Friday morning feel good story

| June 12, 2015

In San Antonio, Texas, a 70-year-old security guard was forced to defend himself from a fellow who was breaking into the van while the septuagenarian was inside it. The fellow who was merely trying to turn his life around was struck twice in the arm and once in the back by .38 caliber bullets;

Still in San Antonio, Texas, another fellow trying to turn his life around was caught in the act by a homeowner who took the opportunity to propel the fellow on his way down his life’s new path with three or four lead injections.

For the first time in the three years that we’ve been doing these daily stories, the targets in these two shootings ended up in the same hospital. I think that’s somewhat serendipitous. They can compare notes, maybe team up into some sort of Dutch Rudder Club – Texas and discuss how the price of ammo in Texas caused them each to be struck by bullets several times.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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A Proud Infidel®™

The goblins survived, oh well…
Just think of the crusading gun-grabber liberals who want poor, innocent “Victims of Society” like them to be able to “appropriate” whatever they want in the total safety of a disarmed civilian populace. FUCK THEM!!


Won’t happen down here in Slammintonio Proud. If anything, this will point out the need for a tad more range time.

A Proud Infidel®™

The fact that there are A LOT of places that won’t happen in Red State “Flyover Country” that liberals curl their upper lips and sneer at warms my heart! 😀


Maybe Dr. Formage LeTwat the furensick geneeous can assist in the analisation of the crime seen.


I ‘m guessing he’s still having trouble “analising” anything after eating 7lbs of cheese in one sitting . . . .

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybee he KAN sollv it, aftur all, HE SED he’s a member ofMESSNA!!


He haz a pee aich dee!!!

A Proud Infidel®™



Did you guys know that in the UK now the government does not want you to even try to defend yourself in any manner from a criminal? Nope, not even if he’s trying to kill you. You must NOT do anything to hurt him, not even spray him with water from the kitchen sink.

I’m sure that all the dimwitted libshits in this country would like to see that enacted here, too.

Some day, some of those dumb, stump-sucking idiots will understand that criminals are criminals because they don’t give a crap about you, how nice you are, how many kids you have, or what your grades were in school.

They are NOT misunderstood souls. They are outlaws for a reason.

All they care about is scaring the crap out of you and taking your stuff and/or damaging you personally in some way. The sooner they are removed from society, the better.

A Proud Infidel®™

Laws, especially Gun Control laws mean NOTHING to criminals, that’s a fact, something that liberals are VERY allergic to.

B Woodman

If there are any citizens in former-Great-Britain (as opposed to welfare entitlement minded serfs and their masters/politicians), sounds like it’s about time to start practicing the Four Esses and make these “yutes” and perps disappear — quietly, no muss, no fuss, no police. Fertilize the roses.

A Proud Infidel®™

I like “The Three S’s” they talk about out West – Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up!, I’ve heard that might happen when wolves or Cougars threaten peoples’ livestock.


a few years back a property owner shot a fella with a shotgun, who was robbing and menacing him. The property owner got I believe 20 years.

Another article today says a delegation of Connecticut lawmakers want to make CT’s handgun-permit national because they have had the law 10 years and crime has dropped, so the law is working. They conveniently overlook the fact that crime across the country pretty much dropped, especially in areas which reduced gun control. Well, it did rise in places like Chicago and Baltimore, which have strict gun control.


The perp in the second story got f&$# up. A .40 to the head…that’s gotta sting a little. Doggie door days are probably done.

B Woodman

Either the homeowner just grazed to the side of the head, or the perp has a damned hard head.