Tuesdays with Claymore
Yeah, that’s the reason why O was a no show. Right.
Hang wringing over how the world views us
…and he once stayed in a Holiday Inn Express too.
Yeah, who’s afraid of a woman with a knife?
Mercs man…that’s who’s gettin’ rich. Say wut?
Limey dumbass who gets rich shooting people in movies thinks you shouldn’t have a gun.
Sophisticated humor…you guys probably won’t understand it.
And here we go with the Bush/Hitler connection shit again.
Damned if you don’t and damned if you don’t
Terrorism is our fault because religious nuts are jealous and can’t afford Big Mac’s.
Opposition to Valerie Jarrett? Racism….yeah I know.
And a twofer for Capt. Whackjob…apparently Nazi’s are now after him.
President Jerry Brown, because you know, he’s done such a great job in California.
Leftards hate being out of power…their tears sustain me.
Tea Party = Nazis, but then again, you knew that already.
White men, you’re all racist rapists…be shame.
Yeah, spending a quarter million going to Hawaii is the exact same as this.
Category: Tuesdays with Claymore
Thanks, Claymore. My stupid gauge broke. The needle was in the red zone but I had to read just one more, thanks to your enticing re- titles. Now I have to find a new stupid gauge somewhere. Dammit.
I thought reading a couple of those would alleviate my cabin fever.
I was wrong. Now I need brain bleach, and my cabin fever has not diminished.
Thanks for the entertainment, Claymore. I still do not see how you do it.
Major error – Liam Neeson is not a limey, he was born Irish (and is a US citizen now.) Never call a Mick a Limey unless you want some additional entertainment.
Hey, if I get called a ‘yank’, all them shitheels in the Commonwealth get called ‘limeys’.
Uh, Ireland ain’t part of the Commonwealth, either.
The “Wait, What?” post was hidden by the DU jury for being “disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.”
Does anyone know what it was about?