“Draw the prophet” contest in Arizona

| May 29, 2015

So, this fellow, Jon Ritzheimer, who claims to be a Marine veteran, for some reason thinks that organizing a “Draw the Prophet” contest on the door step of a Phoenix mosque will prove something we don’t know, because a month after the Garland, Texas shooting, I guess we already forgot that Islam gets upset when someone draws Muhammad.

“I let them know we’re coming to their doorstep and we’re going to be there utilizing our First Amendment; we’ll be ready to protect it with our Second Amendment,” contest organizer Jon Ritzheimer said.

The cartoon drawing contest is similar to one in Garland, TX, at which two men from Phoenix tried to ambush participants, shooting a security guard before they were shot and killed by police.

“I’m just a blatant, blunt, outspoken Marine,” Ritzheimer said.

I understand completely – it’s offensive to me that, in my country, people think that they can limit our rights simply by showing up here. However, I don’t feel a pressing need to draw Muhammad. There are many more important things for me to get upset about than the threat of violence against me if I do something that I have no intention of doing anyway.

The place where he intends to hold his contest, the Phoenix Islamic Center, condemned the two Garland gunmen (who worshipped at the Center), they also condemned ISIS, so I don’t get why Mister Ritzheimer thinks that he “has to” hold his contest there. I’m all for freedom of expression and speech, but not when it’s intended to incite violence. I’ll grant that an innocuous act like drawing a cartoon shouldn’t incite violence, especially when no one will actually be drawing an accurate picture of Muhammad anyway, since no one has seen the dude for almost 1400 years.

In that spirit, here’s my submission – Muhammad as seen from an airplane after a snowfall;

Muhammad from space

FOX5 Vegas – KVVU

I’d like to see Ritzheimer gets this exercised over veteran suicides.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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Well, Ritzheimer, don’t just stand there! Antagonize people!

P.S. I like Jonn’s contribution. It is artistically stark, minimalist in its presentation, and looks like some of my cat’s sofa creations. Well done.


Does anyone? I mean ANYONE, really give a phuck if you offend mooslimes? They can get their grubby little asses back to shytville if they don’t like it!!

Old Trooper

Meh, another twit trying to get his 15 minutes.


And his “15 minutes” will end up getting someone hurt.

Mr. Ritzheimer – you’re showing that you’re no better than any other thug and are not helping matters.

Green Thumb


This dude is an idiot.

Former 11B

This guy is just an attention seeking asshole. I’m sorry, but I gotta call a spade a spade here. I’m not wild about or Muslim friends, but I’m also not wild about showing up to a house of worship and shitting all over the floor, and that goes for pretty much any religion.

When I was kid the fags would throw condoms at St. Patrick’s Cathedral during the pride parade. I always wanted to see what they’d do if the defensive line of Notre Dame were standing there.

In my mind, this is no different.

Obviously, Muslims deserve to get shit for murdering people for drawing Mohammed. I mean Christians didn’t murder the scumfuck who did “P*ss Christ”, or that asshole that painted a picture of the Virgin Mary with elephant shit. But there’s a right way to do it, and a wrong way.

This is the wrong way.


Spot on.

Sort of like the Westboro situation.

The Other Whitey

Exactly. Speaking for myself as a practicing Roman Catholic Christian, the blasphemous shit that some dickheads pass off as “art” offends the hell out of me, but you don’t see me shooting and/or beheading anybody over it. If I can get over it, then the moslems can lighten the fuck up.

That said, I might consider islam to be a crazy death cult obsessed with world domination, but there’s no need for me or anybody else to be a dick about it. I expect people to respect both my right to believe and my place of worship, therefore I will do the same, regardless of my opinion of their belief. Besides, by openly speaking against ISIS, the Garland shooters, et al, this particular mosque is doing a lot more to be “good” moslems than most, so there’s even less reason for this assholery.

This guy is being a dick for the sake of being a dick. I hope the mosquegoers give him the asskicking he richly deserves.


Yep. I was going to say the same thing will all of the Progressives throwing blood on people, forcing into services and interrupting them, picketing churches because they won’t change their doctrine to fit your perversion.


Yeah, but here’s the thing about that-the asshole proggie left set the rules about all this when they were throwing those condoms and interfering with Catholic services all those years ago.

Ace had a post about this yesterday. It seems that there was a competition to design game playing programs and the most successful was one that followed a “tit for tat” logic. Let’s say that players can choose to cheat or play by the rules-call them “sinners” and “saints”. The “tit for tat” program would look at past behavior and repay it in kind. If you played it straight-i.e. you were a “saint”-then so did the program and you got the maximal results, but if you had cheated (sinned) then the program would cheat against you and you got less than optimal results, but the program always won. However, if a saint played a sinner-then the sinner won.

Screw that, I’m perfectly fine with tolerating all sorts of different kinds, but in exchange I expect tolerance for myself. When the asshole, proggie left decided that it was acceptable to single out Christian pizzerias for condemnation they set the rules, now we all have to play by them-or lose what’s left of our culture.


I live here in Phoenix and drive by this mosque frequently. I don’t know why the city allowed them to build a giant mosque on a postage stamp sized property. There is little parking for the mosque, maybe 15 spots. They may be another lot nearby I’m not sure.

Its along the Black Canyon Freeway on the frontage road. Both streets next to the mosque provide no parking without blocking the flow of traffic. There is a sidewalk but the entire thing is a civic planners abortion.

These idiots are likely to be arrested not because of what they want to do but because there is just not enough room to adequately protest at this location. I think they are morons. This guy just seems like an attention whore and would not surprise me that he was not ever a Marine.

Buyer beware.

Pinto Nag

Ritzheimer, you have the right to draw your stupid cartoon, but people who AREN’T BOTHERING YOU have the right to be left alone, too. You don’t mean to upset or offend people? Then DON’T, you moron.

Old Trooper



I’m pretty sure that “upsetting and offending people” is EXACTLY what he means to do. Oh, and getting his ugly mug on TV, of course. 😉

Dave Hardin

I always try to create the best image of Muhammad I can every time I wipe my ass. That being said, it seems like this particular Islamic center is trying to take the high road.

At least some Christian zealots might realize he is an Atheist and stop claiming that they never criticize Islam.

Most Atheists, myself included, find grown adults talking to invisible superheros equally stupid. If he really wanted to make a statement he should do a “Draw Jesus” in front of a Christian Super Church.

I will go with “Who are Bronze age mythical characters that do more harm the good”, for the win Alex.


And after this is over, he plans on showing up at a biker meeting at Twin Peaks and calling everyone “pussies”.


Well he dose seem to have security now about 100 or so bikers are also showing up
So this may end up getting real interesting


So he’s trying to piss off one of what seems like one of the few reasonable-acting Islamic groups around by intentionally offending them? Wow, what a great game plan.

How about he tries this with Farrakhan’s guys? Pick on someone your own size.

As Hondo mentioned – just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.


David this mosque his had its fair share of very unstable nuts coming out of it, makes me wonder why the so called centered followers seem unable to stand up and say enough! ! ! ! !
It can’t be that hard can it ! ! ! !


according to Jonn’s penultimate paragraph, they typically DO condemn the loonie tune Muslims.


And yes they Do, I understand the argument against what they are doing, I’m split on this

2/17 Air Cav

“The two suspects in a shooting in Garland, Texas at controversial art contest featuring cartoons of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed, attended the same Phoenix mosque for years. Usama Shami is the president of the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix located near Northern and the Black Canyon Highway. Shami knew the two men from their involvement at the mosque. ‘“My interaction with them and the interactions of a lot of other people in the mosque with them was not that they were they were not this type of people,”’ said Shami. According to Shami, he has known suspect Elton Simpson for approximately 10 years.’“Overall, he was a nice person. He was always interactive, respective of other people. He likes to play basketball with kids,”’ said Shami. Shami was aware of a previous FBI arrest of Simpson some years back on terror charges.”

Yeah, Shami had no clue. They were such good little terrorists. F him. I wish Ritzheimer well in smoking the bastards out.

Read more: http://www.fox5vegas.com/story/28975738/garland-suspects-attended-same-phoenix-mosque#ixzz3bXWYBik6

Dave Hardin

You know its all about love and world peace. I only hope he was in some combat arms MOS and knows how to draw up a local security diagram.

He is right about one thing, those we tend to call extremists are only following the written word they have been taught.

Semper Fi.

Pinto Nag

Not to ‘jack the thread or anything Dave, but I have to ask a question. You really have a burr in your saddle blanket about all things religion, and it doesn’t appear to be purely academic. What happened, that made you so sour on religion?

Dave Hardin

Thanks for the question. We don’t have to jack the thread, people can just skim on by if they like. That’s an honest question and I get it from time to time. There were many things that happened. I was never abused by a Priest or any member of the clergy. No particularly bad experience with religion growing up that was traumatic. I am not angry at a God of any kind for any reason. There were many events that lead to me being Atheist. It was very disturbing to me at first. I believed in God the father almighty and in Jesus Christ as my personal savior. When I tell people that I used to be a Christian the most common response is “No you were not”, and I understand why they say that. If I truly loved Christ I would have never turned my back on him. I get it. I have met some remarkable people of faith over the years. People who do walk their talk. You might know of Frances McDormand the actress. We grew up together, her sister, Dorothy was and still is a dear friend. She is also an Ordained Minister and has been for a very long time. When I got married she performed the wedding. Dorothy remains one of the most loving, kind, and selfless people I have ever known. She has spent a lifetime working with women in prisons. She has had her own church as well most of that time. I have never known her to speak an ill word about anyone for any reason in 40 years. Not even me. She is only one of many that I know who have a deep faith and walk their talk. She knows I am Atheist and loves me anyway. I can tell you of many many others who are dear friends. Pat and Joe stood by me during a time when most of my own family didn’t. They are devout Catholics. They know I am Atheist and love me anyway. The point I am trying to make Pinto is I don’t… Read more »

Pinto Nag

I’m glad you answered, and that you are willing to talk about your experience. Talking with folks outside a religious framework is where I am now, despite the fact that I still believe in God. That ‘truth’ you mentioned? Yeah, well, it ran over me rough-shod almost ten years ago. There is no place in truth for fear, and I seek the truth where it is found — and I’ll walk past, around, and over anybody who gets in my way as I pursue it. I wore out my welcome in the Catholic Church because of that. I guess I don’t make a very good sheep.

I think we have one thing in common. I can’t talk with people who are ‘traditional Christian’ believers, because I can put one into hysterics in about three sentences, and I’m not even trying to be rude. My logic goes like this: if there is a God, s/he created Truth. Therefore, pursuit of truth, no matter which direction that takes, does not and will not offend God. You can ask any question, put any theory to the test, and it will either be true, or it won’t. How hard is that? But their eyes get big, and they get pale, and pretty quick they’re yelling at you about sin and damnation and Satan and temptation and on and on… Those are the folks I have trouble with. I get along with my Atheist, Satanist, Wiccan, and Buddhist friends just fine! 🙂


We have a Vegan chick at work … she is pretty cool!


Dave – I think you have a misconception about faith – you keep talking about faith as a rational, here’s the evidence and that’s why I believe sort of thing. Faith by its definition is NOT rational, and is if anything contra-rational – it’s belief in SPITE of logic, not because of it. Just my $.02.

Dave Hardin

I understand that position. It is the basis of understanding that John Calvin and later John Wesley had. You must believe before you can understand.

Been there, did that. I have found that what ever can be believed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

You have an irrational faith that is counter intuitive. If that works for you, I have no objection. You have every right to believe what you wish.

Zero Ponsdorf

I’m an Erisian myself.

Pinto Nag

I had to look that up, and I’ve learned something today. Thank you, ZP!

I think I’m currently leaning toward Jedi, myself.


Ol’ Poe is truly offended at the offensive overuse of the term offended by every jackass looking for his/her fifteen minutes of fame.

That said, I find my old, “Oh yeah? Sez who?” attitude on a high setting when the adherents of any religion try to tell me what I can say, read, watch or depict. So I do find myself a bit in sympathy with the idea of defiant demonstrations against the Muslim proscription against creating any image of Allah or Mohammed if for no other reason than to show Muslims this is not their country and therefore they do not decide the limits of our constitutional freedoms.

Being an old fart who ALWAYS has a better way for you young pups to do ANYTHING, a honing of intellect that just comes naturally with senior citizenry, I have an idea that will allow for nationwide demonstrations of defiance through cartoon contests with minimal risk of Muslim violence.

Just hold ’em at firing ranges.


Well, I’m offended that you’re offended, Poetrooper!

We need to have a national Day To Dare To Be Offensive, which would allow every idiot with a hair up his backside to be as offensive as possible. But for one day only, because attention whores like this jackass should mostly be treated to less attention all the time.


Isn’t that almost every day Ex-PH2? I’d be happy to have ONE day where we don’t offend people, but that would probably offend somebody.

JarHead Pat


2/17 Air Cav

“Islamic Jew Hatred: It’s in the Quran. STOP THE HATE. End all aid to Islamic countries”

You may recognize that. It’s an ad that appeared on the side of Philly buses last month. The ad also contained a 1941 pic of Hitler meeting with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini. Philly itself went to court to try to get a court’s blessing not to display the ad. Philly lost on 1st Amendment grounds.

“Washington D.C. transit officials voted Thursday to suspend all issue-oriented advertising on the city’s rail and bus system after the agency was asked to consider an ad featuring an image of the Muslim prophet Muhammad. “ D.C. would have liked to say NYET! only to the Mohammed thingy but the damn 1st Amendment got in their way; so, DC is banning ALL issue-related ads. See how this shit works? We can’t get the truth from Big Media and, now, end-arounds by private concerns aren’t working. Why? Because of F…E…A…R. So, bring on the draw-the-pedophile contests and Muslims will just have to freakin deal with it—as Americans.


RIGHT ON ! ! ! ! 🙂

Pinto Nag

Out of curiosity, has anyone looked into Ritzheimer’s military background?


No not here, he was on the news up in Phoenix, a buddy on mine up there, that knows a friend of his said he served at least one tour in Iraq, but I haven’t seen proof myself. There is a little more behind this then what the media is reporting, the mosque in question since 9-11 seems to be a epicenter for these nut case goat fuckers. we had quite a few here in Tucson to after that incident also. The deal in Dallas. I think may have been what sparked this, but there have been other incidents not just that one

Pinto Nag

“…There is a little more behind this then what the media is reporting…”

This is my shocked face. I’m glad you posted what you know, Skippy.


Also H1 down below here may have found some info on this joe

Pinto Nag

Unfortunately, I’m blocked from FB at work. I’m glad to see that folks are checking on him, though.


I’m pasting there comment for you
Below is there words

We have not elected a boot of the week in a long time and this one is worth it. Meet former Ssgt Boot POG Jon Eric Ritzheimer. We here at F’n Boot say if you want to do it fine, just don’t say you are doing it on behalf of the Marine Corps because the overwhelming majority of Marines see this behavior as window licking mouth breathing douchery. I would also like to point out that this guy is a possible dwarf and his little mans syndrome is probably the driving force here. Come at me Bro! http://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/central-phoenix/muhammad-cartoon-contest-planned-for-phoenix-anti-islam


You mean he’s shorter than I am?

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember an episode of “Gomer Pyle USMC” where “The Lead Boot award” was a booby prize between units, (it was a combat boot dipped in molten lead). Maybe they could give Ritzheimer one of those, a cheap, dusty one off the shelf of some Surplus Store, dip it in molten lead, and give it to him as a token of his fartheadedness,asshattery, and attention whoring.

A Proud Infidel®™

Aah, here it is:


Nice ! !


Love it.


I look at this the same way I viewed the Ground Zero mosque. Do you have the right to do it? Absolutely. Should you do it? No.


This Event is happening about a hour and a half up the road from me, there are a lot of unstable goat fuckers here in Arizona. Also quite a few of the 9-11 smash cakes had ties here or support here, this event is going to be interesting, I’ll make sure I stay out of Phoenix, unless I have my gun LMAO ! ! ! ! !


I feel no need to do something like this but i support his right to do it and if the muslims dont like it then tough shit. The 1st Amendment is not there for speech you agree with.
i dont see the mainstream media and left ringing their hands when abortion rihhts people protest outside of churches


F’N Boot is not amused.
They’ve called him out.
With a USMC photo.


Do you have a link to da pic


This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it.


Well I’m not going to Phoenix this weekend Mt Graham, nice and cool all weekend long Hee Hawwwwww

Planet Ord

Nice reference. Too bad Alec Baldwin won’t run in and save us like he did that time.

Dave Hardin

Ok, I waited and waited…….you know it had to be done.

A Proud Infidel®™

The alleged Marine Vet IS being an asshole, he could have had it at a more accessible public venue and his choice of location look like attention whoring to me. Why stop with offending islam? I say we have a big “Draw the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster” contest to piss off the moonbat hippies and see what they’ll do. OF COURSE it would have to be held in the afternoon, ever see a hippie get out of bed before noon or one o’clock? If the hippies DO show up and start shit, we have phase II, the “Stomp the Hippies Contest”, CDC-approved level IV decontamination would be made available afterward for proper footwear cleaning.

Dave Hardin

Well, if I have to eat the flesh and drink the sauce of a deity, I will have to go with the FSM.

I think that would make me a believer in Pastafarianism.

Somebody say Ramen.

A Proud Infidel®™


Virtual Insanity

I thought hunting a baited field was illegal in most states.


Much to Mr Ritzheimer’s disappointment I’m sure, his little “protest” happened and ended with no body count or burnt down buildings.

I wonder who won first place in the drawing contest?

L. Taylor

“I wonder who won first place in the drawing contest?”

I love this question. It perfectly captures how this was all just complete nonsense.

L. Taylor

Apparently, this is the winner.


Two hundred or so people showed up, according to this report from Reuters.


They were from both sides of the coin and screamed @#$!%!@#$ at each other, then left.

Personally, if I’m going to protest anything, it’s the fact that no one recognizes Shu, the Egyptian god of the atmosphere and weather. I want you all to know that he’s pissed off right now because we mere hoomans have been taking our pleasant climate for granted and not sacrificing cheese, wine and fruits of the vine to him.

I say we should hold a barbecue for Shu as an appeasement, and maybe he’ll send the rain back to California and not give me snow in April. (Again with the April snow! Is my calendar wrong?)


The consensus on TAH comments is that the guy should not do hold this contest with numerous reflections on his height, history, habits, haberdashery, and mental capacity. I couldn’t come up with an “h” word for that last one 🙂

By my read, the consensus is that it fires up the Muslims and that just provokes trouble and if we can avoid trouble, we should.

I am surprised at all of you. In this country we have the right to be offensive – y’all demonstrate that every day. “Cock breath” is not a term of endearment and you know that when you use it. I grew up in this culture. I don’t mind and I am not offended, I merely observe that it happens and some people (Lars) seem to be offended.

In the US, no one has the right to prosecute because they were offended. I am frequently offended by things people say (mostly politicians and that would usually be outrage) but we don’t arrest people here for that.

We have other ways to dealing with offensive speech. For example, this blog. Press releases. Not buying someone’s products. Raising money and saying good things about their opponents. Shame.

People have the RIGHT to be offensive. Someday I may want to say something unpopular – like this post – and I would NOT want to be arrested for it. Rights need to be exercised or we will lose them.

The Bill of Rights is not an ala carte menu. Here I would have thought that there would be more support for this demonstration of First Amendment rights.

Is this guy in the same league as Daniel, Dances With Corn?

Bring the rain.




Richard. You make it sound like everybody here is on the same page, and it’s obvious we are not. I’m spit on this. I believe in the right to do what he has chosen to do but it seems some feel he maybe doing it to get attention, views here are quit diverse. So Have a great day ! ! ! !
Thank you for your views.

Big Steve

I would like to draw Mohammed.

Draw a bead on him with an M249 SAW.


For all that’s wrong with this ‘protest’, here is what I see as one of the root causes: the feeling of complete helplessness we get from our CiC who does nothing in the face of a Christian genocide taking place at the hands of ISIS.

Some need to prove that no matter what violence against Christians will take place on our soil. And I understand this. But it is a silly FB/social-media war between teenage kids
7000 miles apart.


…will NOT take place on our soil.