Russian Navy SEALs in training

| May 14, 2015

This has been bouncing around the internet for a few days. I’m sure John Giduck is taking notes along with some of our other phonies. Amy Kleyla and Jason Truit sure have the body type.

According to ITV is was part of the Victory Day celebration a few days ago at an aquatic park in Irkutsk, a Siberian town. According to the article, the hardest part of their training was getting the seals to wear hats. Funny, but that’s the hard part for many of our phony SEALs, too.

Category: Who knows

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Veritas Omnia Vincit

The camouflage is excellent…although the hats are probably unnecessary.

Green Thumb

To Richmond Aulisio, the commenter at the top.

I do not know if they are the same person, but I am willing to bet that share the same dildo.

Mike Kozlowski

…In Russia, seals club YOU.



I seriously want a little seal as a pet now.

Climb to Glory

Joel Kleyla is more Navy Whale than Navy SEAL. John Giduck, the fake hero of Beslan. Shitbags.

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I’m also a qualified Russian Navy SEAL. You can see photos of the rigorous pool training that I had to clandestinely get out of Russia by pushing the film rolls into my fat ass using whatever was at hand….in this case, a large Russian penis. (top of page 25)

Don’t judge me…even if “Giduck” translates to “fluffer” in Russian for whatever reason.

Don;t cry for me either. Your tears sustain me.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


Last time I saw them, they were sunning themselves and drinking beer on the beach at Lake Baikal.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

We get a lot these SEALS in Chatham Mass on Cape Cod. It’s been fun for the tourists who like to boat over and see them…most tourists aren’t aware of just how foul smelling the SEALs are so that’s pretty funny when they realize those little offshore land masses that smell like poo are actually what SEALs smell like.

Chatham now has the added bonus of attracting a lot of great white sharks who enjoy the masses of SEALs as well…


Comment from one of my guys upon seeing this: They’re SO cute! I want to invade something with them 🙂

I think he inadvertently stumbled on the Russians’ ultimate plot!


Pffffffffffft. Not impressed. They were only doing twirls with their guns. It’s not like they were twirling shovels!


Oh Faker 6, where for art thou?

John "Faker 6" Giduck

I’m sitting here trying to figure if there’s a database now for Russian Navy SEALs…

…and saving the world…

..and eating a donut….

…not necessarily in that order.


John “Faker 6” Giduck


This is pretty good. Guy commenting did 4 years as a SEAL LT. from what I can tell.