Phony police department
![Phony cops](
Andy11M sends us a link to a really strange story about these folks (above) who had formed a phony police department that claimed jurisdiction in 33 states and Mexico. They also say that their police department, the Masonic Fraternal Police Department, traces it’s roots back to the Templar Knights.
However, [LA County sheriff’s spokeswoman Nicole] Nishida said there were no indications the group was stopping the public or conducting other law enforcement activities.
State records show [Tonette] Hayes is licensed as a security guard and has a firearm permit. She previously owned Masonic Security Service, and she and Henry run the Beverly Hills-based MIB Investigative Agency, though its state license is suspended.
[David] Henry is a licensed security guard and also has a firearm permit.
[Brandon] Kiel, 31, worked as deputy director of community affairs at the California Department of Justice since July 2013. He has been on paid administrative leave from his $67,416-a-year civil service job since Thursday. The Los Angeles Times first reported that Kiel worked for Harris.
Police became suspicious when they received a press release announcing a leadership change in the phony cop shop which claims more than 5,000 lodges. I guess when they raided the homes of the three phony cops, they found uniforms and badges, But, I don’t see why everyone is so upset at them – they’re only expressing themselves – protected by the First Amendment.
Category: Dumbass Bullshit
Well that’s a hoot…
Well, the problem here is that one of them worked for the state’s AG, some gal named Harris. It turns out that she would like to replace Babs Boxer in the US Senate and this sort of thing could be very embarrassing to a politician, even in Kalifornia. So, bing-bango, the weight of the state fell on them. Knights Templar? Perfect.
There’s some kind of silly movie out called “Let’s be Cops.” Life imitating art, I guess!
What’s the big deal? They were just exercising their first amendment rights to free expression! They were just telling harmless lies to impress people! Who was harmed? There was no gain, and there’s no victim!
For the record: yes, that’s sarcasm.
Geez, searched their homes and didn’t find the Ark of the covenant? No reverse engineered squad car….pffffft!
Is it the weekend already, and nobody told me? I see the loons are already out in full force.
Once again proving that lies do indeed have consequences….just not lies about combat service and awards apparently.
“All stolen valor is equal.
But some is more equal than others.”
No harm here… c’mon just exercising their right to free speech!
This group may be affiliated with Jay Santos’ Citizens Auxillary Police (CAP) in California.
Their official uniform is a pith (safari) helmet, a blue arm-band, bermuda shorts and ox-blood wing-tip shoes with knee socks.
The CAP apparently has sister organizations throughout the United States. These include the Gator Brigade (Florida), The Beaver Battalion (Oregon), West Texas Range Riders (Texas), and the New York State Simulated Police (New York).
Here are a few audio clips of Jay Santos on the radio and an article from the liberal blog site The Daily Kos:
For the record … this particular “CAP” of which Old 1SG writes is most emphatically NOT the Civil Air Patrol, which is also a “CAP”.
The Beaver Battalion has peeked my interest.
The farce is strong with these ones.
I read up on this silly story and these three are just a few nitwits. The charges, except for one, are misdemeanors. The one felony, charged only to one of them, has to do with a false state ID card. There are no charges or even allegations that any one of these latter-day Knights Templar ever pulled someone over or otherwise played cop for some nefarious reason. The “investigation” began within days of Boxer’s retirement announcement, a seat AG Harris wants. Yeah, I smell a rat.
The historical order of the Knights Templar (not to be confused with all the things conflated into them by fiction and media who take their prompts from things like say, Indiana Jones movies) were a group who took oaths against sexual intercourse and also against bathing, because they felt that bathing was too sensual an experience to be trusted. (Basically, slippery slope to hell.)
They became hideously powerful because they took up acting as bankers for people going on crusade, and ended up owning huge amounts of property and other forms of wealth throughout Europe and the Middle East, not to mention huge debt markers from various rulers. This latter is why they were ultimately and violently disbanded; King Philip ‘the Fair’ of France and Pope Clement the some number or other, I want to say V, worked together to their undoing. Philip owed them money and wanted to seize their wealth, so he got the pope to disband the order and charged them with heresy. Then they basically treated the order to the tactics of the Inquisition, with the leaders being burned alive at the stake.
This is the Cliff’s notes version, and I’ll do an even briefer Cliff’s notes of my point: so, these people want to be the spiritual and literal successors to the great celibate unwashed who were held to be devil worshippers and died painful, horrible deaths and lost everything they owned?
They’re off to a good start, aren’t they?
Well if you don’t bathe, the chances are you aren’t going to have much sexual intercourse, regardless of any vow you take.
Isn’t this the same as Sharia courts ? One organization carries out extra-legal jurisdiction over members of their organization, but has not authority over other citizens ?
What could go wrong ?
So far, in reading this article, I don’t see a crime, certainly not anything that could get a conviction in a court of law.
Anybody can create a web site, and may use their web site to say pretty much whatever they want to.
Anybody can own a police uniform.
Until they actually identify themselves as state certified police officers (which they don’t), and perform actual police functions, the police uniform is just a costume, or in this case, maybe a variation of Masonic lodge regalia.
Anybody can own firearms, and if they’re employed by the state’s attorney general, they should be able to legally wear their firearms, loaded and concealed.
I’m guessing that as an agent for the state’s attorney general, the employee might even be legally delegated powers of investigation and arrest.
Also, any and all private citizens have the inherent moral responsibility to stop crimes by making citizen’s arrests.
So, why did those police agencies rush to judgment?
Are they caught up in perpetuating that threatening “Them against Us” isolationist mentality?
And the attorney general, is she jealous of the Masons because she is a mere female?
The female auxiliary to the Masonic Order is the Eastern Star.
This whole thing looks to me like making a mountain out of a molehill, and something out of nothing.
Then again, California does have that reputation, doesn’t it?
I was surprised to see their photographs.
Black members of the Masonic Order have their own lodge, and in my experience, meet separately from White lodges.
I can only imagine that “Turd” Bolling of Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency is in the mix with these losers.
He has what it takes.
Speaking of moron wannabe’s.
Watching Cops on Spike right now.
Some guy driving a stolen car tells the cop that pulled him over that he is an undercover narcotics cop.
It doesn’t look like the story is going over real big with the cops.
Do stupid tricks, get stupid prizes.