Thursday morning feel good stories

| January 15, 2015

Our first story this morning comes from Texas where, apparently, you can’t peacefully eat a decent meal without having to draw your firearm;

Koy Sam and his wife were closing at the time and two customers were finishing their meals when two men walked in with guns.

“All of a sudden my wife ran back panicking,” Sam said.

One of them forced the couple to the ground while the other went for the register.

He never made it because a customer confronted him with a gun.

“He was amazing,” Sam said. “He absolutely kept us all calm, made sure everything was okay.”

As the customer held one suspect for police, he fired as the other suspect ran off. The bullets shattered the front windows of the restaurant.

The second suspect got away and it’s not clear if he was hit.

The next story comes from Florida at a Taco Bell;

The suspect, later identified as 21-year-old Rontavis Holton, told the victim it was a robbery and to drop his pants, the Broward Sheriff’s Office said.

“Our victim in this case was himself armed, he took out his gun and shot the suspect, then he went inside the Taco Bell, told them what happened and asked them to call police,” BSO spokeswoman Keyla Concepcion said.

If I’m not mistaken, former Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bateman, in his last little screed at Esquire asked what kind of coward would need to take a gun to a restaurant, well, Bobby, there’s two examples why right there.

The next story comes from New Jersey;

A clerk at a supermarket shot and killed one person who was attempting to rob the store Tuesday night, the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office said.

Two people attempted to rob the Neighborhood Deli Supermarket at 48 Irvine Turner Blvd. shortly before 9 p.m. The second robber fled the scene on foot, according to an initial investigation by the prosecutor’s office.

The next story comes from Indiana;

Police say a suspect entered the clothing store armed and wearing a mask. The robber, later identified as Carlos Brookins, 34, from Indianapolis, demanded money from the employee behind the register. They say the employee complied, and Brookins started to leave with cash.

But then, police say the employee tried to call 911, and Brookins approached the employee again.

That’s when they say another employee noticed what was going on and shot Brookins in the head.

Brookins was rushed to Sidney and Lois Eskenazi Hospital Detention Center, where he remains in custody and in critical condition.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the links as always.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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….a good guy with a gun.

Kinda warms the heart now doesn’t it?


MAN!!! You can’t even go to a Taco Bell anymore for a 7 layer burrito, without some queer holding ya at gunpoint and telling you to pull ’em down. “if it’s on the pier, it’s probably queer.” 😀

Old Trooper

That’s why, if I see a sign, on the door or window, that says “this establishment bans all weapons”, I usually find somewhere else to eat, because I don’t like target rich environments.

B Woodman

That, or I ignore the sign.
There’s a reason it’s called “concealed carry”. Ya think I’m gonna tell them?


In Texas the law is very specific – unless the sig conforms to a strict set of standards (so large, letters so tall, etc) CHL carriers are free to ignore the sign. It’s generally understood that if the store sees you are armed and asks you to leave you probably should, but in general, unauthorized signs are just there to make the store owner feel good.


A sign will only get you killed. I haven’t seen one gun banning sign that was responsible for saving a life when a bad guy ignored it. And in France & U.K., who EVER heard of a police officer who is unarmed and can not protect their self or the public…guess that’s a tough lesson to learn this past week!


You have to wonder what the unarmed Muslim cop thought when he and his partner were dispatched to a report of many shots fired by two men dressed in black, hollering Aloha Snackbar.

B Woodman

So many shots. So many dead, injured or running perps. So much feel good. I ALMOST don’t need my morning caffeine (jasmine tea today).

Lee Conway

RE the third story: Penetration, no matter how slight.