Special snowflakes incapable of viewing reality

| April 9, 2015

Back in the day, adults went to college in order to assimilate themselves into the real world, but in this day and age, children go to college to dictate to the real world their feelings and biases. Take for example, the movie “American Sniper”, an accurate portrayal of a portion of the life of one American, Chris Kyle. I haven’t seen it yet, so I won’t comment on the content. But, you know who else hasn’t seen it, but feels a need to comment on the content? The Muslim Students’ Association and the Students Allied for Freedom and Equality. They protested to the University of Michigan’s Center for Campus Involvement which was screening the movie for the student body. The special little snowflakes/sparkle ponies complained that a screening of the movie would make them fell unsafe on campus, after everyone sees the movie;

The online memo, titled a “collective letter from Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) and Muslim students on campus,” accused the public university of “tolerating dangerous anti-Muslim and anti-MENA propaganda” by showing the movie, the highest grossing film of 2014


“Chris Kyle was a racist who took a disturbing stance on murdering Iraqi civilians,” the collective letter stated. “Middle Eastern characters in the film are not lent an ounce of humanity and watching this movie is provocative and unsafe to MENA and Muslim CollectiveLetter students who are too often reminded of how little the media and world values their lives. … The University of Michigan should not participate in further perpetuating these negative and misleading stereotypes.”

As near as I can tell, these students are further perpetuating the notion that all Muslims are terrorists who only harbor hatred towards the American military, because those were the only people from whom Chris Kyle sought to protect the American troops. like I said, I haven’t seen the movie, I read the book and that’s what I got from the book.

And, by the way, since the movie is a blockbuster hit, the screening on campus probably isn’t the only place folks can see the movie – so, if they’re going to feel threatened by folks who see the movie, they had better move to country where the movie hasn’t been shown.

It seems to me that there should be a place where a rational discussion could take place among intelligent adults about the movie and the supposed stereotypes portrayed therein. But apparently, a college campus is not that place. A college campus is place where spoiled little brats threaten to hold their collective breath until their collective face turns blue until they get their way and they can censor discussions with their little tantrums.

The reply to the little letter from the intolerant Muslim Students from the Center for Campus Involvement was pretty sad, too;

“We deeply regret causing harm to members of our community, and appreciate the thoughtful feedback provided to us by students and staff alike.”

I deeply regret that colleges are being run by the inmates and that they consider rational discussion to be harmful.

It’s been my experience that many Muslims aren’t very tolerant of dissent. I’ve seen them attack people who counter-protest their little tantrums. Of course, the police will break up the fights but they don’t arrest the criminals who attack others who peacefully express their opinions. They use our tolerance of minority opinions against us to effectively silence opposition opinions.

UPDATED: I wrote the above last night and there seems to have been a change in the decision; the University has decided that they’ll screen the movie;

University Vice President for Student Life E. Royster Harper called the decision to cancel the Friday night showing a “mistake” in a statement.

“The initial decision to cancel the movie was not consistent with the high value the University of Michigan places on freedom of expression and our respect for the right of students to make their own choices in such matters,” Harper said. “The movie will be shown at the originally scheduled time and location.”

Nice to see that there are some smarter people in charge of stuff.

Category: Schools

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Frankie Cee "loud and clear"

Do you suppose that they freak out and get restraining orders when their bushes are rustling?


Hmmmm. I just know that when my bush got rustled in college, I had a BIG smile on my face.


“Middle Eastern characters in the film are not lent an ounce of humanity and watching this movie is provocative and unsafe to MENA and Muslim CollectiveLetter students who are too often reminded of how little the media and world values their lives.”

The middle eastern characters they refer to weren’t in Iraq sightseeing. Any haji we ran into in the Al-Anbar province that wasn’t from there, was there for one reason and one reason only. If they’re referring to Iraqi’s, well that’s a whole other bag of snakes.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe something more important to that skool’s top echelon happened to change their minds, like some big money alumni threatening to withhold a donation or three, I doubt it was common sense!


or maybe the football coach who tweeted:

“Michigan Football will watch “American Sniper”! Proud of Chris Kyle & Proud to be an American & if that offends anybody then so be it!”

2 hours later the showing was back on.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m very sure they were more afraid of bad PR or big money alumni closing their wallets than anything else.


Signing Harbaugh as their coach is the best PR Michigan has had in a long time, and if they make him unhappy, I’m sure quite a few boosters will probably be unhappy as well.

A Proud Infidel®™

*PING, BUDDA-BING!* Today’s big colleges WON’T answer to what’s morally right, but they’ll answer to the wallets and checkbooks of their big-money alumni!


I think you captured part of it. Alumni and football coach, yes; but the incoming class deposit deadline is May 1st and this is prime time for deposit submission. Even schools like Michigan have admission:deposit yield and summer melt calculations they don’t want to screw up with bad publicity. Summer melt: http://www.enrollmentmanagementreport.com/Article-Detail/prevent-summer-melt-with-a-comprehensive-approach.aspx


I’m guessing that they will go through the same dance the next time a horror movie or a thriller about a white serial killer/murderer is screened?


After 3 decades in the military, Bobo, aren’t ye a wee bit auld t’be a believin’ in Leprechauns?

John Robert Mallernee

I love killing cereal, especially a nice hot bowl of Cream of Wheat with brown sugar on top.


Reading through that post I get the notion that the student association should have added the letter S to their ME(S)NA acronym.

“S” meaning……

YMMV, but fill in the meaning as appropriate to your response.

Pinto Nag

If we’re ever to get this country headed in the right direction again, we need to take back two things that were taken away from us by our domestic communists decades ago: our educational structures and our news media.

Pinto Nag

And as far as the ‘concerns’ of the muslim students not feeling safe…

I couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t get moderated, except that I hope there are still enough real Americans left that won’t roll over like the rest of the world, when the jihadi push comes to shove.

Semper Idem

Just more proof that Joe McCarthy was right.


The Republic of Ann Arbor is a pretty special place.

I live an hour away from there and about once a month I have to go there. They are every but the over-educated, privileged jackasses they seem to be.


Indeed, Ann Arbor is so special. The home of Bill Ayers and Diana Oughton, until they moved to Nooo Yawk City. Where Miss Oughton died in a premature explosion in a bomb factory, while building bombs to kill soldiers at Ft. Dix. Ayers is an honored alumni of the U of M.

Silentium Est Aureum

To quote Dana Carvey, “Well, isn’t that special?”


Back in my days in college (late 70s), the student film group used to show a couple porn flikc in the tech building to raise enough money to subsidize the showing of artsy fartsy films (i.e., films no one in their right mind would want to pay to see) for the rest of the year.


If you object to the movie, just don’t go to see it. If you object to how you feel it stereotypes you and your demographic group, work to dispel the stereotype. Don’t build more walls between yourselves and the rest of the world…


What I take away from this is that the little geniuses who filed the protest don’t think it’s worthwhile to do anything to deflate the idea that they are bolstering the stereotype they don’t like?

Whine, pout, and kick the wall, but don’t do anything in the way of constructive PR to let everyone know you aren’t THOSE people.

Oh, yes, that’s really smart.


It never surprises me when the actions of fellow muslims never offend these groups.




If these misguided students haven’t seen the movie, how do they know what it portrays?
If they have, what right do they have to basically act as censors so others can’t see it?

We are raising a generation of whiney-ass better than thou punks. We are so screwed…


This isn’t about students being misguided, or sensitive or any such.

This is about students who’ve been indoctrinated to adhere to the cause of the enemy for the entirety of their education.

A Proud Infidel®™

That and they’ve been conditioned to bawl until they get what they want! Being liberal means NEVER being satisfied, you always want MORE!


Just more islamist scum on our campus being open about it and how they don’t indentify as Ameicans but rather our enemies. I hope the FBI is keeping track of these people that belong to Muslim Brotherhood front groups all across our school systems.

Pinto Nag


A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder if they’re allowed to these days? That might be labeled as “profiling” by some oxygen thief of a bureaucrat!

Pinto Nag

It already has been identified as profiling. They also can’t go into the mosques anymore, not legally. That doesn’t mean they don’t still do it, they just better not get caught.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Yeah, whiny college students without an accurate perception of the world or their own surroundings.

How am I not surprised.

What passes for education in the liberal arts these days renders a great many otherwise viable kids into useless asswipes with little to no marketable value.

E-6 type, 1 ea

Agreed, but it sure is funny listening to them whine and cry about how they get out of college owing $150K+ and still can’t find a job. Meanwhile, the tech and trade school grads are leaving with <$20k in debt, paying it off before they're 21, and making $75k+/yr straight out of school. But they don't get to take intro to art therapy.

A Proud Infidel®™

There are a number of Blue Collar Occupations where one can earn more than a College Grad, and I’m talking some requiring a Masters Degree. One example is Machinist/Millwright, one someone gets their Journeyman’s card in that field, they can easily make $80K a year! I’m a Blue Collar Man myself, i make more than my roommate In Kuwait does, and he has a Master’s Degree in Psychology .


A GED and an Army career got me 6 figures (before the decimal point) after leaving active duty. The Army was my college.

A Proud Infidel®™

I have zero doubt about that nbcguy, I’ve seen other Vets do just that!

Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I quit school in the 8th grade. I got my GED, worked as an electricians helper and Joined the Navy. I would do it all over again except the quit school part.


I used my Navy experience to gain a contractor’s job, let them pay for the rest for my BS; when they wouldn’t give me a raise commeasurant with my experience and education I fired them and went govvie. Haven’t looked back.

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s like a former neighbor of mine once said, and at that time he was a US Army CPT that put his Army pay into his investments and lived happily from other business ventures that he and his Dad (US Army (Ret.) were very legally into, he said “There’s SO MUCH money waiting to be made legally and morally,it’s not even funny, no joke!”. He was right, I took his advice, and these days, I legally make enough money to keep my beloved Wife and kid comfortable!


I am still waiting for the inevitable “Counselors will be available after the movie”
Bunch a p#$&ies


I think the Muslim and North African students should be shown “Paddington” (the human life like bear) on a continuous loop ’til they scream out in horror over the senceless brutality and torture.

A Proud Infidel®™

That and give them a break room with the cheesiest 70’s disco music being played in it, one room or the other, NO ESCAPE!!


Well now you’re just being mean Chief.


Didn’t they use “Paddington Bear” on a loop for mental stress at certain places that shall go nameless?
Oh, wait. That was Barney the Dinosaur, “I love you, you love me…”


The horror.

Herbert J Messkit

To the U of M person who decided to replace sniper with Paddington a movie about a stuffed bear. You glorious subservive bastard!!!


Cancel their student VISAs and send them back home. Then they can really feel unsafe.

Spring Break in Syria anyone?


Stop it, I am getting a chubby just thinking about all those HOT chicks covered up to their eyeballs in black!

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember the statement “AMERICA, love it or leave!” back when I was a kid in the 70’s and 80’s, I still say and live by it. Those who get offended can just SUE ME, and if they get anything, I might even split to with them (Mighty liberal of me, ain’t it?).


Does this mean Ann Margaret isn’t coming?


She better make her scheduled appearance for the troops.

I wanna see fur and early morning dew.


Money talks and muzzeys walk.

A Proud Infidel®™

…Until they go to a Bingo game and someone calls – B52! Then, BLEHLEHLEHLEH…. while they run like there’s no tomorrow! 😀 :mrgreen:


Top of the morning to you.


F’em. There is plenty out there that i dont like, and its just tough $h1t for me. So i say its the same way for them. You dnt get to dictate everyone else’s life according to your beliefs. If it were up to me, Id have us back in the 1950s (so to speak).


Damn fat fingers. I meant 1940s when Americans were proud to be Americans


These are the same scumbags who would sign up and stand in line for 3 days to see Ahmadinajade speak at Columbia.

“Hey that’s free speech and we should embrace all sides and hear what they have to say.”

Even when that little rodent talked about “no gays in Iran” nobody called him a homophobic prick. But if you’re conservative and say something, watch out.

Just more hypocritical bullshit from whiner-babies. If they have complaints, they should be sent back home to their country. If America is so bad, go home to your country and “fix it” or be happy there…


Or the ones that deny Nelson Mandela was a member of a terrorist organization. And paid him to talk on campus about being in jail for no reason.
Hi Lars

Just an Old Dog

Funny, there are a helluva a lot more ethnic Germans in the US then there are Muslims, and they didnt throw a shit-fit about “Saving Private Ryan”