Sunday morning feel good stories
This time it happened in Austin and an unfortunate criminal tried to hold up a Starbucks in the presence of two Marines;
“I’m walking about right here, all of a sudden 3 guys come barreling out of the doors and this got about right over in here and these two guys were on top of him, one got, was bleeding from his head, and the other guy was saying I’m a marine, don’t fight it, he had him just kind of pinned down on the top wasn’t choking him or anything,” said Holmes.
The two heroes are just that. They’re U.S. Marine veterans. Austin police did not release their names but FOX7 has learned one works in the office building above the Starbucks and the other is described as a regular customer. Yolanda Guzmen says she walked into the coffee shop right after the marines made the capture.
For Clayton Holmes, there is no question the two men were heroes.
“They just went into action, and took care of the situation and I thought really did the right thing and it was pretty amazing to watch really.”
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From Missouri comes the story of a woman who had to improvise when she was robbed;
“There was a strange vehicle parked in the driveway… it was still running,” said Marti Wilson.
Just after 11 on Tuesday morning, Wilson came home from school and was the only one home.
“I noticed that someone had tampered with the side door,” Wilson said, “The glass was broken out, and part of the door was missing.”
About three weeks ago a medication bottle was stolen from her with her contact information on it.
“I knew something was going to happen, I just didn’t know when,” Wilson added.
Wilson said there’s been a lot of activity around her home recently, and she had suspicions someone was trying to get in.
“I think they’ve been trying to follow our patterns and see when we`re here and when we`re gone,” said Wilson.
She was right. This week she said she caught 30-year-old Casey Hueser in the act.
“I heard the garage door open and he came down the side stairs, so I met him down at the garage… and he started back up into the house,” Wilson said.
Wilson said she took the key out of the ignition before he came back down, and used her pocket knife to punch holes in his tires.
“I started to come up the side stairs and I was yelling… I was really angry,” Wilson said.
The probable cause statement says Hueser forced his way into Wilson`s home and tried to steal many things, including prescription medication.
“He had a container full of medication and prescription meds, and they went all over the stairwell and into the garage and he took off up the stairs,” said Wilson.
After Wilson surrendered the key to the car to Hueser, he drove off, leaving a trail of rubber from the tire that Wilson had slashed – police picked up.
Thanks to Chief Tango and AW1Ed for the links.
Category: Feel Good Stories
I take several things from the news report of the first story:
#1- HUAH! for the Marines! The type of people you want AT your back, not ON your back.
#2- The big bad eeeeevil pistol (. . . .and a GUN!) looks like a Colt Woodsman .22 (but I COULD be wrong-it could be just an airsoft or pellet gun). Either way, not a major threat.
#3- It continues to amaze me how easily people catch the PTSD from just being NEAR an event, AFTER the event (Brian Williams), the woman(?) near the end of the report who says she is still “just a little bit in shock right now”. Is this a city vs country thing? military vs civilians? young vs old? conservative vs libtard? or a combination of any/all of the above?
I believe the story took place in Austin TX. Our little bastion of liberal dogfuckery.
The firearm looks real enough to me to constitute a threat of injury that could cause bodily harm that may change my outlook on life. It is good the Marines were there to enforce their no open carry gun policy.
Somebody pointing a .22 at me, it’s a major threat!
Weeeellll. . . not to belittle the venerable .22, but I was thinking the 9mm or even 38Spl as a “threat” moreso than the .22. Not that the .22 wouldn’t hurt your day.
No idea what that thing is but it ain’t a Woodsman. trying to figure out that guide-rod/thingie below the barrel is. Most Woodsmen had a bare barrel or maybe an integrated rib, not that thing. Grip angle looks wrong, too (but that could be a perspective thing.) Looks more like a pellet gun to me.