Rejina Sincic urges kids to be felons

| December 22, 2014

This person Rejina Sincic tries to be edgy with her video that she calls a Public Service Announcement urging kids to steal their parents’ guns and turn them in to their teachers (as if teachers are trustworthy) because they don’t feel safe while their law abiding parents own guns legally. For one thing, stealing a gun from parents is a felony and then taking the gun to school is another felony, so you probably shouldn’t do it.

It would never happen in my house, if I’m not wearing a firearm on my hip, it’s locked in my gun safe – in my effort to keep people from committing that felony.

I get the feeling that the only people who will see this “PSA” are conservatives who are mad about it, anyway. No self respecting media outlet would show it.

By the way, remember our SF faker, Ray Schepansky? He was initially arrested because he was a teacher who took his gun to school to threaten his peers. So teachers are no more trustworthy than anyone else, kids.

Thanks to ROS for the link.

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists

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I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. It’s a different America then the one I grew up in the 50’s.


Ain’t that the truth.

As a cop, I used to get called to schools on a regular basis. I grew up in the 60s and I cannot remember even one instance when I saw a cop at any of my schools. Unless you want to count the nuns as cops…extremely sadistic cops. 😉

It was a much more innocent time back then.


It was a much more innocent time back then.

Yeah, ain’t dat da troof [/Baretta Bobby Blake voice].

We could even bring jack knives to school and play mumble-the-peg (mumbly peg) during recess.

It was great in the 50s and 60s!


Shit its different from the 80s and 90s too, and not for the better

A Proud Infidel®™

Two words describe my opinion of that video – EXTREMELY IDIOTIC!!!

Lurker Curt

The stupid, it BURNS!!!


Roger in Republic

Great Idea! Kid takes Dad’s gun to school. Leftist administration panics and calls cops. Kid arrested, or worse. What could go wrong with that?


“So teachers are no more trustworthy than anyone else, kids.”

Maybe it was an anomaly, but when I was a cop, I was shocked at the number of teachers I nailed for some serious violations. Driving without a license or insurance. I warned one teacher once to get his act together, then a month later I got him for the same thing.

Driving on a revoked license. Guy had had multiple DUIs and just kept driving.

And in Hawaii, we had several cases of teachers who were dealing drugs or were caught doing drugs. The state wanted to start drug tests for teachers, but the damn teacher’s union was having none of that. Frankly, to someone who was a naval officer and cop and went through piss tests, I was insulted that I could it, but not the precious felons, I mean teachers in the Aloha State.


Part of this was filmed in a school. Gun-School WTF kids get suspended for pointing a finger.


And no one realizes that this is pretty much what Adam Lanza did? He stole his mom’s gun and took it to school. He did give it to the teacher, one bullet at a time.

If that was too dark for anyone, tough shit.


Typical lefty BS. Sad reality that they can justify trampling on the rights of others, encourage others to do the same and worse, and never have to face any negative consequences for their actions.

Goofy loons.

2/17 Air Cav

Yeah, there is felony theft, as well as possession of stolen property, possession of a deadly weapon, carrying a concealed deadly weapon, possession of a firearm on school property, possession of a firearm on a school bus (presumably)and others, depending upon the state in which these crimes were committed. So, let’s say that a really stupid kid takes this not-so sage advice but is caught with it before he attempts to turn it in or, if not, the teacher freaks. Are the producers of this idiotic PSA going to pay for the kid’s defense attorney and provide him with a private tutor because he certainly isn’t going to be permitted to remain in school. I would love to know whose fingerprints are on this production. Was it indeed filmed in a school? If so, how so?

Pinto Nag

You know something has gone off the rails when it’s the teachers begging for a Police State. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t the teachers (and the journalists) the FIRST people who get stood up and shot in a Communist takeover?

Roger in Republic

One can only hope!. But yes, the intellectuals are usually the first to go. I remember when the Camere Rouge killed anyone who wore glasses because only the literate need to wear them.

The Other Whitey

According to my in-laws, the teachers and doctors were the first ones to be stacked in ditches by the Khmer Rouge.


What about a kid bringing their parents’ dope to school and turning that in?

Next it will be their liquor, then….?

Hell take the car keys as well…the car can sure kill and maim.

PC run amok!

2/17 Air Cav

Don’t forget informing on the kid who has the Hershey Kisses and can of Orange Crush. These are crimes nowadays, contray to the good order of the reich.

Green Thumb



More stupidity from the gun fearing left. That’s like having a fear of baseball bats, tire irons, kitchen utensils, extreme weather, toys with small parts and blunt objects.


The Stupid is strong with this one.


Maybe there’s some safety to be learned after all from this video.
Someone needs to do a VH1 pop-up type reply, with a ticker counting every stupid thing he does (e.g., grabs and removes a presumably loaded firearm from a drawer, with his finger on the trigger; later, points said firearm at his teacher) and every felony he commits.
Finish it off with comments from LEOs as how they’d resolve said situation.


Teacher certainly looked like she knew what to do with it.
After she changed drawers.


Ugh…How can one person be so out of touch with reality? I take that back. How can so many people be that out of touch with reality? Because this one ding dong that made this film is just a drop in the bucket of dumb that is breathing, voting, and unfortunately, in office supposedly representing the people. I do know that common sense is not that common but how so many people be completely blind? It’s so damn frustrating.


Pretty hilarious adults the scaring the piss out of kids like this. A kid being shot by a gun is one of the most unlikely ways to be killed.

I’m going to start turn in a bucket, stove, and stairs campaign video. You know. Something kids actually die from in large numbers.


Include bathtubs and sinks in that. And remember, toothbrushes can choke you.

Kinda old ET1

How about a follow up PSA?
Say about three weeks later, when some meth-head kicks his way into the house and mom is left defenseless?

Mr. Blue

Better yet, it’s a few years later. The kid can’t get a decent job because of the black mark on his record. Turns out the teacher didn’t believe his “I was just wanting to turn it in” story, so they threw the book at him. His family is broke from getting charged as an accessory.
Now, after years of jail, the kid’s turned to crime.

Happy now, gun banners?


Turned to crime? Be real, MrBill.

How would a convicted felon EVER get his or her hands on a gun? The law says they can’t own or even temporarily have one in their possession!

(For our occasional libidiot readers, the above is sarcasm. S-A-R-C-A-S-M.)

B Woodman

To a ProgTard Libtard, it’s all about the feeeeeelings. And not even the feelings of a mature, responsible adult. On noes, it’s all about the feeeeeeelings of an immature youth. Which brings us full circle back to the Libtard, who has the same (im)maturity as the youth.


I wonder how she would have felt at my HS some 30-40 years ago when we drove to school with guns IN PLAIN SIGHT on the rifle racks, so we could get a little hunting in before or after school?


The term “swoon” somes to mind.


I blogged this yesterday as well. My buddy Erin actually did a scrub of all the different crimes, including federal felony, that were committed in this dumbassery.

I also ridiculed this dumb bitch on Twitter, because… well… I can.


“…self respecting media…”

Isn’t that a self canceling phrase?


She made the Youtube video private. Here it is on Vimeo:


Rusty Magwell

Where to start?

Forget the numerous felonies that this kid committed and the danger he put everyone in who came in contact with him. And forget zero tolerance policies that most every school in America now have. And forget the fact that his parents will most likely be arrested. Forget that whatever college fund was set aside for this dimwit will now go to legal fees.

It appears to me this could be a single-parent household and the mother probably feels a handgun is the best way to protect her family.

It also overtly promotes the indoctrination of our kids by the schools. This kid has learned to trust his teachers more than his parents.

This is the very definition of “epic fail”.

BTW, the gun shown is a bb gun. Enough to get you arrested, but not enough to defend your family. Stupit on a new record level.