Tuesdays with Claymore
God is punishing Michael Medved
…then only the government will have guns.
Yes, because communism and socialism has worked out so well.
Nazis wonder if GOP are fascists
Here’s a better idea; stop going to the f*cking movies.
Fake veteran Republicans always admit they were racist nut-jobs before “changing”.
Trump; the candidate for stupid people
Like I said, stop going to the f*cking movies.
You know, because Kenyan Confederates…
Wait, I thought cops were racist and evil and wanted to kill all the brown people.
Keith still not back at MSNBC…aw.
Oh, and all white people are racist…just in case you didn’t remember.
Gun muggles are afraid of you.
People are convinced that they earned entitlements. Sad.
Ed and Bernie, sittin’ in a tree…
Martin O’Malley; Bill Of Rights genius
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
204 mass shootings? Really? Where is that coming from? It’s from aliens, isn’t it? I’ve seen ’em.
My response to ‘melt ’em’ and the gun muggles is get some professional help with your problem.
Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost.
ROBERT A. HEINLEIN, Starship Troopers
Ex-PH2: my guess is that he pulled that number out of . . .
thin air. (smile)
I think you hit the nail on the head.
I also found the discussion about Social Security to be interesting. The simplest solution is to take the taxable earnings cap off earned income. High salaries are no longer uncommon. Otherwise, it’s…BOOOSH!
Yes, the Social Security discussion shows just how clueless the DU crowd really is with respect to Social Security.
About raising the wage base – we’ll have to agree to disagree here, Ex-PH2. FICA – just like Federal income taxes – already disproportionally taxes high-earners (Social Security benefits are capped, and the benefit formula is weighted in favor of low average career income workers). Unless you’re willing to remove that cap and go to a more linear benefit formula, I can’t support screwing over the higher earners even more than they are today. Plus, uncapping benefits would do nothing but make the system collapse faster.
The whole problem with Social Security in a nutshell is that it’s a Ponzi scheme with zero real assets with a benefit formula that is too generous for its income and which is running counter to population demographics as well. Other than that, I’m sure it’s “just peachy-keen”. (Yes, that last sentence is sarcasm.)
As a nation, we’ve been living beyond our means since probably the LBJ administration, if not before. But it looks like the bill is finally going to come due sometime around 20 years from now.
You want to fix Social Security, first means test it against a reasonable net worth/annual income combo. Second, re-work the benefit formula (it’s way too generous based on the amount of income coming in to Social Security). And third, do precisely what Chile did years ago: phased privatization. Over a 20 or 30 year period, that would put the system on a rational financial basis.
This was seriously discussed during the last Social Security “crisis” period (1980s). But one political party balked at even discussing that option, so we simply kicked the can down the road instead of fixing the problem.
I’ll let you guess which group of jackasses were the ones to balk at discussing fixing the actual problem.
I know what you mean, Hondo, but I’m self-employed in my elder years, writing books. If they develop a wide following, my royalties will pick up. That comes under the heading of earned income, but I pay all the taxes myself. This is not the same thing as interest and dividend income, which is ordinary income and not subject to SS/Medicare tax.
You’re supposed to be able to earn as much income as you like at age 70 and beyond, without affecting your SSRI, meaning make it drop or be withheld. I’ve paid into that since 1965, which is paying it forward (for want of a better phrase). I do not think means testing is remotely fair in something like this, because it assumes that your senior years earned income will always be like that, when it may not be.
I’m just saying that the TAX on earned income has a cap of $118,000, and I think that should either be raised substantially or removed and applied to ALL earned income, without barring the retiree worker from receiving his SSRI.
Not everyone will go into age in good health and we know it. Taxes are not levied for the benefit of those who are taxed, (R. Heinlein), but SSRI tax and payout is an exception to that.
Their reading comprehension seems to leave something to be desired. At least, the folks making the original posts seem to have that problem.
“and there was someone walking though the store with a side arm strapped on.. Not a policeman or undercover police..”
My question is, how would they know that they are not an undercover police officer or even an off duty one.
Nah, I can’t read all that communist crap. Those dudes want to make welfare recipients out of all of us. The only thing communist and socialist policies have ever created is poverty.
And corpses. Lots, and lots, and lots of corpses.
These Progs sure have a way with words. So “Gun Control” has morphed into “Gun Reform” Reform sounds so much more friendly that control. When Progs say reform, they actually mean distinction. Rather than reform a law, they wish to destroy it. Immigration reform wants to destroy the intent of limiting the numbers and types of people we allow into the country. Gun Reform wants to destroy the Second Amendment and our right to self defense. Nothing more than Asshattery in the First Degree.
distinction should read destruction. Damn auto correct.
I liked the BBQ discussion where many of these dithering idiots got to tell everyone who would listen that some of their best friends are black…..liberals love to remind you of that.