Jim Goza; phony secret SEAL on your Facebook
Scotty sends us his work on this Jim Goza fellow – he’s my favorite kind of SEAL; he’s so secret that he can only tell you about his clandestine operations on Facebook, you know because all of your FB discussions aren’t public or anything;
Well, of course, the Navy says “Who?”
ADDED: So, the guy who pretended to be like us, doesn’t think very much of us, even though he was aping us;
Category: Phony soldiers
If you squint, the name on his shirt is Bear Grylls. I bet he’s a piss drinker too.
Take a look at his Facebook page. Make it a quick look because you wouldn’t want to be exposed to too much of this asscracks’ stupidity. He’s quite the racist asshole. A real white supremacist.
Yeah I took a look at his page, I only can say wow!!! What a bottom feeder!!!
database schmatabase – He carried unusual weapons & gets the instructor shirt sent to him every year –
He has the t-shirt so he is legit in my book.
All it takes is a t-shirt and then you are legitimate? Then I must have been a member of Cheap Trick when I was in High School.
I bet that was Elaine Ricci’s favorite band, too.
You are incorrect NHSparky. I have it on good authority that Elaine Ricci’s favorite band is Missing Persons.
Green Thumb – Let me just put it to you plain language and simple.
YOU ARE A DUMBASS ! If I get a t-shirt made that says President on it then I can take over the White House…or so your logic states.
I repeat – YOU ARE A DUMBASS !
WELL, SHIT!! You mean that I’m really NOT a member of Loverboy, The Doobie Brothers, or Three Dog Night just because I wore one of their tee shirts? DAMN, you hurt my feelings!! You guys, can I hav another group hug??
Sarcasm- A cutting, often ironic remark intended to express contempt or ridicule.
He “carried unusual weapons” means that he has two brain cells rubbing together in his skull. That’s dangerous with his special kind of stupid.
If by unusual you mean battery powered and penis shaped than I believe this man….he’s about as fucking unusual as a man can be from what I see.
I’m not sure that battery powered is required. He’s got that “unusual discharge around the mouth” look to him.
You know, this guy looks like that Marine General in enlisted uniform over at stolen valor.
The ability to discharge a weapon while driving a John Deere is awesome. Just think of the money saved by detailing security forces to mow the grass and patrol at the same time.
What’s to say he’s not on patrol using a sooperdooper Top Secret M1369 Miniature Urban Assault/Lawn Maintenance Vehicle?
Well shit, you guys are on the trail of the wrong man! He gets a shirt every year and he is licensed to carry unusual weapons and be out of uniform! LEGIT I say
Wow. Shirts and all.
So does he think all military type Like This And It Makes It More Official?
This guy is a froot loop. His FB is still up and is interesting reading.
Sounds like a case for Senior Chief Shipley. I’d love to hear that conversation!
“Carried unusual weapons.” Sounds legit. He so secretive of a SEAL that he carried weapons we’ve never heard of. Maybe he is one of those famed Space Shuttle door gunners.
He served as a Starfleet SEAL on the USS ENTERPRISE under Captain Kirk…
I wonder if that license he carried was laminated?
Nope, he’s not. I just checked our database and he was never at our school for Space Shuttle Door Gunner. IOW He’s not high speed enough for SSDG.
Or Apollo Door Gunner, we paved the way for you SSDG’ers, YOU’RE WELCOME!!!
I suppose he ain’t old enough to be one of the mythical Mercury tail gunners…
I can confirm that he is not and was never a Certified Space Shuttle Door Gunner.
Look, Old Trooper was our Senior Instructor at Space Shuttle Door Gunner school ( Class 19 1/2) out at Cheyenne Mountain. I’m hear to tell you people that Old Trooper was a stone cold sonovabitch as an instructor. Only 5 of us graduated from a starting class of 168.
Not only was he a Master Space Shuttle Door Gunner but he had 5 years of offworld ops with the SGC. So if he tells you the Goza the Gozerian is not a SpaceShuttle Door gunner, it’s truth.
Even though all of our records were sealed after they burned up in the fire of 73….or was the the Goau’ld Invasion?
was that the Goau’ld Invasion
Boy that would explain a lot of the wackos featured here.
Someone left the Stargate open again!!!
The first rule about the Stargate is, we don’t talk about the Stargate.
Of course not. It’s super dooper top secret. The ONLY place we can talk about super dooper top secret stuff is on the Internet.
Quit talking about the Stargate and the magma gamma guns on the shuttle. It might reveal info on the raid into Arcturus 34 in the Romulan realm XF57 in the Galxay which was far far away. That was almost as secret as Goza’s ops.
But we CAN talk about the bars & brothels on Zophor 6, right? I’m Not even wearing my tinfoil hat right now, but what the hell, *PZZZZT!* …
OOOOH, LOOK! Something shiny!!!
Douche bag was sure fast to scrub the FB page clean of all but picture, though!
Got a bit of an aryan nation attitude about him. Can’t say that I like this guy. Chief Shipley is gonna have fun with him.
I always wondered what would happen if you randomly selected someone and sent them a SEAL UDT t-shirt every year. Now I don’t have to wonder anymore. Would make a good movie. SimonII
Uh, yeah, sure. My dad was UDT in Korea and guess what! They don’t send him a freaking shirt each year!
So if that’s what this jackass going with as his verification he was UDT/SEALS then I suggest that he is full of shit.
Twatwaffle in need of a cunt punt…
Mmmmmyeah, that too!! Is it me, or do these damn things pop up all over like toadstools on cowshit?
Nice Mister T starter kit he’s sporting there. What the well dressed disco queens are wearing this year–cammies and Guido chains.
I’m sure it’s the latest in fashion for metrosexual Soldier of Fortune wannabes!
Urban Military Chic.
Various shades of brown…..
/Bunghole Turd Camo
He seems to have a keen interest in things that splode He likes splosions.
Maybe he just says that so people don’t think he’s a brony?!
Right in his face, I am sure.
He looks like the type that would claim to eat light bulbs and shit beer bottles and then eat his boogers!
Unusual Weapons eh?
Regarding his supposed time of service that would be one that just works properly…
Anyway I call legit! On this one.
He has been there (with his finger on a globe)
He has done that (in his mind)
He got the T shirt (obviously)
Probably those unusual weapons include a cheese grater, a brain and a gallon of gas. No wonder Chevy, Frankie and Danny Bernie are all a little dumber than a bag of turds.
Busy month and a hectic 2015 for Scotty and stolen valor
The dude is crazy. He’s got White Aryan Nation type stuff. Claims we were hoodwinked into killing our “white brothers” in WWII.
Sounds like Bernathian grade stupid/crazy to me!! He seems like the type of character that believes the Moon landings were faked and “Pro-Wrassling” is real!!
Ther weren’t? It isn’t? Shit.
Well, in that case shouldn’t Jonn file this under the “It’s those Joooooos!” category? It’s been a while since an Aryan screed spouting jackass has darkened our virtual door.
Daniel A. Bernath is a steady source of that, he still calls me “heeb” and “Jewboy” on other sites.
True. It’s just that Birdbath is so fucking crazy it becomes difficult to keep up with all of it.
Oh by the way, Birdbath: That bullshit letter about me you wrote to SecDef continues to have ZERO impact on my career. Just signed my OER today and me Company Commander and Battalion Commander made no mention of my alleged transgressions. Go fuck yourself, Bernath!
I just checked my disqus and he’s posted some extra-nutty shit the past few days. Daniel A. Bernath has squirrels in his attic and bats in his belfry!
That letter is in the hands of many 3 letter agencies as evidence!
How does that turd still breathe free air?
Is there any justice in this world?
And oh yeah–got my annual review last week. Guess who got a raise. And guess who else besides me thinks Bernath is a douchetool in my company.
Patience, my peeps.
Time wounds all heels.
Speakin’ of which, I signed my NCOER last week, and it practically glows in the dark!!!
I. Love. It. When. People. Capitalize. Every. Damn. Word. In. A. Sentence. It. Gives. Me. An. Aneurysm. When. I. Try. To. Read. It. Its. Like. Putting. A Period. After. Every. Word.
Why do 90% of these POSer goobers have some sort of idiotic spelling speech impediment? its like the golden rule of lying scumbags, they all write like 12-year old girls with “text speak”, or completely illiterate morons.
But hey, he gets a t-shirt, so good for him…
That is a FACT!!
Yep. Sorta like SoMeOnE eLsE wE kNoW.
Don’t fuck with this guy, he’ll sic his lawyers on you… Where’s birdbath when you need him ???
Sir, I greatly appreciate your interest in upholding the honor of the US Navy SEAL Teams, and your search for the TRUTH. My efforts to expose SEAL imposters are performed as a service to the public, and in honor of my fallen SEAL Teammates… men who truly earned the right to the title “US NAVY SEAL” but who are no longer able to stand forward in defense of their honor, their reputations, and their TEAMs. If the name you provided is spelled correctly, I do NOT find a listing in the SEAL Database (SEAL Teams, Underwater Demolition Teams and predecessor units from 1943 to the Present Day) for anyone named JAMES/JIM GOZA. I have also examined possible alternate spellings, and names with similar pronunciations without finding any that appear to be applicable. Unless he has undertaken the unlikely action of a legal name change (an action for which there would be evidence in the form of court documentation) since his claimed participation in SEAL training, and based upon the information you have provided, I can state conclusively that JAMES/JIM GOZA NEVER COMPLETED SEAL TRAINING, and he is not now, nor was he ever a Navy SEAL or a Navy Underwater Demolition Team member. Countless SEAL Imposters show proof of their SEAL claims in the form of SEAL Insignia (Tridents), SEAL Coins, SEAL Award Citations, and SEAL Training Graduation certificates which are unfortunately all available on-line. Numerous others get SEAL Tattoos, Photoshop their faces on SEAL Pictures and alter actual Military Discharge Papers to show SEAL service. Myriads of imposters claim the Navy removed their name from the SEAL Database when they encountered trouble during their service and nothing could be further from the truth. Many SEAL imposters when confronted with the information I have provided will resort to claiming that their records are sealed, burned or their SEAL Operations were classified as Secret and that there are no official records of them. Before any classified operations may be undertaken as a SEAL Operator, a man must first successfully complete the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) Training program and then the follow-on… Read more »
FW: Fraudulent Member
Brad Bailey 11:17 AM Keep this message at the top of your inbox Photos
FYI-Can you post this for me?
From: Michael Landree [mailto:]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 10:57 AM
To: ‘Brad Bailey’
Subject: RE: Fraudulent Member
Thank you, Brad. I handed this off to the appropriate “division” commander – not a military organization, but a sub element of our organization based upon the military style organizations from the War Between the States. He will investigate and take appropriate disciplinary action – I think we can both agree that he is not what he represents.
Thanks again!
Michael L. Landree
Executive Director
Sons of Confederate Veterans
P.O. Box 59
Columbia, TN 38402
(800) 380-1896
Lots of folks throwing around the term “racist” this days, until it has little meaning left.
However, this guy…
He actually used the word “miscegenation” in a sentence, and meant it! Last time I heard that word was in “O Brother Where Art Thou?”.
Do these people not realize what caricatures they have become?
If he’s against miscegenation he must also be against mulattos. 😉
Don’t forget, he wants to rid the world of illegals along with blacks.
Even had a spirited discussion about NAACP for some odd reason.
I’ll bet he hates cats, and tries to frighten bunnyrabbits, too.
Thanks Ex-PH2…I spit rice out on my desk laughing
My pleasure, Sarge.
I bet he hugs his favorite Care Bear one minute and kicks it across his room the next pretending it’s a puppy!
He is a retired Middle School teacher who was still working part time substituting.
An e-mail to the Superintendent stopped that little gig for him also. He was quite surprised and very disturbed to see all the white supremacist posts on Bozo’s F/B timeline.
Check out Scotty’s page. Dude dusted off his retired nerves of steel and “demilitarized” an inert claymore!
What a steaming turd pile, racist is used quite correctly with this KKK aficionado.
Thought I had been misdirected to Stormfront for a moment….
Lying sack of shit who hates his fellow man, who knew?
He got his job description all wrong. There are NO secret SEALs. Senior Chief Shipley has already told all of us that.
However, there ARE secret squirrels. We know that, too. Some of them are licensed pilots.
Looks like the squirrel is a better pilot than Bernath. And he didn’t need duct tape or run out of fuel.
And he didn’t crash or blame it on the plane’s builder, either. 😉
OK, figured out who he reminds me of. Drop the sunglasses and pull the annually issued SEAL T-shirt over his head and you have that well known alter ego who wanders aimlessly reciting “I am the Great Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!”
Are you
threateninginsulting the Great Cornholio?Another citizen of the Not So Great Bernathian Nation.
One word – wing nut.
You guys are idiots!
He has done IT all and has an Instuctor tee-shirt to prove it!
Look it up!
I have a t shirt from the Trident Grill, that’s the same as being a SEAL, right?
Yeah, but does he have the hat? Evidently you only get one of those and J Francois Kerry still has his.
Here’s the guy’s “Business” Facebook Page.
Lets not forget his weird friend Janet Temple who sends him a message saying “These are freightening times in our lives. Next thing you know they are discussing some kind of race war coming.
This old, senile fuck probably should not be a near a computer. As one poster said, he is using terms like “miscegenation” which has not been seen or used since Marcus Garvey days.
Put a white hood on this fucker.
Put the hood on him and let the water boarding begin !
So, a racist fake SEAL…betting his family tree is a telephone pole as well.
Is it me or is the Executive Outcomes corporation I can find was a South African company that was dissolved in 1998?
Maybe that’s why they hired him…racists are as racists do!
The Navy has never heard of him. …So he must have been part of that new secret outhouse training team. They hide in the bottom of outhouses and capture loads of unusual weapons. Ya know he has that special look in his eye. Probably got VD or an STD ribbon from doing all that secret training. And you know it’s true because he has the t-shirt as proof.
2015 is going to be a Bumper Crop Year for these asshats!
I am a bit disappointed he hasn’t shown up with sock puppets to defend himself, we havent had a good one like that since old Fat Ass Church !
ADDED: So, the guy who pretended to be like us, doesn’t think very much of us, even though he was aping us;
He’d probably shit himself if they dropped his ass in the middle of the ‘stan…
He’d probably be in the fetal position sucking his thumb and whimpering before he even got near the plane taking him there!!
Ah, Cornholio Speaks With Tainted Tongue After Drinking Own Piss.
This guy is such a giant pussy that if you pop him in his jaw, he will queef.
Hey jim, you dumb ass! What the fuck do you know about combat? Combat face my ass. Just stick to your practice claymore mine, and shooting your M-14 of your lawn tractor!
“… disgrace to the Corp., …”
Alright, which one of you dickweeds filed articles of incorporation you your branch and did you really think you’d get away with it?
I guess he thinks were all Marines, further, he prob. Says it the way it’s spelled. At least he does not call us cadre, like another super security type we all know. Wonder if this guy has a affinity for cheese?
OOOOH! The precious puffy-bellied twinkle-toed cream puff of a Smurf-hugging Care Bear-kissing unicorn-lusting Sparkle Pony is butthurt and telling us we ain’t shit, *AAAAAAWWW*, dat breaks my heart, you guys, can I hav a group hug? /SARC
I wonder if this fart monkey will “lawer up” with someone we know and laugh at?
Racist cream puff says what?
Hey, Goza, do a Google search for your name. You come up on the first page, but way down at #10. C’mon, you gotta step up your Stolen Valor game and get higher on the Google shit list.
Get with the program, huh? It’s over 11 months til the next Stolen Valor tournament, you want to be a serious contender, or don’t you?
Asswipe! Best part of him ran down his daddy’s leg!
Okay – so he get’s T-shirts. I think we should get some too. Here’s what will be printed on the backs of ours:
“The remedy for speech that is false is speech that is true.
This is the ordinary course in a free society.
The response to the unreasoned is the rational;
to the uninformed, the enlightened;
to the straight-out lie, the simple truth.”
Supreme Court of the United States
June 28, 2012
Dammit !! Don’t tell me the USN and SEALS have changed cammie colors and patterns again !!! I can’t keep up with the costs of so many changes. Looks like this dude is operating in the deserts of the PRC.
He could even be a bush-shaking Ninja in the PNW!!!
Comments are still open in that post.
I posted on this douche fb page. He’s got pictures of himself wearing seal t shirts and thinks he is a secret seal.
Jim Goza We must bring our Troops Home and put them on the Mexican Border with Orders to Stop all illegal immigrants .
This dude here have gone crazy on his facebook page!!! The thing about it he thinks he is a Seal and all of his buds on the are falling for it. But if you were in you know active duty cant do that, maybe the national guards.
Wait, you mean the same shirt that sells on Amazon for $10.25? Smh….
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