GAO: VA is an “at risk” agency
So, this isn’t really news, because it’s nothing that you didn’t already know, but at least some people outside our little group (the 1%) are starting to pay attention at how screwed up the Department of Veterans’ Affairs really is and that the culture of failure runs deep inside the agency;
While the VA chief says his agency is turning around, two federal auditors have issued new reports blasting the VA health system for huge gaps in oversight, serious management issues and IT failures that put facilities “at risk of not fulfilling their mission.”
The auditors voiced their concerns during a hearing this past week before the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, where they explained why the VA’s health system was placed on the Government Accountability Office’s annual “high risk list” that flags the most troubled federal programs.
“Risks to the timeliness, cost-effectiveness, quality and safety of veterans’ healthcare, along with other persistent weaknesses GAO and others have identified in recent years, raised serious concerns about VA’s management and oversight of its healthcare system,” GAO Healthcare Director Debra Draper said.
John Daigh, the assistant inspector general for the VA echoed Draper’s concerns before the committee: “Too often management decisions compromise the most important mission of providing veterans with quality healthcare.”
They can’t do simple things like get an information system that talks to the Department of Defense information systems to exchange veterans’ records when they leave the active force. My problems with VA aren’t the doctors – the doctors, all of the ones with whom I’ve had contact, really do care. The problems are with the drones who stand between me and my care. For example, the Prosthetic Department at Martinsburg VA hospital won’t do simple things like answer their phones and return voice mail messages. The problem in that department goes from the boss on down.
If on the off-chance that I do get through, they don’t offer information. If I don’t know exactly which questions I should ask, they don’t offer information related to my questions. They have plenty of things that they can’t do, but they won’t offer alternative things that they can do. That’s why you need a VSO to sift through all of the bullshit for you. But, the Prosthetic Department of the Martinsburg VA hospital won’t even return the calls of my VSO advocate. I could tell you stories.
The culture of the bureaucracy won’t change until they start firing hard and deep.
Category: Veterans' Affairs Department
About freaking time someone else started getting a clue.
Just fire them and start over.
More like retire them and start over.
Management issues are an understatement.
When you raise a concern, you are avoided. These same “manages” quote policy that they themselves refuse to follow. And when called out, they refer you to Regional and General Counsel.
Just ask Allison Hickey and Caroline Clancy.
“…won’t do simple things like answer their phones and return voice mail messages.”
They do that here, too, at our audiology clinic. Must be rule #3 in the admin handbook.
I kept getting a voice mail that said they would call me back in 24 hours. After a month of calling multiple times a day they finally called me back.
“Risks to the timeliness, cost-effectiveness, quality and safety of veterans’ healthcare….” Look at those four identified elements: timeliness of veterans’ healthcare, quality of veterans’ healthcare, safety of veterans’ healthcare, and cost effectiveness of veterans’ healthcare. Three out of the four cover the universe of actual medical care itself. What else is there to indict about the system? Just cost effectiveness, and the auditors threw that in there too.
Everytime I hear a horror story like your Jonn, I thank God that I am getting my care in Boston. Other than the occasional “cannot be bothered asshole”, I have not had any serious issues with any department. Wasn’t always the same, there was a time I stopped coming to the VA here, and swore to never come back after they performed the incorrect procedure on my knee. Fortunately they did not create new issues for me, but the knee condition that they were to repair has gone to the point of no return now.
There is zero uniformity within VA, and that goes across the board… that and the culture, which is horrendous in so many places, and not a whole lot better in others has got to change. It will not happen over night, and I wonder if they have he balls to actually make it happen. OPM and the Unions need to get on board for this to happen.
I could tell a lot of stories as well of shitty employees getting away with all manner of offenses that anywhere else they would have been tossed out on their ass, while good employees are hung out to dry due to vendettas.
How may decades do we continue to let them skate because “it will not happen overnight?” Been hearing that for quite a few decades now. How much longer must we pay people to administer care that they apparently refuse to administer?
While it’s true that important changes can’t happen overnight, it’s also true that a journey of ten thousand miles begins with a single step. ;o)
Blessed Be to all that served, and serve right now. ;o)
Aaaaand the dems wonder why so many of us are skeptical about single-payer national healthcare. This is why.
Fire the lot, dump the VA, and replace it with a new system and new rulebook. Bar the VA’s senior management from being employed in the new system. Problem’s solution begins to form. Keep the pressure on the new system to ensure it doesn’t go the way of the old VA.
I almost forgot – NO UNIONS in the new system in ANY way, shape, or form!
Here’s another black eye for the VA:
Strippers and gambling… when will this shit at the VA end?
When we, the people, make it end.
Just like drying out an alcoholic or cleaning up an addict, one must perform an outside intervention. The VA needs an intervention with a brutal, no-holds-barred audit from the top down. Total transparency. No stone unturned. Everyone scrutinized, from the Chief all the way down to the janitorial staff. Every decision audited; every employee reviewed. Nothing – NOTHING – left out in any way, shape, or form.
Looks like the VA might need to get some new powerpoint slides.
h/t Drudge
They will just transfer him to VISN 19 under Ralph Gigliotti.
He will fit right in.
To Michael Alan Holloway II (comment at top):