people before while attacking Christians.


So . . . why is this not in the ‘feel-good’ news section?

MSG Eric

at least tag it as good news section. lol


Help make the world a safer better place…always spay & neuter your muzzies.

In other news, the grill is fired up & cold beers on hand: Some great football & baseball ballgames going on…Mich/Mich State, Alabama/Tex A & M, Toronto/Kansas City.


Waiting for Obama to remind us not to judge all of them by the actions of a few radicals. Hell, they’re all radicals on one side or the other. Two sides of the same bad penny I say and if you toss it into the deepest part of the Pacific a lot of problems would be gone.


The way he doesn’t judge all firearm owners for the actions of a very few?


2/17 Air Cav

“And with racism now plaguing America like an incurable cancer, all thinking Americans should be more respective to Islam as an already proven solution to the race problem.”

That’s a quote from a letter written by Malcolm Little or, as he later preferred to be known, Malcolm X. For those keeping score, he later changed to el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz. I’m guessing he meant thinking Americans should be more respectful, not respective, but I doubt many people will notice. He can’t blame WORD, that’s for sure. The letter was written in 1964, the year Mr. X made a pilgrimage to Mecca. (What, no stampede that year?) The letter is being auctioned and its value is estimated at 1.25 million. I want to know who would pay that for a Malcolm X letter. We’ll see. Anyway, Malcolm thought that the Mo World was all good stuff, a world where peace would reign—even among races—if only everyone would convert. Methinks Malcolm was just a tad off. He learned that himself as he said that the Nation of Islam (NOI) was trying to kill him. And killed he was. A sawed-off shotgun did the job and three NOI members were convicted of murdering him and sentenced to life. One was paroled in 1985. Another got out two years later. The third was released in 2010. That’s life, so to speak. Word is that Malcolm X remains dead.