Gang member tests security of Baltimore police station

| January 8, 2015

The Washington Times reports that a member of the Black Guerilla Family walked into a Baltimore police with a loaded .22 pistol in order to test their security;

Baltimore police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts said the 29-year-old man walked into the Northeastern District station “fully armed and loaded with drugs on him,” The Baltimore Sun reported.


Police said the man was enlisted by BGF to test police security for allegedly betraying the gang in the past.

“He did not go in there on his free will. This person had very little option, according to his statement, which lends credibility to what a dire situation this was,” Deputy Police Commissioner Jerry Rodriguez said.

The Black Guerilla Family has been around for more than forty years and has a fairly long history of violence including their involvement in the murder of Huey Newton in 1989. They had ties to the Black Liberation Army, Symbionese Liberation Army, and Weather Underground, for those of you who remember them from the 60s. It was founded in the San Quentin prison.

Mr. Jason Armstrong, the sap, was arrested on weapons and drug charges.

Category: Crime

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Black Guerilla Family – Baltimore – Planet of the Apes.

AW1 Tim


Ray Rice, Ray Lewis, Terrell Suggs, etc.

That team truly represents the citizens of Balmer.

2/17 Air Cav

The only way the police knew that he was sent there by BGF was if he told them. Sounds pretty smart. He gets to use duress and coercion as a defense and may walk away cleanly. He can screw it up by striking a deal in naming names but the police won’t execute him or his family members. So, w/o knowing anything more about this, I say he clams up and ultimately walks.


With all those affiliations to SLA, WU, etc, it’s surprising none of them are Presidential advisors. Oh, wait….




Wouldn’t it have been wonderful if the officers in that precinct had tested their security response plan by spraying that shitheads brains all over the entryway.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Can you spell fuckstick? Sure, I knew you could….choice or no he’s lucky he isn’t dead.


I hate this city with a passion. With any luck, a certain job prospect will fall through, and I can leave this disastrous hellhole. Want to see what 50+ years of corrupt politicians running a city looks like? Come visit Baltimore (and no I’m not referring to the small outrageously expensive strip of real estate in the Inner Harbor).

High crime, high cost of living (again, unless you want to live in some place like West Baltimore, aka “The Wire”land), terrible schools, crumbling roads and houses, abundant prostitution, thugs and drug dealers aplenty, etc. It all dwarfs the few good hard working people that have to try to make ends meet in this miserable shithole.

I’ve lived in a lot of places throughout the US, and Baltimore makes the top list of cities that I will never set foot in again once I leave. Fuck this place.


…. and taxes! I still can’t decide whether to laugh or cry when the “rain” tax is brought up in Baltimore County. Man, I miss Southeastern NC!


Is it worse than Camden, NJ? I used to live 15 minutes from Camden, a very long time ago. I had friends who had lived there for decades, grew up there. Now, it’s a war zone, worse than some parts of Chicago.


My work requires me to travel up to my regional office in Philadelphia (right across the river from Camden), and from what I can tell Baltimore is much worse. Massive chunks of the city look like third world countries.

Mostly I feel bad for some of the poor kids that have to grow up in this place. It’s a tough situation for so many of them to be born into.

A Proud Infidel®™

He should have ended up as a Rorschach smear on a concrete wall, but who’s to say the gang pukes didn’t have a riot planned for after that with Al Sharpton ready to come and race pimp yet again?


The dummies protesting all the time have died down over the past month. Welfare recipients don’t like to protest in the cold.

2/17 Air Cav

That’s true. Every election day, I hope for bad weather. The dependent class does not like foul weather. And that’s why telephone voting and computer voting, not to mention early voting, are forever being pushed by the Dems. They know that bad weather keeps their numbers down.


When the temperature dipped, the number of calls for service that I took dropped from 15-20 per night, to 2-3 per night. What you say is 100% true, the denizens of certain areas of our city disappeared from the streets when snow started to fall, along with the temperature.