Excremental Eight

| December 23, 2014

WEST: Forwalt def. DeCare: 74-26
WEST: Church def. Davis: 55-45
NORTH: Chevalier def. Gimbl: 77-23
NORTH: Korfhage def. Kleyla: 55-45
SOUTH: Visconi def. Lawler: 81-19
SOUTH: Rahn def. Banks: 58-42
EAST: Bernath def. Stern: 90-10
EAST: Colyer Def. Yetman: 55-45


1) Nate Fornwalt, Lemonade Stand Stealing Phony, Embellisher

CLAIM: Wounded veteran with numerous purple hearts, Marine Special Ops.
TRUTH: Iraq vet with no purple hearts, no Special Ops.

Before becoming famous for stealing money from a kids lemonade stand, Fornwalt the Forlorn here was making snowmen “spattered with red paint, fake blood, symbolizing the blood he, and others, had shed in defense of their country, blood from his wounds that left his body, and mind, scarred, and have forced him, at 33, to face his own mortality.” Of course then he put all the medals and rank he didn’t earn on the snowman, because that’s what you do. But he builds snowmen because…”Being an adult, we forget we were kids at one point,” he said. “I try to keep in touch with that child, that 13-year-old boy inside.” Yeah, I like to stay young by stealing kids money too. Shitdick.


2) Derek Church, The Real Unslim Shady, Embellisher
CLAIM: SSG, Ranger, 82nd, Infantry, Straight.
TRUTH: PFC, 18 months as a nasty girl then a quick exit.
It’s pretty obvious how this guy made it this far, I mean, just look at him. He looks like the physical manifestation of the Sumerian deity Gozer. (“It just popped in there. . . I tried to think of the most harmless thing. Something I loved from my childhood. Something that could never ever possibly destroy us. Mr. Stay Puft!”) But besides the awesome look he is cultivating, my favorite thing is his sockpuppet friend Will Chamberlain who warned that “I suggest you all get off his damn back before you wind up with the entire 75th ranger regiment on your fucking door step!!” Really? The entire regiment? They’ve got nothing going on so they are all gonna fly in from Washington and Georgia to set us straight on this fat body? I’ve known a 75th guy or 10 in my day, so if they really are coming, you might want to stock up on booze.


1) Dennis Chevalier, Seven Wives and Counting, Valor Thief
CLAIM: LTC, US Air Force, Pilot
TRUTH: PFC, Texas State Militia, 20 Glorious Days in Texas National Guard

Chevy is well know to all, but his website is straight fire, especially when he attacks us.

“When you expose bad guys for the low-life’s they are, they will retaliate with everything they have in their little pea-sized brains. They will lie, cheat and steal. They will manipulate anyone and everyone of weak minded constitutions. I and others have exposed the internet terrorist “This Ain’t hell site” as being military rejects, military want-a-bees and felons. They were exposed with public records written by others on their lack of self-control and criminal behaviors so they manufactured lies against me and others that have exposed their antics.”

Straight fire!


2) James Korfhage, Threats Schmets, get in your car already, Embellisher
CLAIM: Army Ranger
TRUTH: 21 Days at basic.
Korfhage was leaving Georgia on September 4, and was going to kill Jonn and his family, after a little torture session. He still hasn’t made it. If he took I-81 to Jonn’s house, it would be 670 miles. The only guy to move slower than this is a Purple Heart Parachutist LRRP Ranger Special Forces Guy that lives in Florida. That dude has been on his way for over 2 years now. Maybe they can carpool?

Dude needs to learn to enunciate more clearly. I’m sure there was some gems in there I missed because he’s a muttering, stuttering jackass.



1) Frank Visconi, The Blowfish, Embellisher

CLAIM: Bronze Star w/V, 2 Purple Hearts, Combat Action Ribbon, and the Presidential Unit Commendation
TRUTH: It took no less an authority than the 6th US Circuit Court and the US Marine Corps to finally prove he made that up.
Say what you will about Visconi, but dude is nothing if not persistent. And he’s put in a good campaign of lobbying here lately. I especially like how he just recently found his Purple Heart and Bronze Star awards, signed by none other than Richard Nixon. Because Nixon had nothing better to do that sign awards to be awarded at a Detriot MEPS.

Got an email from Visconi last night though which was funny. He apparently thought I was Shipley. He has my email because naturally he teamed up with Wittless, Wickre and Bernath.

Below info about you is 100% accurate. A dishonor to the Trident and the SEALS. If I were a SEAL veteran, I would discontinue considering you a brother SEAL. Unfortunately your ugly sites such as TAH pit Marines against Marines too. They’ve forgotten the meaning of brothers forever and the meaning of “I have your six”. Total dishonor to the uniform and the principles of the Corps. All of you are Dirt Bags through and through.

Yeah, he’s really living the Marine Corps way….falsifying documents, filing law suits, and just being a jackass. You keep rocking that lie Visconi, I’m looking forward to any new photoshops you might find.


3) Richard Rahn, Minnesota Madman, Valor Thief

CLAIM: dude has 1 of everything I think. Ranger, CIB, and enough years deployed to account for the entire War on Terrah.
TRUTH: Not a CSM, but he is a felon.
Our second felon from Minnesota (with Lawler). MOS 05B, claims to be a Ranger. Man, that almost sounds like a drunken skydiving clown I once read about. There are 325 men who have earned a CIB with two stars, and this douchetool is not one of them.

From the Army Times though, this is the worst thing I can imagine: “In private, he offered comfort to a Gold Star family — visiting their Minnesota home, shedding tears with them over their fallen son, even offering a small statue of a praying soldier as a token of appreciation for their sacrifice. In reality, he was a faker and a felon.”

What kind of a dirtbag tries to cozy up to a Gold Star Family? Seriously, is nothing sacred?



1) Daniel A. Bernath, Bernasty McDouchenugget, Embellisher

CLAIM: Chief Petty Officer, US Navy (and a ton of other shit)
TRUTH: No, nay, never.
Fulfilling Obligations (New threats as of 12/23/14):

My promise that I will fire two .45 bullets into your chest if you approach me, a family member or my home and trigger the elements of the Florida Stand Your Ground law, are separate and apart from my CRPC warning of credible threats that you are going to be beaten to death.

 Daniel A. Bernath California Lawyer 116636

 I have again received information that there are plans underway to in lie in wait to beat you, Lilyea and Hoey and/or to murder you, members of your family,

as well as Lilyea and Lilyea’s family

and Hoey and Hoey’s family.

I make this warning to you pursuant to my obligation under CRPC and not because I care if you are severely beaten to near death or outright killed or not.
That is all that I know and any thing further could be barred pursuant to client-attorney privilege.

I look forward to you going to Jonn’s house in a way you will never understand Bernath.  You’ll be bleeding through about 20 orifices before you can even pee on his rug.  If you come here first, also fun, but Jonn would enjoy it slightly more.


2) Reverend Colyer, Reverend Doctor of Occupy, Embellisher
CLAIM: USMC Disabled Veteran with PTSD
TRUTH: OTH from USMC, no combat
I noted to Jonn last week that this is the first tournament we’ve run without IVAW making an appearance. Colyer is pretty close to being one though.

Wonder what happened to this guy, seriously. At one point he was going to kill himself because he lost custody of his kid. I’m sure the evil corporations were responsible. For other great videos by this guy, go to THIS LINK.


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Some yesterday confessed to voting against Chevy just to make sure that Daniel A. Bernath, Bernasty McDouchenugget, Embellisher, got a clearer shot to the bottom.

I almost retaliated today and started to vote for The Rev over Daniel A. Bernath, Bernasty McDouchenugget, Embellisher. I couldn’t make myself do it.

Chevy WILL prevail. He’ll start ramping up his A Game now.


You assume he has an A game to begin with. Last time I checked, he’s still five points below an F game.


Im still pulling for round Ranger to make a come from behind victory. Bernasty is a top level douche bag that none can equal, and Chevy is, well chevy, but there is something about a guy that round claiming to be a Ranger that just tickles me pink

NR Pax

It’s getting tougher now and things are heating up.


Lemon Thief Ex-marine (yep, he’s an ex) won’t make it, but I have a hardon for that asshole.


Nate Fornwalt, You piece of shit. May your glass pipe explode in your face, your fingertips burn on your keyboard, and your google searches for porn forever return empty…


Only surprise here for me was Rahn over Banks – I thought Banks was a bigger jackass. But both were bad.

Franki-boi is making a late push with his new “documents”, though.


I was surprised and disappointed. Anyone who gets their mother to start covering for their own stolen valor BS should cut to the front of the line here.


No, Rahn is a very special shitbag felon. From my home state. He won’t make the finals, but I’ll keep him TAH famous as long as I can. Tough selection this year. These fuckers are like numbers. There are so many of them…


Coyler and Heavy Chevy!!!


Man… this one was rough. I really wanted Davis to win, because he was MUCH more ridiculous! And Bernuts vice Colyer? DAMN!!!

I was hoping Colyer would get to the finals, but I’m pretty sure, Berdouche will cap his fat ass in this round.

While Fornwalt is a bigger scumbag overall, I had to go with Vagina Chin. He’s just way more ridiculous, and his fakery is much more egregious.

Crap! This was hard.


Saaaaame. Sad that Davis got knocked out, he was a personal favorite.


Before I allege vote fraud, why does every single vote always add up to 100 votes cast? (he said with a raised eyebrow). I suspect the NORKS.


Or their radical support group Per Cen Tum . . . . (smile)


It’s % not actual votes. Example, 90% of the voters thin Bernath is the king douche.


propsguy, I think GDContractor was speaking “tongue in cheek” above . . . . (smile)


Bernath has up’d his game!

I won’t discuss it now, but I can say this: based on the email I read today, I am ordering the engraved brass plaque and Bernath’s name is on it!

Congradulations Bernath … You are the winner!


“If you come here first, also fun…”

I swear that when I read that I imagined you speaking in Dr. Zoidberg”a voice for some reason-anyway it made me chuckle.

(I suppose that Bernath and his cabal of cluelessness could be Mom and her idiot sons)

Sun Tzu

Daniel A. Bernath suggests that he is in Florida, “and trigger the elements of the Florida Stand Your Ground law”.
Interesting. Best I know, his Florida address is a private box at a little shipping/remail shop in a shopping center.
While we know that his value is small enough to fit in a ring box, his bulk, including bladder catheter kit, cane, and huge bald head, wouldn’t fit in a shipping container of the 40TEU size. What a useless turd. He and his cabal of clowns, (who collectively represent him in this competition), have never ever contributed anything of value to society, and are more useless than a dogpile, (which at least fertilizes the ground it falls on).
Florida my ass, Bernath.


Still waiting for the ninja dickweed death squads to make the run up I-95. Maybe they just never got past the liquor store just past the NH border.

Yes, we have liquor stores. Open on Sunday. On the interstates. Live free or die, baby!

Oh, and Bernath? Rustle, rustle, bitch.


When we crossed into NH last Spring, I was amazed to see the huge Class VI stores on the border! It looked like welcome centers that other states have. Huge advertising. But when summer is 1 week long, you need them! Loved your state. Beautiful scenery and nice folks.


Now, SJ – I understand VT, NH, and ME all have 4 seasons, just like the rest of the US.

But like Alaska (and eastern MT), they call them “June”, “July”, “August”, and “winter”. (smile)


Contrary to rumor, we do have four seasons here.

Winter, still Winter, almost Winter, and Road Construction.

Pineywoods NCO

I voted for all # 1 seeds because it takes a few special breeds of stupid to try this late to ramp up the game.

By the way, Chevy, I’m waiting for you to come visit and explain the shortages of good old Jefferson cheddar and Blackburn jellies.

Nate, you get my vote because you are a total fuckstick on a stick.

Frankie, we have had enough of your pissing and moaning. Your latest round of paperwork isn’t even worthy of being put in the trash, just the bottom of the litter box. You were a good Marine once, but you are totally full of shit now.

And Daniel, shut up….just shut up. Latest threats and other lies, and you think we just can’t figure it out. By the way, I love your facebook profile claiming you were once the head coach of some national team of which said nation would have not ridiculed you to no end over your lies, but rather shot you on sight and that you live in Switzerland. Right…and I am have a relationship with Princess Beatrice of England. So, we know both are fibs…just fess up you sorry bastard that you are a dumbass and a liar and get off the radar for good.

Easy pickings….onward to the Fecal Four.

Pineywoods NCO

After due consideration, I wish to announce that the following shitbags should be commended for being extra shitty.

(Pulls out the giant box of papers that is about the size of the Obamacare bill write-up, opens the lid)

Aw fuck it. Too many assholes want to be like Fornwalt, Chevi, Berni and Whini, I mean Visconi. But these four are the worst of the bunch.

They each need to spend some time with another shitbag over at Leavenworth.



I think Bernath has upped his game in response to the impressive last-minute push from Visconi. I expect those two to be neck-and-neck to the finish line, but I’m still confident that Bernath will prevail in the end.

Chevy has been awfully quiet. Maybe he’s come to the realization that he just can’t elevate his assholery to the level of the other two. Or maybe he’s just busy with wedding preparations.

Jonn Lilyea

Chevy has been watching us, but he’s strangely silent.


There have been efforts to contact Dennis Howard Chevalier’s currently known as Denny Chevalier, future spousal abuse victim, Andra Laurenz. He even hijacked her Facebook profile to respond to the “Our apologies to Dennis Chevalier” thread.

Yup, he gets my vote for nomination to the fecal four. He should make it to dooky deuce. The more we get his name out there, the more google hits this guy would get so that hopefully his hoped for number 9, 10, and so on would come across research material. :mrgreen:

The man has put women, and even his own son, in danger. One of these days, his waving a loaded gun around in anger, or his finally falling off the deep end… along with his keyboard… may end up with someone losing their life.

One of these future wives could end up in the morgue if he’s allowed to keep playing his games.

The more we get google hits for Dennis Howard Chevalier also known as Denny Chevalier, the more we improve the possibility that his name would turn up in searches.

The one between Derek Church and the man that stole money from a kid bracket was a hard one. That’s getting real low. Derek Church took on this community and conned a woman into changing her life to go for him… and suckered her into lying for him.

This was rough, but I went for Church because his valor theft has continuing consequences for people near him.

Daniel Alan Bernath, not a CPO, not a former CPO, not a CPO veteran, rustle rustle guy, has played enough rain deer games to lock himself into the coprolite one position. When this tournament is over, he could brag about winning the horse’s ass medal. :mrgreen:

Frank Visconi also gets my vote, for similar reasons for my voting for the non CPO. :mrgreen:


Chevy is watching us? Oh! You must know his ISP address by heart?

Green Thumb

Balls in his mouth is my best guess.


I’m getting wobbly on Chevy…he’s fading in the turn but I won’t count him out yet. Frankie is playing a great game and he certainly checks a LOT of blocks on the SV ticket…more than you know who when it comes to SV factors only.


Well sports fans, here we are, voting for the conference winners.

Attorney ( so called) Daniel Bernath will come out with another 90 to 10 victory over the wrong reverned Colyer in the East.

The Round Ranger will squeak by the lemonade stealing embellisher in a 55 to 45 win in the western conference

Chevalier over Korfhage 75 to 25, in the battle of psychotic nut jobs this ones being billed as the Nuts of the North .

Rahn is my personal favorite for the south but Visconi the Phoney is a real crowd favorite and has momentum going into the game so Visconi over Rahn in back to back 80-20 wins.


For those interested, these comments discuss Franki-boi “Self-Produced” Visconi’s new “documents” that – if I recall correctly – he asserts he “was recently given by an acquaintance” (or words to that effect).





Wesley Wilson AKA Enigma4you

I had to vote for Kornflake. I have spoken to him and am still waiting on the proff he has stored in hos moms attic


A serious puter/webby thingy question: do the fecal 4’s have access to the thread? Can they see what the competition is doing; do they know the schedule so they can time their final asshaterry; can they vote for themselves?

I’m afraid Chevy is munching cheese, beating his wife, ironing his TX State Gurad and CAP uniforms and polishing his Hollywood helmet instead of taking care of business here.


Dennis Howard Chevalier, now known as Denny Chevalier, for Dooky Deuce along with Daniel Alan Bernath, not a CPO, not a CPO veteran, not a honorary CPO, rustle rustle guy. :mrgreen:

Dennis, Daniel, and Frank could see what’s going on here. :mrgreen:

Daniel Alan Bernath has a lock in for coprolite one and the horse’s ass medal. 😈

Commissioner Wretched

The voting decisions get more and more difficult … but I’m going with the proven winners all the way.

When it comes down to just two proven winners … what the devil will I do then? Can I vote for both?

By the way … where’s my sticker? 😉


Here. Now pipe down.


Commissioner Wretched

Dang, Hondo … that’s the best one yet!


Yeah? Well, I forgot something – here’s yer Christmas card (possibly NSFW/prudes/clergy/children).

comment image


Commissioner Wretched

Glad you warned me on that one or else I’d be out one keyboard and monitor!!! Thanks for the much-needed laugh!


(chuckling) Glad you liked it – thought you would, actually.

It’s actually reminiscent of an item I saw during the early 1980s that was designed to be used as a card. It had the sentiment in one quadrant of a 8 1/2″ x 11″ sheet of paper, and the photo of Santa on the diagonally-opposite quadrant. You photocopied it, then folded it in quarters the correct way, and “Presto!” – cheap & dirty cards. Literally.

Of course, they’d probably also have gotten you punched in the mouth or disowned when used, but what the hell. They’d save a buck or two! (smile)

Guard Bum

Man I did good on the last round, my only loss was Yetman.

So, totally unneeded I know but if you guys ever need someone to stand guard because of the threats I’m always up for a road trip. I think I even remember mu heneral orders!

Guard Bum

Er that would be “My” and “General” ….smart phone aint so smart

2/17 Air Cav

Banks lost? Crushed, I am. And I thought that Ranger Blubberbutt would be a walkover (or rollover) and he wasn’t. Of course, all of these clowns (except one) are in the NFC’s Southern Division.

Commissioner Wretched

You mean the division where the teams that still have playoff shots have sub-.500 records?

Wouldn’t it be a kick in the head to have a team that couldn’t even manage a .500 regular season make it to the Super Bowl? Wouldn’t that, in effect, make hash out of the “best of the best” that the game is supposed to be?


Not completely out of the realm of possibility. Seattle had a losing record as Division Champ in 2010 and won their first-round playoff game. And the year that Arizona made the Super Bowl, they were 9-7 in the regular season – and came damn close to winning the game.

Kinda old ET1

Yes, Bernath is the New England Patriots of this year’s tournament.


Don’t say that…cause what have the Patriots done since 2007?

I want Buttblast to win going away. Just so he knows what the world thinks of him.


Crap. This is getting really hard …

Do we have (Dis?)Honorable Mention?


Well, I did some reading of the two that will no doubt be the final turd blossoms competing here for the honors of getting the horses ass trophy.
It will be a hard decision to make but between Chevy and Birdbath I honestly think that Chevy is the worst. At least for today I think that…
Either way those two idiots make me very happy that I never started my mouth going about being something other than what I was…


IMHO bernasty is, by far, the bigger dock and pain in the ass and I understand why his supporters are so passionate about it….they have see him in action.

But, this is a SV tournament, not horses ass tournament. CHEVY and Round Ranger are repeat offenders and, it is rumored, are still rocking it.



A Proud Infidel®™

It sounds like someone needs to call a *WAAAAAHH*mbulance to the domicile of Daniel A. “Crash-Cockroach” Bernath to give him a peanut butter sandwich, some fresh Kool-Aid (with extra sugar!)and a GROUP HUG while the crew sings a few verses of “Kum-ba-yah”, maybe even give him a stuffed toy, BUT NOT ME, I couldn’t care less about him!


Yea! I voted! Anywhooooo….Yo! Birdbath! Before you head up to Jonn’s or TSO’s? Why don’t you come visit us down heah in Georgia, first? We have the finest in brand new county detainment facilities managed by a world class sheriff’s department that has the means of treating perforation wounds, too. Don’t try to fly in though, we have no airport…just drive on in to the county, one of the FIND/HEAT units will be very happy to direct you to your destination.


The Wotund Wanger,The Cheese impacted Bowels, The Incompetent Forger, and of course Dishonor in the Court are my picks for the Fecal 4.


That would be my guess as well. But Rahn and Fournwalt are also strong candidates. Personally, I won’t be shocked if either manages to make it past their opponent this round.

I still think Chavous should be here – and in the Fecal Four. Using Stolen Valor to skate on a murder charge with no time (only probation) IMO is about as low as it gets. But he’s not here, so – oh well.

Friend S. Wilkins

I got my money on James Deon Korfhage, the 2014 Punk of the Year….

E-6 type, 1 ea

William Derek Church the Round Ranger FTW!! He’s a morbidly obese Cinderella story! I never thought he’d beat SGM Davis, that dude is Youtube famous. He could go all the way folks, let’s stay tuned! After all, I did send his parents his wanted poster via certified mail, haha, so I’ve got a personal interest in this one.

B Woodman

Alright, alright, alls I wants to knows, is who’s da 10% of youse bums dat voted for Stern over Bernasty??!!


Hey – even Tom Seaver and Nolan Ryan weren’t unanimous selections for the Hall of Fame. There’s always that 10% . . . .

A Proud Infidel®™

There once was a man named Bernath, a sort
That said he’s give everyone a bath in Court
He shot and missed,
His cases dismissed.
He screamed he’d keep suing
With his face reddening and bluing,
And in the end, everyone just laughed at Bernath.


It’s sad that the Other Than Honorable Reverend Aaron Elijah Colyer didn’t keep up his game. He was hitting all the wickets: Death threats, Lawsuit Threats, Duel Challenges, obfuscation etc. He even actively solicited Anonymous in an attempt to hack TAH. He was poised to take the Blue Falcon by the tail feathers and fly into glory.

Then he faded away. So close to douchebag magnificence and then he’s gone. I guess there’s some truth in the saying “The candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long.”

B Woodman

I’m SO glad I had an empty mouth! Definite spew alert!


I think for the winner, and I think we know who that will be, we should get a good 8 Digit grid for their place of residence, and then perhaps one of our Navy brethren could possibly (solely out of curiousity) plug that grid into, oh I don’t know, the targeting computer of a Tomahawk battery, and then maybe (again all hypothetical of course) that same nameless sailor could place his full coffee mug down on the large red button (god I hope they have a big red button) that launches said Tomahawk…accidentally of course.


Let the record reflect, as many times as Bernath complained to my employer, the FBI, and DoD, I do not now, nor have I ever had a Tomahawk in my back yard.

Although I’ve plenty of room for one, should the need or desire to have one ever arise.


So many fecal piles…

Bernasty (E\…F) all the way! Threat, threat, rustle, rustle.


So I have been fairly busy today:

For those not tracking the mad cap hijinks of that wacky internet sensation Daniel A. Bernath, it seems he believed it would be a good idea to directly threaten me and my family with “murder”.

Bad idea, especially after threatening to contact my employer because I am federal employee and then sending letters to my employer.

This act coupled with posting employment information on his web site suggested at the least that he has targeted me as easy pickings because I am a federal employee.

Well I am not EASY … And the threat of “MURDER” of me and my family, that has not gone over very well today with my federal family.

So while everyone is deciding who there favorite is today, let me tell you this: There can only be one and he has already won.

To Bernath: bad move!



Damn, that shit just escalated.

There’s stupid,
then there’s that special kind of stupid,

and then, there is this Rocket Surgeon.

A Proud Infidel®™

He made a death threat across State lines? Talk about nuclear weapons grade STOOPID!! I see him as the kind who would shit in his own front yard and try to blame his neighbors for how it looks and smells afterward!!

*rustle rustle*


To a Federal Employee no less, who , most likely works in, a Federal Building.

Hey Bernath, if the bushes are “rustling” tonight, that’s the breach team coming to put zip cuffs on you and haul your ass to a holding cell. Good luck with that this Christmas Holiday.

A Proud Infidel®™

Maybe he WANTS to be Bubba & Thor’s “Property”?


I think Bernath WANTS to win.

He wants to put it on his website and use it as ammo for another lawsuit.

That’s why I’m not voting for him.


^^^^^WORD^^^^^^ I was going to post the same thing but my theme was that losing will put Bernasty in a rage and even more fun to watch. A twofer if you will: Bernasty in a melt down and the “Winner” (hope it is Chevy or Round). I’m in the same grid square as Round and call the Lenoir paper as a tip.


Wow. A thinking person would not poke a bear that lives in NYC at this particular time. And I think you are a LEO? Amazing.


Well, if we’re simply going for the biggest asshole on the planet, it is definitively bernutsless. He has far too much interest in male gonads and we’ve been informed that he is now grooving on Lady Gagme, for Pete’s sake.

And there’s all that other stuff – the usual threats, lies, weak attempted intimidation techniques. Definitely amateurish. Was he planning to employ Stern to carry out that stuff? (He went to Jared!) The dustups with NTSB/FAA count for something, too, never mind all that defrauding SSDI clients, although I have to say that using a UPS drop box in a shopping center in Florida is SO lame.

bernitwit defines the term ‘bloviating asshole’. The rest just can’t hold a candle to him, no matter how much you might wish it.

So it will boil down to bernutless and chevy chevette the cheesefish blobeater.

But what if there’s a tie for Blatant Asshole of the Year? Is that possible?


THe death threats combined with the legal mumbo jumbo, I just lost IQ points, and unlike the rest of you good people, I can’t afford to lose them.

Forget this tourney, he’s already won it, sad to say , but we can’t let it stop there. After the results are in, we need to give him a lifetime “A-cheesement” award, retire his number, and name the friggin horses ass trophy after him for all time so that next years winner can hoist the Bernath Cup.

He’s so far out there he’s on his way back in.

mr. sharkman

I would look at the positive side of Bernath threatening to murder the Master Chief and his Family.

This is obviously a ‘last gasp’ response from Bernath.

As a matter of fact, I suspect that sometime in the next 2-3 months, Bernath will change course 180 and probably completely disappear from the internet and all of his real life acquaintances.

Wherever he goes after that supreme change of heart, I’d like to wish him well because I doubt that anyone will every hear anything from him again.


Um…be like a Houdini and go *POOF* ? 😎


Is someone who goes “poof” considered a “poofter”? (smile)

Commissioner Wretched

From “goof” to “poof”!


So sad that Swollen Valor did not make it


I cannot believe that Yetman did not make the cut. He was on national news for his ass-clownery! Then, “SGM” Davis… Stolen valor youtube Classic if ever there was one. I might have shed a tear on these. Heavy Chevy don’t let me down now!

Jonn Lilyea

Tomorrow is a big day – three new phonies for the next tournament. I guess NPRC is pushing out the FOIAs for Christmas, or something.


Anybody hear from Sparks?


Thank you for asking! You beat me to it. Also concerned about JRM.

Green Thumb

I sent an email on the 22 but have not gotten a reply.

Combat Historian

greggy banks is out? Well, shiiit…


This saddens me!

He truly took Stolen Valor to a new level.

There is an up side: his 18 year old boy toy, who wanted to give Banks up for money, while extorting more money out of me, is probably giving him stress relieving back rubs while Broadway show tunes are played in the background.

Yeah … Banks did tell some of his clients he was an Army officer. In fact, we had direct contact several of them and offered to mentor the youngsters involved.

Banks could have gone all the way. But, Bernath has this all wrapped up!

That is all!

sierra charlie alpha too many india(s)

Fornwalt. Kinda sad De..I don’t Care didn’t make it.

Had to vote for Chevalier. I mean the damn guy has scammed his way into several marriages, i.e. more victims. Though Korfhage went as far to send death threats.

Visconi may be an Italian from Detroit (We WOPS take care of our own), Rahn conned a Gold Star Family. That’s unforgivable.

Colyer seems like small potatoes compared to the fake Chief Petty Officer

Jordan Rott

My favorite part was him saying “Get my 30/30” (I believe that’s what he said.) Because you know veterans immediately go to the lever action! You should FOIA him one more time and ask specifically if he was a civil war vet. He must of been a ranger if he was threatening to torture your family, he probably went to CIA water boarding class when he was in his 20th day at basic (It’s only a one day course) after doing RIP on his 17th and 18th day of basic then ranger school on the 19th day. You must be shaking in your boots waiting for him to show up. If he does show up, you can counter his 30/30 with your Spencer Repeating Rifle or maybe your Colt Army 1860. Be careful though, James Korfhage spent 21 days in basic, which basically makes him a 40/40 at weapons qual everytime and pretty much a sniper.