Monday morning feel good story

| August 3, 2015

Slim pickins this morning, but there’s the story, from San Antonio, Texas of the fellow who dresses like Jesus for the San Antonio Spurs’ home games, known as Spurs Jesus, whose real name is Cordero Maldonado. It seems that Cordero was washing his Jesus suit when he heard someone breaking into his home. He lit out after the perpetrator and caught up to him on the Riverwalk, tackled the fellow and held him until police arrived.

In Las Cruces, New Mexico, five teenagers staged a home invasion on the wrong mobile home. They opened fire on the home and a car from the street, forced the door to the home open and shot the occupant in the foot before they realized that they had the wrong home and then left. The feel good part comes when they shot and killed one of their own in their excitement, so one was DRT and the other four, currently in custody, are all facing murder charges. Five criminals off the street in a matter of minutes.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Frankie Cee Confederate Partisan

The stupidity of these criminals is comparable to that of a pilot who, during preflight, would note that he has less fuel than the minimum required for the planned flight, but take off anyway. Dumb as a box of rocks, I tell ya.


Oh, you heard about that one, huh?

A Proud Infidel®™

One DRT and a batch of others for Bubba & Thor’s cellblock harem, I hope they *SQUEEEEAL* like good little piggies! I have to wholeheartedly agree with What Frankie said as well.

HMCS (FMF) ret.

Don’t mess with Jesus…


What’s with the action in Las Cruces NM lately? Could it be the open border and the influx of undocumented democrats with the MS13 identifier tattooed on their necks? Nah….


I found another one tho add to the collection.

Synopsis: A dude named Dominique went to a sedan with 2 occupants and jerked the door open and showed the occupants his very pretty steak knife. Turns out, the 2 guys in the car were plain clothes police guys. They drew their weapons and Dominique unassed the AO riki-tik. The police guys chased him and caught him and fought with him until they got him cuffed. Then a backup police guy tasered Dominique in order to help him CTFD and STFU. Dominique was last seen enroute to the hoosegow. He performed all of the above antics while he was free on bond for a shoplifting charge.