Tuesdays with Claymore

| May 5, 2015

Pantsuit Populism

The 81% rule

Sob story…or bullshit…you decide.

Picture is worth a 1000 DUmbass words

And here come the 1st Amendment scholars.

Disarmed po-po

Naive. Yup.

In defense of….CNN?

Salivating at a diminished America

Would gay Jesus make you shoot up a restaurant?

Weak-end at Bernie’s

Popularly elected state governments are passing unpopular laws? Huh?

That time when Iran traded nukes for cotton

Royal Foundation

Plotting 2016

Racist cartoon.

“What this constitutional republic needs are more socialists.”

Oh hey, has anyone told you you’re a racist today? You’re welcome.

The right to be offended…

Muslims only want to kill you because you don’t understand them.

Fake conversations with fake government employees always reveal 100% fake approval of fake support.

Freedom of speech by Richard Cranium.

Biggest threat to higher education? Pigskin.

That time that boxing was compared to Bill Clinton’s appearance fees

Gallup is taxing

Victim shaming, now with more sprinkles!

Category: Tuesdays with Claymore

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Oh, I just LOVE that list of campaign contributors to brillary’s campaign warchest! All the BIG corporations checking in, donating megabucks to put her right up there!

I admit I’m a bit unamazed at the blatant hypocrisy by people who accept such massive campaign contributions and then work against the very companies who supported them in such volume, but the picture is so – well… gobsmackingly greedy.

Aren’t pantsuits kind of old lady-ish? I had several in the 1970s, but they were foxy and cool. They didn’t make me look like a short man with a big, fat ass.


Almost forgot: Luvya, Claymore!


I do it for the chicks, man.


As well you should!

2/17 Air Cav

Is it that you do it for chicks or that you do it for chicks?


<3 <3 <3


So I am reading the comments section of this stupid-fest and was struck by the defense of the prophet Muhammed and how blaspheming him is akin to people here in America who desecrate the flag. The flag is a revered symbol to us as Muhammed is to Muslims so we should understand the Muslim angst when cartoons of the prophet are drawn. OK, got it, but SINCE WHEN does anyone on the left give two steaming shits about anyone desecrating the flag? Hasn’t burning or stomping on the flag been a go-to move by lefties since they figured out they could get away with it without being strung up in the town square?

I am astonished at the ability of these fuck-tards to try to equate these two actions and to use a love of this country and our flag to try to excuse radical Islam. Actually, I am not astonished. Nothing these America hating pieces of shit do or say astonishes me any more. What really astonishes me is that I spent my youth defending the rights of these brain dead assholes and I still have to live amongst them.


I’ll tell you what. I’ll get both of you guys some chicks. Tractor Supply carries them in their stores. You have to order what you want, but it’s hatching season, so I could get both of you Buff Orpingtons.

They’re redheads, they’re cute, they’re cuddly, and they make soothing noises.


You are too kind my dear…..


Well, Claymore, I see you survived yet another weekly cesspit exploration expedition.

You’ve got a far stronger stomach than I, amigo.


I’m in agreement with you.
I can only take about two or three excursions into the land of the lost before I have to switch it to NRA.org or something.

2/17 Air Cav

The funniest post is that of TorchTheWitch (Sob story…or bullshit…you decide) It’s a knee slapper. The victim has been on-again, off-again complaining and whining for months that the world is treating her badly. Now, without friends and with family that is evidently sick and tired of her, she is about to be rendered homeless. Oh, you should read the expressions of sympathy! Or not. I enjoyed them.


The bum always has excuses for not taking good advice, but there’s no end to the whining and wanting handouts. I call BS on it. I’ve seen it before.


There was a poster over there named Ladyhawk who was a perpetual whiner who would blame her “fundie” parents for everything. She would get mad because they refused to pay for her video games and even suggested…GASP…that she sell her extensive collection of albino snakes. Yes. You read that correctly, she had a shit ton of these freakin’ white snakes all named for characters in Lord Of The Rings. It was a ritual that every year we would post her epic rant that preceded her leaving DU…the first time. If I find it, I’ll post it. It truly is a glimpse into the mentally challenged.


OUCH!! Now my brain hurts!

My cats are less self-centered than that overgrown snotnosed whiner.


I finally caved in and registered an account on DUmbass. I posted one time calling someone out for blatant racist comments, and was banned 5 min after joining. Heaven forbid a liberal be called a racist that it is