An IRS Scandal Update

| July 30, 2015

Remember Lois Lerner? You know, that former IRS Executive who appears to have overseen the IRS’s politically-biased treatment of nonprofits – the one where conservative groups faced roadblocks while liberal ones got priority consideration?

It’s been a while since TAH had an article about the IRS.  So here’s an update.

I’m not going to rehash past articles here.  If you need or would like a refresher, use the site’s search features with the search string “Lerner IRS email” (no quotes necessary).  There are a number of articles, so allow some time to read them; I’d recommend a 15-30 min.

1.  We now have a good idea of what happened to her hard drive. Yes, it indeed appears to have been destroyed – apparently on 16 April 2012.

2.  The drive appears to have quit working between 5PM and 7PM in Lerner’s office on Saturday, 11 June 2011.  Reputedly, a forensic technician examined it prior to destruction and found scoring on the top platter, likely due to an impact.  The laptop itself showed no sign of damage.  Data recovery was not attempted at the time.

3.  It turns out that the IRS also had another system available for internal communications – a system on which messages were NOT at the time archived, and which was known to have been available for use (and used by personnel from) by the IRS division Lerner headed.   That system was Microsoft’s Office Communications Server, or OCS – an instant messaging (chat) system.

4.  We also nave this quite interesting email from Lerner about email and instant messaging use.  From the link in item 3 above:

However, in an email uncovered by the Committee Lerner warns her colleagues about evading Congressional oversight:

“I was cautioning folks about email and how we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails – so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails.”

Lerner then asks whether OCS is automatically archived. When informed it was not, Lerner responded “Perfect.”

5.  Finally, documents from the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, when the IRS looked for Lerner’s 24,000 “missing” emails from 2009-2011 . . . the initial search was quite obviously less than thorough and comprehensive.  Five out of six possible locations for the missing data apparently were not initially searched.

6. Oh, and GAO says that it’s possible the IRS may still be targeting conservative nonprofit groups.

. . .

Yeah, it looks to me like there might just be s a damn good reason Lerner “took the Fifth” when she was subpoenaed to testify before Congress about this.  Concerning the activities described and linked above . . . well, for some reason the terms “obstruction” and “stonewall” keep coming to mind.

But maybe that’s just me.

That’s the latest from the “Most Transparent Administration in History.”  Wonder what’s next?

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Crime

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There will be hearings on this until the cows come home and nothing will happen to any of them.
They are so insulated from any consequences of their behavior it is unreal.
Trey Gowdy can bluster all he wants, until some start going to jail nothing will ever change, no matter which party is in charge in DC.
Or… Until the populace starts using tar and feathers again…


Well you Know Who… Said the other day that he could Win a third term.
I Wonder if his second would have been possible with out a little help. From his friends in the DOJ, IRS, and a few of his republican friends that were sitting on this info and not saying anything. About it ??????


Hush Skippy. They’re watching us. Get ready for your audit!


It happend to a Awsome Organization that help me and my family because someone wrote a Op-Ed in a news paper about the VA and the current issues with Iran WTF…


Helped not help….


IRS Commish John Koskinen being threatened w/ contempt of court. The stonewall keeps on keeping on…


One more twist; I heard the other day on the Glen Beck show that she does not work for the IRS any more. But do not worry she was just transferred…

She is now working (I am not making this up, this is what they reported) For the Dept State and her main duties are reviewing the Clinton emails.

Nice to see that they put the fox in charge of the hen house.


Looks like Lois Lerner is in some financial distress due to mounting legal bills. Really torn up – so sad. She might have to look for , gulp…work. :'(

Article from over a year ago:


Thank you for the correction.

I am surprised; cannot believe everything you hear on the radio or read on the internet


For some odd reason I bear a peculiar form of sympathy for gubment officials who have that look in the eyes that say, “Nobody home in this cold miserable SOB head of mine!” Make ME your next prez!
Where can I send her a two lb. pizza turd, an armadillo enema, some day-old boogers from API, two multi-paks of recycled from garbage bag condoms,
and Amish vaginal apple flavored douche?


Jarhead. Your comment WINS FIRST PLACE ON THIS THREAD… 🙂


Why am I not surprised at any of this?

Roger in Republic

I am beginning to think that government employees are either too stupid or too crooked to be trusted with E-mail. Perhaps they should be forced to return to the old Three Copy Memo system for local and inter office communication. It is hard to hack a file cabinet, and shredders can be tightly controlled.


“Not a smidgeon” of corruption in this regime. No sir, not a single smidgeon.


Here is a great reference:

View the ten min video!


ATR.ORG … is the clearinghouse on this scandal …

Jayson Magone

It is outrageous that despite having evidence right at their fingertips, the DOJ has refused to investigate potential criminal acts taken by Lois Lerner at the IRS, Boehner said in a statement, according to The Hill.