Rebels gain in Yemen
Remember how our fight against al Qaeda in Yemen was supposed to be the model for how we fight terrorists in the Age of Obama? I’m hoping that was just politics. According to the New York Times, the Houthis have taken control of much of Yemen’s third largest city, Taiz;
A senior security official in Taiz said the Houthis were flying troops and military equipment into the city’s airport, bolstering claims they were preparing a broader offensive.
Yemen has been gripped by unusually deadly and widespread violence for almost a week, raising fears that the impoverished country is headed inexorably toward civil war. Diplomats have all but admitted failure in brokering negotiations to end the conflict, while opposing forces on the ground accelerate their preparations for battle.
Yemen’s powerful Al Qaeda affiliate has capitalized on the political chaos to carry out attacks on the security forces.
The Associated Press reports that US military personnel have evacuated a key base used for drone operations in the region;
Yemen’s Shiite rebels issued a call to arms Saturday to battle forces loyal to the country’s embattled president, as U.S. troops were evacuating a southern air base crucial to America’s drone strike program after al-Qaida militants seized a nearby city.
The turmoil comes as Yemen battles al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, the target of the drone program, and faces a purported affiliate of the extremist Islamic State group that claimed responsibility for a series of suicide bombings killing at least 137 people Friday.
I think we need a new model for the war to defeat these thugs. We probably need it pretty quickly and pretty violently.
Category: Terror War
“I think we need a new model for the war to defeat these thugs. We probably need it pretty quickly and pretty violently.”
Yeah. . . . Like THAT’S gonna happen under the current Klown Krew Klueless Administration (and that inkludes 95% of Kongress).
No Big Surprise Here. I would say, See I told You So.
‘Headed for civil war’???
Am I misunderstanding what is going on in Yemen, or is the reporter really that uninformed?
If civil war is not going on in Yemen now, then what is it? Is it just reruns of “Star Wars’?
I’m serious. I find this report to be disconnected from reality.
“This strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the front lines, is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years.”-The Golfer in Mom Jeans Sept 2014
So, this is what success looks like, at least to him. Others call it chaos but it’s actually success.
Lighten up on him. You try to do your job while receiving 400% more death threats than previous presidents. So just Leave Britney Alone.