Teen who beat vet to death pleaded guilty
We talked about the murderer, Kenan Adams-Kinard, who beat 89-year-old Delbert Belton, an Okinawa veterans to death in August 2013. KHQ reports that he pleaded guilty to first-degree murder in a Spokane courtroom yesterday;
Last week, prosecutors met with members of the Kinard family to discuss the plea deal, which calls for Kinard to serve 20-27 years. The minimum sentence for pleading to the charge of murder is 20 years. If Kinard receives the minimum sentence, he would be 37-years-old when released.
As for the second suspect in the case, Demetrius Glenn, his trial is still scheduled to begin on January 12, 2015, however following Kinard’s change of plea, that trial date could be pushed back.
The prosecutor dropped robbery and conspiracy to commit robbery charges in exchange for the plea.
Fox News adds;
Spokane County Prosecutor Larry Haskell said the Belton family supported the plea agreement.
He declined to say if the plea deal would require Adams-Kinard to testify against Glenn.
Category: Crime
FUCK a plea deal.
Hang His ASS.
Meh, pleading guilty to first-degree murder basically renders the other charges moot anyway. Robbery and conspiracy are minor charges, so they wouldn’t have changed his sentence much compared to the murder charge anyway. At least this way, we get to avoid paying for a big, expensive trial, and the scumbag still goes to prison for a long time.
Except that it won’t be all that long. If he behaves himself he could walk out of prison in less than ten years. And we will pay for his Masters in criminal activities.
ALL of the little SHITS who took part in that crime ought to be treated in prison the same way our WWII POW’s held by the Japanese were!
Or maybe they should just be beat to death… My two cents.
^^^^^^ THAT.
Just have the Correctional Officers spread the rumor that he’s a child molester/rapist/pedophile when he’s out in general population.
Self correcting problem
That was my thought. That AND a veteran killer. Even if there aren’t any vets in the general pop, I’m SURE there are vets among the guards who would be willing to not look if this yute just HAPPENED to have an “accident” among the inmates.
Pha’keem. I hope his death is three things: long, slow, and painful.
Hopefully, the authorities will send this waste of skin to a correctional facility where the cell blocks are 3 stories tall. Then Willie or Bubba and their friends can teach the ute to fly from the third tier.
NOT NEARLY ENOUGH!!! Hanging is still an option in Washington State and this ass hole needs to swing…twice! Once just for the fun of it, shit his pants effect, then the real deal. I mean pull his head off! Turd and I hope his thug partner in crime, gets the same thing. Worthless pieces of shit and dregs on society, sucking good air somebody else could be using.
The disgusting part of all of this is he will get 20-27 years meaning that he will be a 37-44 year old when he is released.
Does anyone think he will be rehabilitated at that point?
Or is it more likely he will be a bulked up predator accustomed to solving prison problems with overwhelming violence who will be released into an unsuspecting society?
I realize it’s better than nothing, but not by much. Since my father was stabbed in the head I’ve long learned there is no justice in America, just closing cases and moving onto the next thing. Justice is an industry like making clocks or cars, parts come in, parts move along product exits but justice seldom enters the picture.
VOV: Think positively; the possibility exists this young baby-faced punk will immediately get turned into a bent-over bitch by the big dogs and by the end of his sentence he’ll be a flaming queen with multiple untreated venereal diseases and an asshole big enough to stash a spare malt liquor 40.
from your lips to God’s ear….one can only hope…I tend to think since he already likes to beat people the prison gang system will be happy to enlist his help and train him to be a better predator.
In order to be rehabilitated he would have to have been habilitated in the first place. Hopefully he leaves prison in a bag, because I don’t see much chance of him becoming a productive citizen ever.
My sentiments exactly.
Hang him upside down first, and give a platoon-strong group of vets first dibs with baseball bats. Preferably the old, wooden Louies; and then hang him right side up and shoot him until daylight shines clear through him. And just leave his body there as an objective lesson.
Regarding the plea deal, I am going to try to say this calmly, without passion. The state had a mountain of evidence supporting a conviction. There is no question about that. Among other things, it had a defendant’s own damning statements —in writing, no less. Thus, the plea wasn’t entered into due to the possibility of loss. Moreover, anyone who thinks that he has a snowball’s hell of beating a 1st degree murder charge simply doesn’t deal. So, there’s that. Why, then, did the state, in the person of the prosecutor, offer the deal? And if it was so righteous, why did the prosecutor inform the Spokane police department of its prospect and feel it necessary to state so on the record? My guess is to attempt to share the responsibility that belongs to the prosecutor alone in making the deal. Despite victims’ rights, by the way, it is the people of the state, not the victim’s survivors or the police department, whose interest the prosecutor represents. Accordingly, in saying, as he did, on the record, that the victim’s family supported the deal, the prosecutor was attempting to mitigate, if not escape, the responsibility that was his alone. Finally, the question must be answered as to why the deal was offered. The answer is found in the prosecutor’s statements (again, on the record) in court. Stated Spokane County Prosecutor Larry Haskel, “The age of Mr. Kenan Kinard at the time of this incident, 16 years old, and including 16 year old immaturity, impetuosity and failure to appreciate risks and consequences of an act and also including the defendant’s home environment and the facts that no weapons were used in the commission of this crime.” And there you have it. The young lad didn’t appreciate that repeatedly punching an elderly man might result in the man’s death. He was merely an impetuous kid whose home life was not good. Oh, and he didn’t shoot or stab Mr. Delbert. Of course, it couldn’t be that he didn’t do so because the young fellow had no gun or knife, could it? (By the… Read more »
2/17, speaking of sentences…
Seriously I am with you on the whole thing. 20 years is nothing to these pukes. He’ll be released sooner than 20 years because of overcrowding of the prisons. I figure he’ll do maybe 10 years, 7 is more like it…
Some lib will come along and tell us how his upbringing condemned him to a life of crime and he had no choice but to commit murder to feed all 12 of his brothers and sisters, all from different baby-daddies.
Yep, I would bet, 7-10 years tops.
I am not certain about Washington State, but, in many states, there’s another method for getting out early, other than parole. It’s through the back door and works like this: For every month that an inmate is in prison, he can accrue good-time credits by not getting into trouble and by participating in educational and drug/alcohol programs. The credit in some states is as high as 15 days per month (!) and has nothing whatsoever to do with parole, which is a discretionary release, not a mandatory release. It’s something many folks know little or nothing about but it exists in many states and can reduce an inmate’s sentence substantially. Whether Washington is among them, as I say, I don’t know.
2/17 Air Cav: per this source, it appears WA state does offer “time off for good behavior”. However, for serious violent felonies it cannot be more than 15% of the sentence.
Nay! None of the above because the state wants to “reform” his ass so, he’ll catch a stretch at Walla Walla or the other state owned and operated vacation paradise known as McNeil Island.
McNeil Island is no longer a Gen Pop prison. It is a Special Treatment Center for Sexual predators. We are pretty unique among the states in that we have civil commitment for sexual crimes. After a rapist is released from prison a determination is made on his suitability for release into society. If found unsuitable he can be confined for treatment. So far as I know, not a single predator has accepted the treatment. Their lawyers have told them that if they go under treatment it is an admission of guilt. Under that premise it has become a Roach Motel. They go in and they don’t come out. Which really works well for the general public.
I defended the “affluenza defense” kid because I thought that his actions, while awful, could be explained by poor judgement unfortunately common to many teenagers as opposed to outright malice. I figured that action could be mitigated by immaturity/there still being some hope for him.
Not so with this animal. Fuck him to the ends of the Earth; lock him up and throw away the key. Seventeen or not, this wasn’t a failure of judgement/maturity that he could have gained with age; this was a malicious act that runs contrary to the conscience we expect people of that age to develop. He’s a public menace. Fire up the electric chair, please.
Between leaving Active Duty and being hired for the company I work for now, I was employed by the Great Republic of Texas as a Correctional Officer in a max security prison. Hands down the only time I’ve ever been scared for my life every single day I worked. Anyway, for some reason I was really surprised with how many vets we had incarcerated there. But like others, they look out for their own (I owe one my life) and I have no doubt that once this punk Adams-Kinard gets found out, jailhouse justice will prevail. He’ll either die in prison or spend his whole time in Seg under PC.
Either way, he’s fucked. Yeah!
I’d rather reenlist and go to war than do corrections work.
You’ve got balls bro. You’re also batshit crazy.
I agree with FC0311… corrections work takes guts.
The only plea deal should have been execution by firing squad or hanging.
I wish I could be the one to decide the fate of these little knuckle draggers. It wouldn’t be pretty, and I’d make sure it wasn’t quick.
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