Thursday morning feel good stories

| August 20, 2015

In Terrell, Texas, Mathew Colby Johnson thought that knocking over the Mom & Pop convenience store would be easy-peasy. Fahed Fatayri ventilated his backside when Johnson pointed his own gun at Mama Fatayri in a robbery attempt. Johnson limped from the AO, ass-shot, but was spotted driving at about 120 miles per hour sveral miles away where he lost control of the vehicle and taxpayers funded his helicopter ride to the hospital where he’s in critical condition.

In Boardman Township, Ohio, another criminal was perforated by a jewelry store clerk. Police followed his blood trail to a bloody pile of clothes, probably where his getaway driver waited for him. He dropped over $100,000 worth of jewelry that he took from the store in his haste to un-ass the AO.

Another clerk in Conyers, Georgia fired 13 rounds at an escaping thief with no discernible result other than making a lot of noise.

In Port Hueneme, California, a street criminal tried to rob a fellow with an Airsoft gun. Unfortunately for the crook, the intended victim recognized the toy even before the criminal shot him in the hand. So the victim whacked the toy out of the criminal’s hand with his crutch. The criminal should have DRT from embarrassment to his profession. But, he scurried off instead.

In Friendswood, Texas a fellow saw a burglar in his neighbor’s yard and scared him off with gun fire.

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In New Orleans, Louisiana, an armed homeowner helped police apprehend a carjacking thief when the fellow ended up in his backyard and he personally marched the guy into police custody with his firearm.

In Monmouth, Maine, a criminal on a crime spree was stopped in his tracks by an armed homeowner. The bad fellow had assaulted two people earlier and was in the process of stealing a fellow’s chicken – by the way he was a gray fox. The only DRT we have today.

A lot of ammo was expended and nothing much to show for it. Range time, people.

Thanks to Chief tango for the links.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Jordan Rott

At least the guy in Ohio hit the POS.


Morning John, I was in Port Hueneme just last week. Once again the Army has taught me the Navy is a helluva branch, absolutely beautiful picturesque views along PCH/101 around Hueneme…..and San Diego/Coronado/NWS Seal Beach. Seabee Museum is at Hueneme.

2/17 Air Cav

Okay, what’s the excuse this time? Another innocent, defenseless, law-abiding, upstanding citizen was shot by Saint Louie police officers. In protest or something, rioting erupted. As riots go, it wasn’t all that. A little burning, some bottles and rocks thrown at police, a spate of burglaries (Hey, the cops are busy. Let’s burglarize!”) and about 10 arrests—nothing like Baltimore in 1968 or 2015. So what was this one really about. Police say that they went to execute a warrant at a residence previously hit for guns when one youngster, Mansur Ball-Bey (do not ask me how), no doubt an Eagle Scout and choir member who had hoped to enter Harvard, pointed a gun at officers. They dropped him. He’s dead. Of course, facts don’t matter and who has time to await an investigation? Baby need a new pair of shoes today! Not to worry: “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” is on the case. And the spontaneous violence was, of course, justified. I know because the officers were white and the alleged perp black. That’s all anyone needs to know to declare free diaper day at local CVS stores.

2/17 Air Cav

Here you go. If you haven’t seen this, you will be shocked and enraged. Just a couple of young men who were probably on their way to a “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” rally and were getting in a little practice and, of course, obtaining bus fare.


It’s a good idea to lighten the purse load to nothing really important in it, but most women won’t do that. We carry our entire lives in our purses.

I hope that poor woman is okay.


My Aunt modified her purse by sewing into the bottom a one-inch diameter piece of steel bar.

A few local knuckleheads tried to mug her. She mugged back. Usually, she managed to drive off the dingleberries with bruises and contusions to various parts of their anatomy. In the case where she cold-cocked the SOB, she stole his pocket contents before leaving.

I have rather interesting kin. She is by no means the oddest duck in my flock.


My Grandma was mugged when she was about 83 or so – she made me drive 120 miles out to her place to clean and lube the little .22 she had there because if she saw him again, she was going to shoot him in the butt. Wonderful lady – I miss her.

B Woodman

Can’t say “range time” for the first two stories. The good guys hit the bad guys, apparently multiple multiple times. But the bad guys still were able to walk away. Why? Caliber?
The first bad guy would have been DOT given enough time. But the po-po just HAD to step in and arrest and therefore save him.
The second bad guy just may be DOT, for all we know.