Stolen Valor in South Africa

| October 12, 2015

Jaco van der Sandt1

The folks at the Saturday Star in Johannesburg, South Africa send us an article that they wrote about stolen valor in their country and the South African Special Forces Association which busts pretenders there;

For many years, the South African Special Forces League (now followed by its successor, the South African Special Forces Association) has maintained a “Wall of Shame” on its website ( and, says Heinrich von Berg, webmaster of the site, “there are still people out there putting out lies”.

The site has now set up a subsection on its “Media Recces” page for what Von Berg calls “Facebook Heroes” to “accommodate the many new Facebook warriors”.

The latest name to be added to the Wall of Shame is that of a Jaco van der Sandt of Pretoria, who declares himself a “rekkie” (recce) [sic], having served eight years and have seen “things you only see in movies”.

He claims he was shot six times and still carries “hordes” of shrapnel inside his body.

Von Berg says Van der Sandt was “never at any time” a Special Forces operator or even a Special Forces member.

The Wall of Shame is at this link. Mr. Van der Sandt’s claims have disappeared at his Facebook page, so they seem to be doing their job over there. According to their article, they’ve busted phony “recces” pretending while they’re in the US, too.

Of course, no article about the stolen valor phenomenon would be complete without a mention of Mary Schantag and her stolen valor posse;

It has not been easy and a number of those outed have resorted to legal suits – none of which have been successful, says Schantag – and setting up fake and threatening websites and Facebook accounts to discredit the wannabe hunters.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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Wow! A lot of phonies in SA. Stolen Valor…a worldwide crime.

2/17 Air Cav

South Africa. Apartheid. The bane and target of the civilized world for many years. Must be nirvana there now. No racial separation, legally, anyway. Not so much: “Government corruption is an endemic problem. Violent crime has not been tamed. The HIV/AIDS rates are among the highest in the world. Squatter communities just keep expanding, and millions of poor blacks have seen little or no improvement in their lives.” Right wing rag? Yeah, if you consider NPR to be a right-wing rag. Funny how we hear nearly nothing of South Africa any longer. It’s rather like that here when it comes to profiles of poor people living over vents and in cardboard boxes in the US. Under the Scrotum Shaver, they all have homes in the suburbs now, I guess. Same with sick people. I guess they’re all better now, thanks to obamacare. Well, if a Republican wins the presidency, they will all be back in the news. Funny how that works.


I have some friends who are from SA and continue to live there. They are white guys. They put up constant Facebook updates of the violent black on white crime and endemic corruption taking place there.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds like Detroit!

Green Thumb

Or Memphis.

But do not sweat it if you live in Memphis. You can just call Turd Bolling over there at Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency (both national and international) to provide security.

Hack Stone

Just where exactly are these international offices located?


Reminds me of the great quote about another similar place: “It used to be, you went to Rhodesia to see the ruins of Zimbabwe. Now you go to Zimbabwe to see the ruins of Rhodesia.”