Kos diarist: get these pesky students out of my school

| December 6, 2008

A Kos diarist worries about his/her fellow teachers losing their jobs because of budgetary restraints brought on by the economic problems in the country. The writer, algebrateacher, complains that non-tenured teachers and useless administrator bloat might find themselves out of jobs if the crisis continues. So what’s the teacher’s solution? Screw the high seniors out of an actual education;

Frankly, I’m not sure why we don’t just plan on letting the Senior class at the high schools be graduated early.  They don’t take No Child Left Behind tests, so our scores won’t be affected.  The college-bound students have already applied to schools and just need their first semester grades to be attached to their transcripts and sent.  If some students are planning on taking Advanced Placement tests, they can immediately enter local community colleges and take real college courses for credit.  For the non-college-bound Seniors, there’s really no purpose to further high school education anyway.

While I actually agree that “there’s no purpose to further high school education”, the teacher should be ashamed of admitting that his/her job is not education but rather the perpetuation of his/her paycheck. As I wrote the other day, teachers are more concerned about graduating numbers than learned people ready for the work force. An education today is more about the diploma than about the education a diploma is supposed to represent – and this diarist brings that point home clearly. An education is just a superficial gesture for teachers – the real problem is keeping their jobs and keeping their comfy lifestyles.

Found on LGF’s Linkviewer.

Category: Politics

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LT Nixon

Who needs education when those seniors could just read Kos all day to get a balanced view of the world. And you wonder why there are so many morans in this country.


Um, wouldn’t letting the seniors graduate early mean the school would need fewer teachers? Wouldn’t this only hasten what the diarist fears–employees out of work?


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