Steve Elliott: I’m a responsible gun owner, so I destroyed my gun

| October 17, 2015

Steve Elliott wrote in the Washington Post how he’s such special snowflake of a gun owner, that he destroyed his guns to save the rest of us from ourselves.

Steve, according to his short biography at the Post was once a journalist, so I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that he tries to make the gun issue about him rather than the real issue. And, oh, he is better than the rest of us anyway, you know because he wrote about some things once. Anyway, he got tired of listening to the gun debate so he cut up his Ruger handgun. He has other guns, but now, there’s one less gun – which is his hashtag, by the way.

At first, when I read the article when Chief Tango sent it to me, I was going to make fun of him for being so naive to think that destroying a single handgun (that he admits he bought to protect his family) could make a difference. That one former journalist writing about his reasons for making one less gun exist in the world would change the world and make all of the gangbangers reconsider their gun ownership.

I had actually planned on calling him names like “pussy”, “idiot”, “fantasist”. I’ll even admit that it crossed my mind to call him a “stank-ass hippie” once or twice. But, then, I reconsidered during my second reading of his article. I wanted to be a a responsible gun owner, and Steve shamed me just enough. So I did the same as him, I cut up all of my guns into tiny pieces.

Luckily, here in West Virginia, we don’t have to prove to the state that we destroyed a gun, like Steve, my savior, had to do in California – because that would be a lot of pictures, and I’m a little tired from cutting up my scores of guns. So you and all of those other people out there who are after my guns will have to take my word for it.

Even though Steve gets the credit for shaming me into cutting my guns up, I’m still a better person than him because I cut up all of my guns and he still has some. Neener, neener, Steve. #fiftylessguns

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Can’t help but wonder now if he will write it off as a business expense (and pass the savings onto taxpayers like you and ME!) since, he wrote about it in an article due to lack of better things to write about.

MSG Eric

Good thought, I bet he does just that.


Well, shiver me timbers…he is a responsible (former) gun owner, ain’t that sweet…..trouble is…he is a NON responsible family man as he threw away his ability to protect his family…stinking liberals are all the same INSANE!


John, I would follow your excellent and responsible actions except I have one problem. All of my guns were lost in a boating accident last week. Even the ones that were locked in the safe.

Weirdest thing I’ve ever seen.


I put all of mine under my pillow. When I woke up all my guns were gone and the gun fairy left me a shiny new quarter.


At first I thought it said Sam Elliott, and was worried something horrible had happened to him to make him loose his mind. Then I realized it was some no name ahole with the same initials and knew all was good in the world.

Open Channel D

Steve Elliot?
I think he was banging Billie Jo, but married Betty Jo. Either way, he was a player; this Steve Elliot, not so much.


Thanks for the good laugh this morning! What a turd


Let me make this very simple….the guy’s a complete asshole!


another lost leftist soul….

2/17 Air Cav

“I believe claiming the NRA speaks for all gun owners is like saying the Westboro Baptist Church speaks for all Christians.”

Then, Elliott, you are a first-class moron. That Elliott destroyed one of his guns is good news: morons shouldn’t have guns. This clown is full of shit, anyway. He says he was at a “restaurant” when the TV announced the Sandy Hook shootings. He then says he overheard some guy at the bar (the TV was, he said, over the bar) whose “first reaction” was that they are going to use the event to grab guns. Believe that? I don’t. I think he made that up. The shootings occurred began about 9:35 a.m. and the police were there and the shootings ended before 10:30. The new crews were there, first locally, then nationally, falling over one another to get something—anything!—to report. But that’s another ugly issue. My point is that Elliott puts the anonymous lout in the no-name restaurant AT the bar, while Elliott claims he was in the restaurant just looking at the TV that was over the bar. See how he worked that? Bullshit.

MSG Eric

you say that as if you expect journalists to write factual stories.

Rick Chaves

So he was drinking at 9:30 in the morning?


Elliott was still drinking at 9:30 in the morning. I think he spends a lot of time drinking.

Silentium Est Aureum

Then subtract 3 hours for the time change. He was hitting the bottle before most folks have poured their second cup of coffee.

MSG Eric

Well, because of this, I’m going to destroy a bunch of guns myself.

I’m going to buy a couple boxes of pop tarts, bite them into guns, go “pew pew” and then eat the rest of the pop tart. Boom! #fiftylesspoptartguns


Ya know, Stevie, if you own the gun, you are welcome to do what you want with it as long as what you do with it is lawful. Just like an automobile, a garden shovel or a frying pan, you are welcome to destroy it in any lawful manner.

So why should I care? Perhaps the only concern I have is that there is a good chance that there is at least one, and probably more than one, lie in that little story you spin. Lying is just not OK. If you got paid for lying, that is even worse. Sounds rather like fraud from here.

What a stupid thing to lie about.

Bernie Hackett

OWB, the (ahem) person said he “was” a journalist, so he used to get paid for lying.
What would possess someone to make a big deal out of his own stupidity? Hey, look! I’m at least as sensative as the other educated fools! Golly, do you think this will get me girls?
Nope, I don’t think so, Todd.
Might one hope he doesn’t produce offspring?
One less idiot!


He wrote two phrases, “I am a responsible gun owner” and “I destroyed my gun”. He tried to connect those phrases with the word “so” – trying to convince us that destroying his gun was something required of every responsible gun owner. This is sort of like trying to say that this phrase, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” requires this one, “A well regulated Militia”.

Roger in Republic

Well, I am a responsible gun owner, so I keep all of mine cleaned and well oiled. There, doesn’t that sound more responsible?

The Other Whitey

I’m a responsible gun owner, so I maintain proficiency with and security of every single one of my guns.


I’m a responsible gun owner, so I legally carry a concealed weapon. I also practice regularly, keep up my NRA membership, and keep my weapons and ammo clean.


Steve, may I suggest that you cut you cut your balls off and write an article on how you’re preventing sexual assault?

Peter the Bubblehead



This little chore was performed long ago, in journalist school.

John S.

I think SFC D misspelled “lobotomy.”

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he could perform a DIY lobotomy on himself and claim to have taken a stance on Mental Illness (Which liberalism itself is a form of!)?


I liked this little gem in the comments.

“So, Steve, since you’re undoubtedly against rape, I guess you’ll be cutting off your penis too? Make sure to update us on that as well. Remember, if it stops even one rape it’s worth it!”

A Proud Infidel®™

Candy-assed Stevie poo forgot to to make a huge deal about throw the cut up gun parts into a scrap metal bin and break his own arm for recycling while singing “Happy-happy-joy-joy, everybody look at me”.
One less idiot leftie with a gun!

Peter the Bubblehead

The trouble is he is apparently an idiot lefty with a bunch of other firearms. (I refuse to call them guns unless they are mounted in a turret on a ship or require a Jeep/Humvee to tow them on wheels.) He’s still a danger to himself and others.


Hey, I carried a gun as a PFC/SPC. It was called the M-60.

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto, I liked having a “Pig”! 😀


I fired a gun, once. Gun-bunny showed me how to hold the lanyard over my shoulder, so all I had to to was roll that shoulder away from the breech to discharge that sucker.

A Proud Infidel®™

I meant to say “…and break his own arm patting himself on his back for recycling…”

The Other Whitey

Stuck at home with the Goddamn influenza plague today. Reading about this fucking idiot did not help my headache.


BTDT, TOW. I’m still feeling the lingering effects from the strain I got a week later.

2/17 Air Cav

Me too. Sucked. Still sucks. Just sucks a lot less today than a 7-9 days ago ago. Kicked ny ass. I wasn’t going to whine about it but I don’t want you two whining w/o me. Misery. Company. And all that.




OK, so I actually clicked in the link and sorta read the article. (It was impossible to really read it because it was rather nauseating.)

The real reason he “destroyed” his “gun” is buried in his verbal diarrhea. Seems that he had a grandparent successfully commit suicide with one and a parent almost successfully commit suicide with one. That probably gives him good reason to have an irrational fear of guns. Or perhaps a fear of having inherited the suicide gene.

Meanwhile, his bragging about having a long gun tied to his bicycle for his preteen hunting excursions conjures up a pretty funny image.

What a loon. Yeah, his apparent decision to not walk among us armed is probably a good one.

Roger in Republic

It sounds like cowardice runs in his family. That and depression.


Title of the article should be “I’m an attention whore and no one will notice me when I hold my breath so I’ll cut up a gun and brag about it!”


No F””n wonder he “was” a journalist at one time. So does he now have a pimp? What a self-serving story to garner attention! Wow, I’m ABSOLUTELY underwhelmed! Hey Stevie…of course you know they are looking for experienced writers for a gay pRon magazine. It’s called, “Lotsa d___k and very little balls”. Just your kind of gig. Now you can share even more with the entire world about your wonderful Cal. lifestyle. Tell us Stevie, did anybody really give a shit?
Damn fellow, I feel so much safer now thanks to your grandstanding. BTW, when some opportunistic thug reads your ever so important story, be sure to let us know you handled it with one of the others you kept. Next time you want the world to know what a special savior you are, please tell us how you saved the world a bit of electricity by unhooking your home burglar alarm.
One question…..Are you f____g stewpid?


I salute him for doing that. As a matter of fact I think that he should prove to the world that criminals are really just good people and give all of his guns away to the nearest street thug he can find.
That will set a great example for all of the libs that still cling to their guns and religion.
Then he should set a really good example and lower his carbon footprint to zero by killing himself to save the planet!
That would be a really great way for libs to show us how serious they are about saving the planet and they need a great example !!!
Let’s put it for a vote, I’ll forward the results to him immediately so he understands that we support him in his quest to be such a good example !!!


Tell Ol’ Stevie that I’m gonna trade mine for some magic beans as soon as the magic bean holder passes a background check. Feeling better now? regards, Alemaster


Actual title should read;

I’m an (ir)responsible, (fake) gun owner who destroyed my (imaginary) gun.


I too felt inspired…and emptied all my beers. And a bottle of whiskey. You know, for the kids. #onelesstwelvepackandbottleofjameson

Sure is going to make range time rather painful tomorrow.


Wednesday morning, a ladder slid out from under me sideways and I fell to earth like a bag of dirt. Friday afternoon I went to a hospital er for x-rays. I interacted with several health care professionals for a couple of hours. Among their many questions, I was surprised that not one of them asked me if there are firearms in my house. That kind of surprised me.

2/17 Air Cav

They were derelict. That should have been the second question asked. The first is, “May I see your insurance card?” or some variation of that.

2/17 Air Cav

I guess I should have asked whether you hurt anything other than your pride. Sprains and strains don’t count. Neither do bumps or bruises. Points are given only for breaks and internal bleeding.


A nurse came in with paperwork that said, “You have radial head fracture. You have been given a sling. Wear it. Make an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon within 5 to 7 days.” There was a prescription for 800mg motrin (bonus) and a srcip for tylenol 3 that I did not get filled. I did not get to see the x-rays or nothing. I was at a major hospital ER and they didn’t splint it or cast it, so I guess it is just a hairline crack. I just noticed on the hospital bracelet they gave me it says “52/F” above my DOB. What does it matter anymore M/F… it’s just a label. We’re so fooked. Thanks for asking 2/17. Deep down, you’re not that bad. 😉


times have changed if a head fracture requires splinting or casting….


Read that Hillary is for mandatory gun buy-back programs.

Now, where did I put my surprised face??

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Libtard probably gave his “significant other” his tiny widdle moth balls to hold for him in a glass jar… he needs to ask permission to take them out when he wants to hang with his pajama boy butt buddies…


Good googly moogly! What is it with these beta males and the sniveling about guns?

I’m about ready to write a piece about how since most rapes are committed with a penis, we should register penises, make penis bearers buy extra liability insurance, and perhaps beta males should look at lopping off their penises to be responsible penis owners.

What. The. Fuck.

B Woodman

WaPo. . . . “journalist”. . .
That’s all I needed to read.

Pinto Nag

There’s just no story here. Now if he had taken a gangbanger’s gun away from its owner, and cut THAT gun up, THAT would be a story worth printing. As it is though — nope.


Now, it seems to me that this is is self-solving problem. He cut up the firearm that he had purchased for protection of himself and his family. Sooner or later, one or more of the criminal element in his vicinity is going to figure out that they have a target-rich environment, and the world will be left with one fewer libtard.