“I’m not MOS yet”

| March 28, 2015

Yeah, I have no words. Nose ring and sandals, hair below her collar. She tells the videographer that she’s “not MOS yet”;

I’m calling it; totally legit.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Looks like someone went shopping at Army-Navy surplus . . . .


More like the wall where the uniforms were hanging fell over on her.

The tactical flip-flops are a nice touch.


The Mark VII, quick deployment, tactical flip-flops (AKA TacFlops) are standard gear for the sapper, sniper, ranger prior to MOS.

Ozzie 11B


Both my sons are serving now, going to give them that one. New name for shower shoes?


The tacflops are available at a bizarre bazaar some place Far To The East Of Here where goats and donkeys roam freely.

Mr Wolf

BITD, those were known as Ho Chi Minh sandals.. made from tires. Wore quite well actually. Lots of troops used them for camp shoes.

‘TacFlops’ is now my new fave term for them. Winning!

Perry Gaskill

I remember those. The soles were made of tire tread, and the uppers from strips of inner tube. All-weather, all-terrain and you could get 10,000 miles between rotations.

Joe Williams

Did I hear right ? A 2 month deployment ? The married servicemembers have a medal or patch that they wear to show that they are married? Joe



She was probably headed to Florida, for a job interview with All Points Logistics.

Green Thumb

Huntsville is closer.

They have an office there.

Big Steve

I agree with Jonn.. hard to come up with any words here. Not only is this SV stuff becoming an epidemic, but the posers themselves are becoming more brazen (parading around in public), and absurd in their claims.

But good job by the guy that busted her.


Everyone be good that’s the next Sargent Major of the Army. She is just working on a ruff draft of AR-670-1 for 2016.


Hey, das rayciss!

Big Steve

God, you just had to remind me about her. Wouldn’t be so bad if she was half decent looking. But she ain’t.


O-o-o-oh, scheisse! Was die bumsen?

Sorry. Words failed me just now.


Pierre Del Fuego…

Carlton G. Long

She actually looked like she might have wanted to hook up with old boy until he started grilling her.

Just an old Dog

At least she knows the regs on “Jew-ree”

Big Steve

May not be MOS yet, but definitely POS


This beyatch’s MOS is POS. She is actually a Latrine Queen, or as we say in the Corps – “A shithouse decoration to hold the asswipe for those who need to wipe.
This may be crude, but so is her lying ass breath.


AW1 Tim

I got nothin.

2/17 Air Cav

For your information, women MOS at different times each month. So, I do not know what the issue is with that. What’s more, I think that asking such a personal question was very inappropriate!


2/17 Air Cav…Hey brother, easy on the lady folk okay. It’s called “PMS” for a real valid reason. Because…”Mad Cow Disease” was already taken. 😀 😀 😀

/pops smoke, calls for extract, runs, ducks and hides/


My wife is pregnant right now. If I laugh to loud at that I may not live through the day.

2/17 Air Cav

Laugh. Don’t laugh. No matter what you do, you’re in the dog house. Hey, what number instinct will this be (and the little i was intentional) or is that classified?

Big Steve


Hack Stone

I think that the base commanders should mandate that as a matter of safety, female members should wear reflective vests while operating a menstrual cycle.

Green Thumb

She was probably headed over to All-Points Logistics Huntsville office to begin her internship.


I wonder what goes through these shitbags minds when they gear up like this. Do they think people will throw free shit at them or what?

This is one grade a piece of shit.


Well……..I would throw free SHIT at her. Let her have back what she’s spouting out.

Airdale USN

That’s just it, they don’t think!!

Duncan Macdonut

Just wow!! It’s GI Jo Mama!


What is this “MOS” and where can I get a can of it…I have a big airsoft thing this weekend and could use all the help I can get…those little 12 year old insurgents give me the PTSD.


Joining legions who are also not MOS yet.


I spilled my beer I was laughing so hard at this dumbass poser.

A Proud Infidel®™

Wait… She claimed that E6 was her MOS? I’ve made a resolution that I will be the BIGGEST asshole in creation to every poser and embellisher that I meet face to face, and I will treat them like SHIT!

Big Steve

I only hope there is someone along with you that can video any such encounters. I can only imagine the reaming you will give ’em. 🙂

Airdale USN

You can’t make this stuff!!!


Maybe she got her training from Eddie Murphy in Trading Places?


She just came off of drill/field/6 months. Hmmm, MUTA 360. 😯 :mrgreen: All spent out in the field. All that drill pay and she couldn’t get a rank patch. 🙄 That woman was pulling crap out of her arse on the fly. 🙄


Does she even Army? Doubt it.

It sounds like she heard that putting on the jacket and pants and you can get free shit. To bad the only Army she knows is from being drunk while watching Army Wives or something.


I don’t think I have ever heard an Army officer refer to themselves as “I am Officer Material” It’s usually “I’m a 2LT, 1LT, CPT MAJ” etcetera rather than using a term more commonly associated with describing a person’s potential of becomining an officer. SB I hope she got food poisoning from whatever free fastfood meal she recieved for weaing the ACUs.


The collar Velcro casual is always a nice touch.