Here Ya Go – A “Private” Email Update
Here’s the latest on the continuing saga of the Clintoon “private” email brouhaha.
• The number of “private” emails in Clintoon’s stash that have been reviewed and found to contain classified information now stands at at least 60.
• A guy named Bob Woodward says that the whole thing “reminds me of the Nixon tapes” – and he’d probably know a thing or two about the Watergate scandal.
• The Washington Times also discusses a whole host of procedural irregularities regarding the handling of Clintoon’s “private” emails.
• And, finally, we have this from ABC News, courtesy of YouTube:
But your husband seems to be handling the stress of the situation fairly well. Maybe you also should hit the links to relax – instead of the campaign trail.
(Hat tip to Drudge for the first 4 links.)
UPDATE: later reporting says the number of emails possibly containing classified information now exceeds 300.
Category: Crime, Foreign Policy, Legal
I hope a house drops on her from the sky.
As Coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined her, and she’s not only merely dead, she’s really most sincerely dead.
Or her campaign at the very least.
I hope so too.
Working her security detail must be a real bitch, what with having to feed,water, and clean up after those damn flying monkeys all the time.
Yeah, I can hear it 40 years from now. “Grandpa, what did you do when you worked for the government?”
“Well, I shoveled monkey shit in Iowa”
Can you even imagine what it’s like today, for someone on her detail? Must be s-o-o-o much fun. She’s always been described(albeit anonymously) as a bitch by those who’ve moved on, I would imagine today it’s much worse, by a factor of 100.
yea…men are ‘passionate’ women are ‘bitches’.
No Charlotte, such men are assholes. So are such women, but can you imagine the outraged charges of vulgarity if we men called women like you assholes?
Oh, Poetrooper, let me.
Charlotte, I’m a bitch on wheels and you, my dear, are a complete asshole.
I feel MUCH better now. Next contestant!
“And so it came to pass, the Great Lioness Bitch on wheels of TAH spoke with a voice of righteous thunder; and all who babbled without thought scattered before her like chaff in the wind, and rightness returned to the lands of TAH, and it was good once more.”
Word ^^^^^^^
Ex-PH2 and Doc….
Miss Charlotte, I respectfully suggest you get your ass back on the front porch and get to swangin’. There are Lionesses about that feast on women such as you.
Damn Straight Up D Mi ster:)
I think Bruce Jenner is a passionate bitch.
Wuz up bitches? (other than the amount of classified documents on Hillary’s server)
Met a lot of passionate men AND women in my time, dear Charlotte. Passion doesn’t equate to being a asshole, bitch, jackass, cocksucker or douchebag.
Passion is believing in something and going for it. You can do that and still be nice to other people. When you’re a bitch, your just a self centered jerk.
No. I don’t want to see a house drop on her.
I would FAR rather see her UNWELCOME at every restaurant she goes to (including McD’s) and every bar she drops in for a drink, and empty rooms when she goes some place to give a speech.
It’s far worse to be ostracized and ignored than a house falling on you.
Match that with raucous laughter, to REALLY see a Libtard’s head go ‘splody.
Nothing a ProgLibtard hates worse than to be laughed at, they take themselves WAY too seriously. No humor at all (they’re too busy planning the micromanagement of people’s lives).
No….I would rather see the bitch doing at least 25 years in the big house for treason!!!
As long as Slick Willy is doing an equal or greater amount of time with her, I’m in!
Those two remind me of Ahab and Jezebel. May they meet the same end.
Word ^^^^^
Maybe it’s just part of a vast right-wing conspiracy…
What difference does it make?
She’s being framed as just another part of the Republican War on Women…
Sow and ye shall reap, bitch. If I had classified documents on my personal hard drive, I’d go to prison (deservedly) for a VERY long time. Maybe trying to run the State Department behind the backs of the American people wasn’t the biggest brainchild you ever had.
“But..but..but.. Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice both had private e-mail servers and the Republicans didn’t care then!” scream the memes from my liberal friends.
Hillary learned from Bill’s blue dress problems; don’t let the evidence get outside of the family. The private server was supposed to keep the people who were dealing with SecState separate from cash going to Hillary of the Clinton Foundation from those same people. This time it was an absence of any dresses that clued some folks into the fact that there must be a secret closet.
…This is pretty much what I’ve been saying since the whole mess first started – Hillary had seen far too many people going about their criminal business tripped up by tiny little things, and as she is a Genius, she figured out a way to avoid that.
Hey Hill, let know how that works out, mmmkay?
what about the 100’s of thousands of emails that bush 2 DELETED?…just askin!
Frankly, Charlotte, I don’t give a damn. Just sayin!
I just got a craving for fried okra.
Fried chicken, biscuits and gravy.
I still don’t get Chicken and Waffles. Just weird.
I do enjoy deflating pompous asses, when the opportunity offers itself, as it has here.
In regard to your assertion that Bush, Jr., deleted those e-mails himself, you are incorrect. It was done by White House staffers. Should you respond with that lame ol’ ‘no press coverage’, there was plenty of press coverage – for the firing of eight (8 – count ’em) U.S. attorneys.
Here’s the backup for this, Charlotte.
Do some research occasionally instead of just running your silly mouth.
Just sayin’.
Oh, I should really proofread occasionally.
There was plenty of press coverage for the deletion of those e-mails IN ADDITION TO thw firing of US Attorneys.
“:Do some research occasionally instead of just running your silly mouth.”
But where is the comedy value in that for the rest of us???
We-e-e-elll…. if I said ‘use Lexis-Nexis’, that deer-in-the-headlights blank look would be too much. You would all laugh until you decompressed, and she, meanwhile, would have to look up what I meant.
Old craggly sniper fire dodging bitch!
I will testify under oath that the sniper fire never happened. I was there, a SGT chief of a TACSAT team. I went so the troops didn’t have to. No greater sacrifice and all that
And I was there Xmas of 97 when they visited Sarajevo. My unit was tasked to help guard Air Force One while they were driving around “dodging sniper fire” there.
Though AF-1 was a C-17 because of the short runway.
The only thing we were dodging was boredom and cold out there at the aircraft.
I’d like to see the real contest…Shillary VS. Monica in the foot long corn dog gulping show.
Funny how no black reporters interview her. Logically, she would complain about them being a racist.
Ding ding ding we have a winning post here 🙂
Monica would win because shillary only likes tacos.
You know, nothing about these people surprises me any more. Nothing.
Nixon’s crap doesn’t hold a candle to this. And I don’t like Nixon. I thought he was a snake. I always thought he was behind Kennedy’s assassination (REVENGE!), but sometimes, when the moon is full, I also think it might have been LBJ. That’s my paranoid conspiracy theory stuff for this week.
This stuff – if they really hate this country so much, why the hell don’t they just leave and start their own kingdom?
No built-in serfs.
And yet, it’s always the Republicans who are accused of being bad people because they understand money.
The democraps don’t understand it. They just want it.
First, a little weight watchers tip for Hillary, the big, long shirts don’t cover the blubber…bitch, AT ALL, so best lay off those fried foods.
Next you can call it whatever you want, like “partisonisation” (sic), (nice word by the way Hillary), but if the company, Platt River Networks that built your server does indeed have a complete backup of ALL emails for the FBI, you’re more screwed to the wall than you think you are now. Better get ready to bend over to Commie Bernie Sanders and Uncle Shotgun Joe.
Didn’t contain convos between her and Bill as she first claimed?
Speaking of “Blowjob Willie”, has he been left alone around any female interns lately? I wonder what’s next for former Secretary Cankles?
He doesn’t need interns.
Or he just hops a flight to Pedophile Island with his buddy, Jeffry Epstein.
In a sane, rational and moral country she would be toast
It is. She will be. Do not abandon all hope.
That is all.
Apparently we’re now up over 300 emails with classified information.
Yeah, that’s what the update at the end of the article says. (smile)
300? Wow. That sounds like a movie title or something.
Am I alone in thinking that somehow, shrillary is slowly being hung out to dry on the nearest and most convenient yardarm?
According to this from The Washington times, it’s up to 305 as of now:
And the hits just keep on rollin’!
Notice that the count increases at about reading speed? I’m thinking that the number will get bigger and, at some point, it will be so big that they will stop publishing the number. Of course DU and HuffPo will stop first then the less-loney outlets.
I smell toast. Burnt toast.
I wonder if there are any All-Points Logistics emails in the mix….
Would those be considered classified?
Any emails to or from Elaine Ricci?
She was probably to busy coordinating with AJ Dickens over her protection detail.
I just want to know how many they need to find before they say “Yep, that’s enough, lets arrest her.”
Because if they are at 300 and still aren’t thinking of that, then she will never be charged.
None of this is important. I know because I looked here for coverage and found none:
Irony and hypocrisy. The “news”paper of “record” isn’t keeping record of Der HildaBeest.
Geee. . I wonder why?. . . . .(/sarc)
“The New York Times, all the news we see fit to tell you, and just how you inferior people should think about it!”
is it any wonder why their circulation numbers keep going down the sewer pipes?
You were expecting the real news from NYT? Yeah, I believe in fairies, too. They’re a lot more real-world than the NYT. And they leave money under your pillow.
Something tells me Obama isn’t doing anything to stop this because he wants Hillary to go down. The Obamas and Clintons never liked each other and I’ve always felt that Hillary as Secretary of State was The Big O’s way of “keeping friends close, enemies closer.” Thing is, I suspect some of those emails containing classified documents might come back to haunt Obama – although he doesn’t realize it yet. If he did, he wouldn’t have let it go as far as it has. This leads me to my long-held belief that Bernie Sanders might be “the guy,” and if that’s the case, don’t be surprised if “Pocahantas” Elizabeth Warren is tapped to be his VP…
Shhhhh!!! You’ll give away the secret words!
It was so cold … and Boston received so much snow last year (record for 2014 – 2015), Warren is now claiming to be 99% Eskimo (presumably the other 1% is something else).
Kind of my feeling- Obama’s people want to bring Hillary down permanently… but they can’t do so in a way that jeopardizes their control of the party.
Best to let the story leak along until public opinion “forces action”.
That would give the Obama faction another 4 years of Parti control. If Hillary wins, Valerie and friends are out… and they don’t want that.
Yes… it’s the timing, you see. I thought it was odd that this comes to the surface now, like pond scum sometimes does, at such an odd moment.
Yep. The Democrat Party is very much at war with itself – in many ways they’re more divided than even the GOP
I’m all for letting them cannibalize each other and watching the demo-rat party implode!! 😀 I only wonder how much and what kind of dirt Das Hildebeast has on B. Hussein 0bama and how she’ll unleash it on him?
Divided? Then let’s keep them that way.
Oh I agree, but the GOP is going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory the longer they continue to force guys like Jeb Bush down our throats. I don’t even think we’re going to do very well if Trump gets the nomination. To be brutally honest, I don’t feel very comfortable with any of the people running in this election…
One more thing- don’t rule out the fact that most of the factions in the Dem Parti are more than willing to throw the election to the Repubs this cycle.
Note the really, really bland field of retreads and old hippies- electoral cannon fodder, if you will. McGovern had more charisma and electability than Bernie or Fauxcahontas.
Pretty much any Parti members with any chance are going to lay low and save their political capital this cycle.
Hundreds of homeless people are camped out in front of Hillary Clinton’s campaign HQ in Brooklyn, NY.
As reported earlier, by this roving NYC correspondant, no one inside office.
This breaking news should have been filed under “Comrade de Blasio”.
Yes, Clintonks operative de Blasio has destroted NYC in 2 years.
Record crime, homeless fill the street, identification cards for everyone, no approach policy by police, you want weed …you got it … just breath the air …
Follow the Clinton money …
Well, damn! Was it Koch or Giuliani that got the mess cleaned up? And now that has all gone down the toilet, eh?
Meantime, Master Chief, how’s that bear thing going for you?
I am good to go!
The bear thought because of my furtive movements, that I was about to inflict harm on him, however what I dealt out was a massive dose of the “Power of the CPO Mess”.
The bear took off crying and squealing like a chipmonk …
If I throw water on her, will she melt?
No she is not that kind of witch… She is a Teflon witch these are hard witches to bring down because of a over supply of low info voters….
Especially when her only campaign talking point is “elect me because I’m a woman!”
Teflon. . . . . Teflon. . . . what can you do against Teflon. . . . maybe. . . as the warning has always been about Teflon coated fry pans, don’t heat them beyond 400 degrees F. . . . you don’t suppose Shrillery. . . ? Hmmmm. . . .
‘”I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received,”’ Clinton told reporters in Winterset, Iowa.” CNN Online
Notice how that is worded. She did not say, “I never sent nor received….” If she had said that and it is shown that she sent or received an email containing classified information, she can be branded a liar. But when she says, as she did, “I am confident that….” she sets the stage for ‘misplaced confidence’ or some such stupid description of her ‘mistake’ when it is confirmed that she sent or received an email containing classified information. In a sense, it depends on what the meaning of is is. I can’t wait for her to look dead into a camera and say, “I never had sex with that server.”
Thats I never had Text with that server.
Server? I barely knew her.
Hmmm, that smell…the scant scent of high probability….
Enraging last night to watch the State Dept spokesman try and minimize the importance of the classified emails (including the crown jewels of SI/TK)….esp when said spokesman is retired Admiral Kirby…former Pentagon spokesman.
saw on DU (gawd, why do I try to skim those) that they are spinning that this classified info on the servers was only classified AFTER the info passed through her server. And so it begins….. another Big Lie in its nascent phase.