Petraeus sentenced
Well, if you live under a rock, you probably haven’t heard that David Petraeus, the former commander of US Forces in both Iraq and Afghanistan and the former Director of the CIA has been sentenced for giving classified information to his girlfriend, Paula Broadwell, when they were involved in an extramarital affair. He was handed two years on probation and a hundred thousand dollar fine. The prosecutor in the case had asked for a $40,000 fine, but the judge thought that the breach of security was more serious. From Fox News;
Among the secret information contained in the “black books” were the names of covert operatives, the coalition war strategy and notes about Petraeus’ discussions with President Obama and the National Security Council, prosecutors said.
Those binders were later seized by the FBI in an April 2013 search of Petraeus’ Arlington, Virginia, home, where he had kept them in the unlocked drawer of a desk in a ground-floor study.
Prosecutors said that after resigning from the CIA in November 2012, Petraeus had signed a form falsely attesting he had no classified material. He also lied to FBI agents by denying he supplied the information to Broadwell, according to court documents.
Yeah, Martha Stewart did the same thing and went to jail for it, so….
By the way, has anyone heard of charges being filed against Paula Broadwell, the ring knocker? I’ve heard the the FBI is investigating her participation in the security leak, but I don’t see any charges. I wonder why that is true.
Category: Legal
Unreal that he didn’t get jail time…and his little girlfriend should be charged as well.
I tried to be better than this…but I can’t…sweet corn in the mornin’ , that woman’s five head puts Peyton Manning to shame.
Well he could swear under oath that he never got “a little head” on the side.
Remember all the Hoopla about Petraeus is just smoke and mirrors. He might have received two years probation and a $100K fine but it’s still a misdemeanor. Remember common folks can get a FELONY here in NC for stealing a bail of pinestraw.
If her receipt of this information was related to her work as Petraeus’ biographer, the likelihood of her being prosecuted for it is low, in my opinion. Journalists who publish leaked classified information almost never face prosecution; the leaker may, but not the leakee. And I don’t remember reading anything about Broadwell publishing any of the classified info, only that she received it. Of course, I could be mistaken – I haven’t followed this story all that closely – but I won’t be surprised if she isn’t charged criminally. (I’m pretty confident that she did lose her USAR career and pension as a result of this matter.)
The finding of facts in the plea agreement states that she didn’t publish or otherwise misuse the classified information. Highly unlikely that she will be prosecuted.
It appears that she did lose her commission an pension through some type of administrative proceeding.
Yeah, King David gets two years probation, and the government wants to give Jeff Sterling 20-24 years for basically the same thing.
So much for Blind Justice.
Had he been an NCO, he would been doing 30 years of hard time.
I used to like Petraeus. He was so much better than McChrystal. Then he became an Obama stooge.
I have zero confident in the General corp right now. They are all into politics.
Up at that level, it’s all 100% politics. Every bit of it.
I called this! But it was an easy call to make.
Brain. Dick. Only enough blood to operate one at a time.
I’ve said it before but worth repeating, a hard dick has no conscientious.
Club Manager, lemme get this right. A hard… A hard… A hard… Crap I give up! I’m hard right now and I don’t have enough blood to make my brain pan work too.
CM; but it sure has a memory!!
Well, let’s see if anything happens to Hilldabeast for doing just about the same thing.
I for one, doubt it.
Hildathighs … I predict withdraws from race.
Mark my words: DoJ investigation(s) will be coming soon.
USAG Lynch will be tasked.
POTUS will indirectly direct (with no lost love).
Mark your calendar …
I sure hope you’re right…I’ve got a bad feeling teflon Bill passed that technique to the missus and we might be learning to say Madam President before too long.
Especially with the pack of morons the republicans are posting up as challengers…
The Progressive Agenda is everything. Hillary will skate like an Olympic champion, because she’s popular with the correct voter demographic.
The double standard lives on…Obama gets nothing. Holder gets nothing. Reid gets nothing. Hildabeast gets nothing. Any questions should be directed the 30YO former campaign staffers who think they are smarter than you and I: Jen Psaki, Josh Earnst. And as Claire would say: FMD.
Oh and just for reference, I saw a blurb the other day that he gets about $140,000 for a speaking engagement so maybe 60-65 % of that fee for a one time speech will pay off his fine.
Like he cares.
“. . . .Paula Broadwell, the groin knocker?”
There. Fixed it for you. You’re welcome.
No stuff in life is as expensive as the free stuff.
I hope he gets a GPS ankle monitor, drug and screening and a probation officer with no social life.
I never cease to be amazed at how many supposedly intelligent people can be so fucking stupid when it comes to getting a little strange…people give up careers, homes, half their shit for sex.
I guess a million years of evolution to make sure that sex feels better than anything else is hard to overcome for a large number of humans…not saying I also don’t love it, just saying I am grateful I am able to constrain myself to appropriate sexual activities with appropriate female companions.
As I said above at 0923: Brain. Dick. Only enough blood to operate one at a time.
Honestly, I don’t think this is about sex or getting some strange.
You don’t get to be a 4 star general, or a corporate CEO, or a big Hollywood mogul – whatever, you don’t get to be “top dog” in any fiercely competitive field unless you’re a very driven, type-A personality. Someone who is used to knowing what he wants and getting it, and to hell with anyone who gets in his way.
So I don’t think this (and other high profile sex scandals) are as much about how much fun it is to rub our tingly bulbous parts together (thank you, Church Lady) as they are about the feeling of power and invincibility that comes with these top-dog jobs. Put another way, Petraeus (and the others who get caught in similar situations) don’t do so merely for sex, but also because they know they can (usually) get away with it.
One reason I don’t think I would ever vote for a former flag officer for president is because from what I’ve seen, a general officer, especially when deployed to a combat zone on the other side of the world, has a degree of absolute, arbitrary power and freedom from accountability that rivals that of a medieval king and I don’t think that makes one qualified for leadership in a constitutional republic like ours.
Heck, even in peacetime I’ve known of generals who banged their subordinates’ wives and I don’t think that was about sex as much as it was about the general playing alpha male and saying, basically, “look what I can do to you, and you just have to take it.”
That is a fair point and I suspect you are correct to a degree in that feeling invincible leads one to engage in desired behavior without fear of consequence.
The two components tail together nicely as it were…with respect to banging someone’s wife because you can, it’s important to remember that anyone can get shot over marital troubles regardless of how powerful they think they are and it’s not always wise to fuck anyone’s wife but your own.
For me regarding the voting, lack of moral character in being unfaithful is reason enough to disqualify them from my consideration.
If you are willing to lie to your spouse, I suspect you have no problem fucking me as well.
What a f&^%ing idiot. He could have easily let her have legitimate access to the black books by depositing them in the NDU classified library like he was supposed to and then permitting her access.
He likewise could have protected himself from the storage charge by again putting them were they were supposed to be, when the SCIF in his house was deactivated.
And yet, I’d bet for every one of these horn dogs who gets caught, there are a dozen or more who have gotten away with it.
It’s kind of like drunk driving or illegal aliens. For every one that gets caught there are many, many more who don’t. In most respects, the odds are in favor of the cheater.
SSG Petraeus would now be PVT Petraeus currently inprocessing at the Gray Bar Hotel in Leavenworth, KS.
Yep. The notorious West Point Protective Association strikes again.
Remember all the Hoopla about Petraeus is just smoke and mirrors. He might have received two years probation and a $100K fine but it’s still a misdemeanor. Remember common folks can get a FELONY here in NC for stealing a bail of pinestraw.
Different spanks for different ranks…
When is Obola being charged letting his Hollywood fundraiser pals get access to classified files to make a movie?
Holding breath….
Noticed yesterday that the store Dollar Tree had copies of the book “All In.” You know, if, like, anyone is interested in obtaining a copy of it for some reason. Guess my excuse is morbid curiosity. And it was only $1.
It has pics. 😉