Tuesdays with Claymore
I thought dissent was patriotic
Clearly this nation is a failure
Biden pissed…forgets Kennedy and Pelosi did the same shit to Reagan and Bush
Bitches be like “we could to better”
Liberals don’t really believe any of this. Seriously.
Hey, he still has a pen and a phone.
Yet another reason I’m looking forward to this a’hole being gone soon
They tell me I’m a dreamer, well I’m not the only Juan
Wicked Witch and her flying monkeys
Capt. Crazy Ass might soon be Capt. Broke Ass
Civics 101 – the US president is a dick, not a dictator
You can all go to hell, for me, I will go to Texas
It’s not the burning, it’s the itching
That time when we all agree that Lanny Davis is a weasel
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
The rampant stupidity over the open letter is amazing. I feel the letter was premature and unnecessary, but it hardly rises to treason.
I need to walk carefully over there because when I claim that it’s not a violation of the Logan Act and use the McGovern/Sparkman Cuba trip from 1975 that settled that debate they tend to have some difficulty calming their frazzled nerves.
Claymore, I sure hope you’re working in full biohazard gear when you’re wading through that sewer each week.
I think he has a lifetime supply of bleach and Brillo pads for post-recon showers…
(How anyone can read that shit is beyond me…)
I liken it to watching monkeys throw feces at one another, thinking they’re clever and relevant. 🙂
What’s L. Taylor’s handle on DU? Anyone know?