Tuesday morning feel good stories

| August 18, 2015

John from Texas sends us our first story this morning from Beaumont, Texas where a homeowner’s dogs alerted him to an intruder. When he encountered the fellow, he immediately surrendered his firearm one bullet at a time. The intruder un-assed the AO, but police found him in the yard and declared him DRT (dead right there).

Chief Tango sends a story from San Antonio, Texas that ends like many stories from Texas – in the parking lot of Whataburger. It seems that two fellows were trying to turn their lives around by burglarizing another man’s pickup truck toolbox when they were caught in the act by a neighbor who contributed some lead to the endeavor. One burglar was found nearby in his own bullet-riddled pickup with wounds to his face and back in the nearby Whataburger parking lot.

In Heflin, Alabama, a woman was rescued by her armed neighbor when Craig Steven Moore invaded the home of 69-year-old Wilma Williams. Moore was able to wrestle Williams’ gun away and shot at her twice, missing both times. Williams then un-assed the AO and alerted her neighbors, James Melton and Charles Price, who confronted Moore and Price shot Moore twice with his shotgun.

Moore was released from the hospital and in residence at his new digs facing an attempted murder charge, two assault charges, burglary and robbery for stealing Williams’ gun. Hopefully the prosecutor is a better shot than Moore.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Wrench Monkey


Wrench Monkey

Best stories to start the day. Especially at 0500.

B Woodman

I love a good DRT story in the morning. It smells like victory.

And the world is a more peaceful place. . beginning now.


A good start to a good day.

Miss Wilma does need to learn to use that firearm more aggressively, however. It is not a paperweight.

A Proud Infidel®™

One DRT is better than none, anyone for some RANGE TIME?

Old Trooper

2 blasts from a shotgun and he wasn’t DRT???

B Woodman

Bird shot?

Weekend Warrior in Texas

The shooter was shooting under a truck. I started clapping when I read the scumbag was shot twice with a shotgun. I could not help it. I usually do not clap, dislike it very much. Here I sit clapping like a second grader being given ice cream. I bet the entrepreneur walks funny for the rest of his life.
San Antonio…Whataburger…dead…fuhgedaboudit
Beaumont… same same.

Veritas Omnia Vincit


Shoot that rat bastard in the face next time and don’t screw around…she’s lucky as hell she’s not dead.

Pull that thing out, better get to work or it might go very badly….

But in the end it appears all the right people were shot so a good day indeed.