Scaletta sentenced

| July 13, 2015

Scaletta mugshot

If you missed my comment on Jason Scaletta this past weekend, our friends at WMDT report that valor thief, Jason Scaletta was sentenced for the charges against him for being a felon in possession of a firearm which was against the terms of his parole. He got “time served” – he was arrested in April, so basically, he got about three months for the violation. Be an out-of-state resident and accidentally take your legal firearm into Maryland and see if three months is all you get in jail.

Charles Jannace, Scaletta’s attorney says, “We’re really pleased with the outcome. We got time served on a case. We fully expected a three year sentence, but the judge was sympathetic to the kind of case it was.”

I’d like to know what that means. A quick perusal of the Maryland court website reveals 65 instances that Scaletta has had contact with law enforcement in the state in the last 15 years (that doesn’t include the times he’s been arrested in Virginia) – he’s a career criminal who doesn’t learn his lesson. His latest attempts to use a veterans’ charity to enrich himself earned him several thousands of dollars.

DelMaVa Times tries to make Veterans Service Center of America, the folks who Scaletta scammed, look like victims. Well, hardly. Yeah, Scaletta scammed them, but when we warned them about him in December, they tried to get a career NCO fired from his Reserve unit. It’s really hard to help people like that. Now VSCOA is playing the victim and they’ve filed charges against Scaletta but it’s only to cover up for their failure to protect their investors.

Given the weak-kneed response from the court in Maryland to the serious charges – an armed felon is clearly a danger to public safety – doesn’t give me much hope for any punishment in early September when the courts entertain VSCOA’s charges against Scaletta.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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I doubt that twinkle-toes here is going to be jumping on the “straight-and-narrow” bandwagon any time soon, so, that being said, I think we’ll see him in the news and coming up on law enforcement’s radar again some time very soon.



I suppose I could say something about how this is symptomatic of the problems with our entire criminal court system, but I suspect that I would be preaching to he choir.

Green Thumb

I wonder if he glamour picture drummed up any business?

2/17 Air Cav

The prosecutor is happy: a conviction is a conviction and looks good at election time. No one counts sentences in evaluating prosecutors. The defense atty is happy. Scaletta is happy. The judge? We are lucky if a judge is ever identified by name in any case reported in the paper. Besides, the public doesn’t even look at judges until their misbehavior makes news or a member of that public is a victim or defendant. So, yeah, this is all business as usual.


Just wait until he actually kills someone. Then, they’ll say it’s because of the guns, rather than his lengthy prison career.


SHITBAG! Don’t worry, we’ll see him in another line up again soon. It’s in his nature and lack of character. Can’t miss on that bet.

Silentium Est Aureum

Jonn, any chance this clown who gave him time served was a traffic court judge?


I wanna know the obvious. Why the sullen look and by all means, Where’s Fifi?


One other question..I noticed he grew the goatee during “time served”. But what are the little white stains on the goatee?

Just an Old Dog

Actually the firearms charges were the least of his worries.. He has 5 more charges.
Charges 4&5 are for using a fake ID… ( probably that Jason Grey thingy… The max sentences for that is 6 months and a 500 dolar fine,,, pretty small potatoes… If he didn’t already have a criminal record he would have already been free on that alone. It’s a Misdemeanor.
Scale-nuts does have a huge problem with the three theft Charges.. the are all Felonies.. the two smaller ones are 10 years and the larger one is 15.
If he was To serve Everything concurently ( which won’t happen) he’d get 36 years.
They will probably plead it down to no contest/ quilty and stick it to him for one of the theft charges.
I’m hoping for 10 years,, He’ll probably end up doing 3.