Sunday morning feel good stories

| June 21, 2015

Our stories this morning are a little different. We have follow ups to a couple of recent feel good stories. In Henry County, Georgia the other day a homeowner’s dog warned him that someone was messing with his stuff when that homeowner came home from work. When he went to investigate, he found someone liberating his stuff, so he pulled his gun on the thief and shot him. The police say that he was justified and won’t be filing charges against him. And his neighbors are glad. Read their reactions at the link.

The other day, we talked about a fellow in Knoxville, Tennessee who rescued his storeclerk friend from an armed robber who he shot and killed. Apparently, he wasn’t licensed to carry a gun, but police aren’t pressing charges against him considering the circumstances. Joy Stapleton, the mother of Tamon Stapleton, the expired thief, thinks that the good Samaritan, should be charged, despite the fact that young Tamon has had a number of encounters with the juvenile criminal justice system. His mother, of course, claims that the high school drop out was just turning his life around and that the armed man shouldn’t have shot her son in the head, you know, even though her son had a gun pointed at the store clerk’s head. It’s a good thing that the Joy Stapletons of the world don’t get a vote…oh, wait….

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Well my friend from TX was right earlier this week when he chastised me for saying the shoot in Henry County didn’t appear to be righteous. Will have to buy the beer when our paths cross.

B Woodman

From the Henry County, GA, story:
“At the point where he was confronted by the subject, the subject made some type of offensive move towards him and he felt like he needed to defend himself, and he did,” said Henry County Police Lt. Joey Smith.”

Now THAT’S what I like to hear!

B Woodman

From the TN story:
“Joy Stapleton first learned of the shooting through Facebook, but it was Tamon’s brother who confirmed it was him.”

Wait. . . .what? This LIV “mother” didn’t know where her own son was, or what he was doing? ANd had to find out thru FB that he’s been shot? Granted, I don’t keep track of my own 24/7/60/60, but I’ve brought them up well enough to where I’m REASONABLY sure they’re not robbing someone, and therefore not in danger of being shot.

“”I don’t care what they say about Tamon’s juvenile charges, the past is the past,” said Stapleton.”

So, by this breeding bitch’s own “logic”, since the shooting of her son was last week, “the past is the past”, she should drop her attempts to file charges and move on with her. . . . ummmm. . . . “life?”

I wish there were a test that could be applied that would show the LIVs early on in their lives, and stop them from breeding and further polluting the gene pool.


Joy and Tamon Stapleton remind me of something. “Some people, never fail to live up to my lowest expectations”. In this case, with regard to her awareness of her little juvenile delinquent’s whereabouts. Considering his past, you’d think such a loving, full of care for him, NOW THAT HE’S DEAD mother, would have given as much attention to little wayward Tamon before he was justifiably killed. But no, Facebook told her the story. She’s upset and hanging her hat on the guy who killed her precious little Tamon not having a carry permit and wants him charged. If he had had one, then it would be hanging on her second and oft heard, after the fact attempt at heart tugs, “why did he have to shoot him in the head?”. Well Joy, your little Tamon didn’t pause a second in putting a gun to the clerk’s head and purposefully or negligently would have shot said clerk dead. What do you think Joy? That a shot in his leg, (considering he could have still killed the clerk and return fire) would have been enough to send him to the hospital then back into the system where he would have OBVIOUSLY learned his lesson and immediately upon release, start applying for 5 or 6 jobs a day? Yes, I hear that story of hope and repentance so often…NOT!!!!!! Tamon was behaving and acting as he learned was acceptable by his family, friends and surroundings, while YOU raised him Joy. Then, taking his upbringing into his self decision making years, he came again, to another seminal moment. Most likely as many of his priors had before. This one however, cost him his life. Might not be your fault at all. Tamon was responsible for himself and his decisions on that day Joy. That being the case, now is long past the time to play the angry, yet concerned and loving, sympathy seeking, mother card.


Apparently daddy wasn’t available to comment given no mention of him. I’m shocked.


saw a comment from an article about the Charleston church reopening wherein one of the black parishioners complained that whenever a black perp kills he’s a thug, a white guy is a mental case, and a Muslim is a terrorist. I would suspect that if you look at the background of a killer and he has a rap sheet like a role of toilet paper, he’s gonna get described as a thug regardless of race.