About That Clinton “Private Email” Server . . . .

| August 14, 2015

Well, this just keeps getting “better and better”.

It turns out that the “private email server” that the former SECSTATE was using for work-related purposes wasn’t a stand-alone machine. Rather, it was apparently a server rented from an internet hosting company named “Platte River Networks”. The physical machinery was located in a data center in New Jersey; the precise ownership of that data center is unclear (hosting vendors sometimes lease physical hardware from other firms).

And as the old Ronco TV ads said:  “But wait, there’s more!”  It also appears that when initially set up – e.g., for the first 2 to 3 months – the server had abysmally weak security overall, making it vulnerable to potential spoofing, monitoring, and unauthorized access.  And it also appears that the email stored on the server may never have been encrypted while in storage.

Did I mention that Clinton traveled extensively during her first 3 months in office – including visits to Japan, Indonesia, Korea, China, Egypt, Israel, Belgium, Switzerland, and Turkey?

The server was picked up by Federal agents on Wednesday of this week. But it seems there’s one last minor issue.

That issue is that the server has been wiped clean – apparently professionally. There’s no useful information left on it, and the hosting company doesn’t have any backup copies of what it formerly contained.

Hmm. Stonewall for months, then turn over a machine that has been professionally wiped. Yeah, that sounds completely innocent and aboveboard to me.

Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

Category: Crime, Foreign Policy, Legal, Military issues

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Why are you surprised?


It was that indignant tone in the article, Hondo.


Yeh, why is anyone surprised? many of us could have told you that a year ago, the wicked bitch of the east is not going to give up shyt and burn herself…if it gets too hot, she will damned sure give up someone else, which I would think makes a lot a a.h.’s in this administration VERY NERVOUS!


So who is setting up who? Is bodaprez setting her up, or is she doing it to him?

Hmmm…. what if they’re setting up each and they both think each of them has the other one by the short hairs???

Oh. My. God. The Universe would explode (and hopefully take them along with it).


100% transparency achieved.


The emails that were sent, or received, are evidenced on other networks, servers and recipient/respondent devices. The skank loves to control those things that she can. She did not have a working understanding of email/messaging protocol or she would have insured that her respondents were all participating on her private network.

The weak spot in her perjured testimony will be the discovery and production of those “deleted” emails from other servers, computers or electronic devices.

Who knows, Putin might offer up some of them just to get rid of her, at his convenience.

The most likely trophy takedown in this story will be Hillary’s abandonment as a candidate and Sidney Blumenthal’s prosecution for any of a litany of malfeasances.

There is a greater day a’coming in America, no Clintons, no Kennedys, term limits on Congress, relocation of the the Capitol to an abandoned military facility in the Mojave or similarly remote but secure area.

This Congress needs to be conducted in a military manner, structured engagements and ordered protocol–none of that bullshit of voting on stuff in the wee hours of the morning on a national holiday.


Since email is two way traffic and passes thru many servers.
This ain’t over.
Look for a significant news event to knock it out of the current cycle.
Culmination point will be reached when she has a sudden “medical challenge” and needs to withdraw.


1,000 bucks says she will getaway with it. And my gut says she will even be our next commander in chief.


I’ll take that. I could use the cash.

What?!? I have needs, too!


bet Lol…


Should we ask the Chicoms or the Russians for her back-up ????

John S.

Perhaps the NSA might be good for a backup copy as well.


bingo… but they are going to come-out with some sort of POS Statement. I’ll just keep my trap closed… 🙁


This is the same person who gets $200k+ for a half hour speach at a public university. No matter what she does, there apparently are no repercussions. Simply amazing…


What I want to know is why the hell they didn’t strip her of her security clearance when they knew of the private servers????? HFS, Batman. #SOS #FBI #CIA


Without giving away any klasserfried imphormayshun, word on the street is, HRC is DONE!

Her Brooklyn campaign office is almost empty and someone quipped that newspapers will be covering the windows in days!

PS: Alice Cooper is shredding the stage outside Fox and Friends on 6th Avenue, NYC! Yes, Alice is a conservative!


Well, see that little trick to discredit her didn’t work, but someone – somewhere – has copies of that stuff. We’ll see another ‘discredit’ trick before too long.



“And as the old Ronco TV ads said: “But wait, there’s more!” It also appears that when initially set up – e.g., for the first 2 to 3 months – the server had abysmally weak security overall, making it vulnerable to potential spoofing, monitoring, and unauthorized access. And it also appears that the email stored on the server may never have been encrypted while in storage.”

Cyber security issues are so bad overseas, as a general rule US Govt employees are not permitted to travel with lap tops and or other devises like Black Berries and or iPhones. Once outside the US and say Canada and in places where our enemies dominate (like the rest of the world), you devises are no longer secure.

The issue is far worse for personally owned equipment, an untrained cyber monkey from any one of our enemies can walk right into you lap top, Blackberry and or iPhone when overseas.

Bottom lime is you are better off carrying a short green “Memorandum Pad” and a black (quality bling made products) Skillcraft pen and protecting it like the naked photo of your girlfriend in your wallet.

That is all!


blind made


Good point. I still have a flip-phone and intend to keep it. No internet access. Don’t want it.


Feinstein contorts herself into a pretzel to defend Clinton in today’s Wall Street Journal.

Apparently, according to that toad from California, Clinton didn’t WRITE any of the emails on her server. She just RECEIVED them. Therefore, it’s OK.


Why the fuck is that partisan cunt even allowed to exist on the SSCI??


Nicki, shouldn’t matter if she only received the emails. As Secretary of State she had a duty to protect classified information. The fact that she didn’t indicates she knew that the emails were being sent in violation of the law and conspired with the senders to conceal that fact. The entire matter is a criminal conspiracy of the highest order involving state security.

The wiped server is hard evidence of an effort to conceal the existence of that criminal conspiracy which is, in and of itself, obstruction of justice and deliberate obstruction of a congressional investigation.

There are multiple hard crimes here.


I forgot to mention that in a criminal conspiracy all parties, senders and receivers, are considered equal participants.


Hondo, this is all semantics. Four out of the first forty emails examined contained classified information. Do we really believe that was just an incredible statistical anomaly? Apply that ten percent figure to the 30,000 emails admittedly destroyed and pretty soon we’re talking about serious negligence on the part of a U.S. cabinet secretary and her close staff.

This has to be one of, if not the most, egregious examples of mishandling classified data in the nation’s history. And apparently it went on for years with the complicity and deliberate intent of SecState and her close advisers.

Any federal prosecutor who can’t build a solid criminal conspiracy case out of that material just isn’t trying. And sadly, with this ongoing criminal conspiracy called the Obama administration, that may very well be the case,


Hondo, you know that when Clinton was briefed in as SoS she was made aware as to those areas of her purview which were most sensitive intelligence wise, such as the product of those Key Hole satellites. For her to plead the necessary level of ignorance and incompetence to not know such data was classified is not exactly a defense a presidential candidate would want to put forth. her opponents would have a field day with that argument.

Also, upon her receiving emails sent in the clear containing such sensitive information as KH imagery, it was incumbent on her as the read-in head of her agency to both report and correct the violation as well as discipline the violator if that person were a member of the Department of State.

As far as conspiracy charges, again, if she was the one who set the conspiracy in play by permitting state department emails sent from her close assistants to be directed to her private server, then she established the very means by which classified emails could be sent to that server. As SoS, it was incumbent on her to recognize such obviously classified information as has thus far been revealed by investigators. The only defense for not doing so is incredibly gross incompetence and that is not a viable nor desirable defense in her position. Again, political opponents could hack her to pieces with that sort of lame excuse.

I know you’re trying to allow for the infamous Clinton weasel factor but any objective investigation is going to find criminal violations and most likely a criminal conspiracy to avoid detection of those violations. Wiping the server adds obstruction to that laundry list.

The operative term there is “objective”.


I know you two are digging deep to figure out who is who and what is what, but has it occurred to you that this was a setup from the get-go? I have heard of stranger things. Any good author like Tom Clancy and Le Carre could develop plotlines based on this idea that would keep your noses buried in the story until the very end. That was what ‘Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy’ was all about. Christine Keeler brought a British minister’s career to an end. He may or may not have been set up, but I’d say it’s a toss of the coin on that.
The question that neither of you has asked is this: was shrillary given written permission to have her own server at home for the purpose of doing SoS departmental work?


PH2, can such permission even be given if it endangers the Republic? There are limits you know or otherwise we are a dictatorship. If the commander-in-chief should issue such a permission to ignore the classification regulations and laws, might that not be grounds for congressional charges of impeachment?

Do you really think even a fool like Obama would grant that kind of reckless abuse of the law to a political enemy with a history of reckless disregard for all law?

Obama may be incompetent but not all of his political advisers are. This is typical Clinton arrogance and disregard for the laws that govern the rest of us writ large.


No sweat. No worries. Shillery won’t even come close to being our CinC.

As I was closing down last night, I saw a couple of MSM feeds that said Old Scruff Face is fondling the Donald’s Ballsack to be his VP running mate.

The Trump/Janos ticket will be an unstoppable juggernaut that will ride the crazy train to victory.

Yes, pigs will fly and Hell will freeze over. It’s coming and nothing we can do will stop it.


CLAW, you shouldn’t drink and type. It makes you forget the /sarc disclaimer.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Usually mishandling secure documents involves a resignation at a minimum or some jail time if more serious….

Here’s hoping this is a death spiral for Clinton, but I won’t be surprised at all if she still gets the nomination.

But Clintons are notoriously Teflon® Coated sons a bitches and even survive impeachment.

This will be spun as further evidence of the Republican War on Women as a bunch of crusty old white guys trying to undermine Willy’s ole lady’s run for the presidency….aww shucks those mean men picking on the poor lady…that sort of thing.


Oh, buck up, VOV.

Even Teflon has its weaknesses. You’ll see.


It’s Friday. I’m in a good mood. I may not be as snarky as I’d like but a good glass of wine will solve that problem!

HMCS (FMF) ret.

This crap is like a case of Herpes for Shillery “smart power” Clinton… using a private, poorly secured email server for her e-mail comms and then having them “professionally cleaned” prior to turning over to the FBI? Why hasn’t a special prosecutor been appointed to investigate this? Oh that’s right… Bodaprez is calling the shots on that (probably knowing that there would be a lot of “private” stuff coming to light if that happened).

The pantsuit prima donna should be doing a perp walk for this crap, but that wont happen for the foreseeable future…


Unless that server was subjected to degaussing or something like that, a recovery program can recover what was on the hard drive. It used to be you did a disc wash, which wiped stuff, but that was in the days of 8 inch floppy discs that were fragile and easily damaged. Things have changed a lot since then. If I want to pay Staples to recover the image files I unintentionally erased two years ago, I can get them back.

All is not lost. And shrillary is not the fairhaired queen bee she thinks she is.


you can download freeware that claims to totally wipe a drive.. do that and reformat the drives a few times, and you have boat anchors with storage capacity.



DNC senior leaders discussing HR Clinton email server debacle:

A Proud Infidel®™

It also sounds like Dutch rudder Gangsters babbling after a few of their signature cocktails!! :mrgreen:

Herbert J Messkit

The FBI is investigating. Look at how well they did investigating IRS harassment of conservative organizations and the fast and furious scandal

Herbert J Messkit

Maybe we can get her on the 6 billion in missing and unaccounted funds under her sec state time


I wonder if the hard drive serial numbers on the ones surrendered match the build documentation from the factory? Hmmm..

In other words, did a hypothetical nefarious person swap out the drives, then wipe it, then surrender it?

This could either be used to a) protect the original disks from forensics or b) allow surreptitious reconstitution of the system.

A hypothetical nefarious sysadmin might have “imaged” the system while operational, making a clone of the disk content that could be brought up as a “virtual server” copy. This is a common disaster recovery precaution.

(grin) This is far from over, folks. (Popcorn bowl… munch munch munch)

Robert Earl Drabant

Why does the 1st Clinton email article at the top of the blog come back with “Page cannot be found” when I try and open it up?